Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Board held at 11.30am on Friday 12 July 2002 at the University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London
Attendance:Neil WalkerSenior Vice Chair (in the Chair)
Tiger De SouzaStudent Vice Chair
Mike ThomasStudent Vice Chair
Rob DavenportLondon
Liz BellMidlands
Colin LeemanNorth East
Alex HarrisNorth West
Cameron Crombie-SmithScotland
Lucy WalkerSouth West
Lawrie InmanWales
Michael BlasebalkNon Student England
Ian CampbellNon Student Wales
C J LeeChairman Member Services Committee
G.Gregory JonesChief Executive
Dave RogersFinance and Office Manager
In Attendance:Jo KirkBUSA Sports Administrator
Rachel EvansULU Sports Development Officer
Apologies:Jim Brown Trustee
Sir Maurice ShockTrustee
Bill SlaterTrustee
Lenny BarryChairman
Nigel MayglothlingSenior Vice Chair
Alex ChapmanStudent Vice Chair (Outgoing)
David ForbesStudent Vice Chair (Outgoing)
Ben ShentonStudent Vice Chair (Incoming)
Neil RogersStudent Vice Chair (Incoming)
Trish McFarlandNon Student Northern Ireland
Niall SturrockNon Student Scotland
Phil AttwellChairman National Competition Sports Committee
Jim EllisSports Administration Manager
That the minutes of the meeting held on Friday 10 May 2002 be signed as a true record of the proceedings.
E02/42Matters Arising
a)President (E02/25a)
Following the request for submission of names of suitable individuals to assume the role of President, Chief Executive reported suggestion of Sir Adrian Cadbury, Chancellor of Aston University, ex Olympic oarsman, who was still administratively active in his own sport and was a businessman of some repute. It was agreed that a full curriculum vitae of Sir Adrian be obtained and circulated to members.
b)Website (E02/25b)
Members noted that following feedback from participants at Summer Training Conference, input to the information website was nearing completion. Concern was expressed that AU Presidents had not yet been asked to enter the individual University pages which, consequently, were not ready to go live. Chief Executive to write to all Presidents providing guidance on how to undertake this work, with a suggested launch date of 1st September.
c)Business Plan (E02/35)
In response to a question it was reported that Chairman had written to the Chairs of Standing Committees concerning progress of Business Plan for 2002 / 2003. A revised plan would be presented to the next meeting of the Board.
The Management Accounts for the period ending 30 June 2002 had been circulated along with explanatory notes. In absence of Honorary Treasurer, the Finance and Office Manager responded to specific questions viz:-
a)International sport costs which would be shown as an overspend in 2001 / 2002 accounts related to income received in 2000 / 2001.
b)Telephone and postage savings should be more apparent in 2002 / 2003 as a result of electronic communication. Savings in 2001 / 2002 marginal because member adoption of such communication had been gradual process.
c)Committee expenses under budget as result of use by many committees of conference call facilities rather than physical meetings.
d)Legal and audit costs had increased during year and Association would be going to tender for 2002 / 2003 audit to effect a cost saving.
e)Fixed asset depreciation had increased as result of purchase of new server.
E02/44Role of BUSA Divisions
It was noted that outgoing and incoming Student Vice Chairs would arrange an induction course for the Chairs of Divisions to discuss the work and role of Divisions within the Association.
In addition, for the 2002 / 2003 Year, the three incoming Student Vice Chairs had accepted responsibility for liaison with divisional members viz:-
Neil RogersLondon; Midlands; South East
Ben ShentonNorth East; North West; Scotland
Tiger de SouzaSouth Central; South West; Wales
Such an arrangement would be additional to the Officer and staff member allocated to attend Divisional meetings on invitation.
Two Divisions had responded formally to Chairman on the role of Divisions and a verbal report by a third was presented to Executive Board. It was agreed that further debate should be encouraged and the early induction of Divisional Chairs by the Student Vice Chairs would facilitate such debate.
It was accepted that adherence to an Association wide meetings calendar, which was designed so that Divisional debate could feed into Standing Committee agendas and Executive Board, would reinforce a role for Divisions. The calendar for next year was circulated, and members invited to fit Divisional meetings into the windows indicated.
E02/45Officer Group Meeting
The minutes of the 5 June 2002 Officer Conference Call meeting had been circulated. Members commented upon the well-structured and well-organised 2002 Annual Training Conference. It was noted that feedback, based on initial impression, had been requested from attendees, a second feedback exercise would be undertaken part way through the year to ascertain whether there were areas of work / responsibility which Athletic Union Presidents would wish to see addressed at future Training Conferences.
E02/46International Sport Committee
a)Members noted that Iain Moir, previously World University Games Association Football Team Manager, and a member of the Football Sports Management Group had been appointed Deputy Chef de Mission for the 2003 World University Games in Daegu. The appointment was part of a strategy of training for succession.
That the action of International Sport Committee in respect of appointment of Iain Moir be endorsed.
b)Chief Executive reported that the team entered into the FISU World University Match Racing Championships had achieved the Gold Medal.
E02/47National Competition Sport Committee
The minutes of the 1 July 2002 meeting of the National Competition Sport Committee had been circulated. In the absence of the Chair to that Committee the Student Vice Chair (TDS) addressed certain aspects of the minutes viz:-
a)Criteria for performance measurement of Sports Management Groups had been agreed and would be discussed at the proposed meeting of Sports Management Group Chairs.
It was emphasised that the Associations Sports Management Groups had a responsibility for issues relating to both Britain and the four Home Nations.
b)Discussion on the policy for domestic representative sport would continue in the 2002 / 2003 Committee.
c)The recommendation that in the light of the financial situation, consequent upon no title sponsor, Sports Management Groups should meet only twice rather than three times per year, unless approval for an additional meeting is given by the Chief Executive and it fits within the SMG budget, was agreed.
That Sports Management Groups meet twice per year; any additional meeting to have prior approval of Chief Executive.
d)As a result of apparent confusion in the interpretation of rules 1.6 and 7.1.5 relating to eligibility of students for representative sport it was recommended that rule 7.1.5 be amended by the removal of the final clause.
That the words “ ……and have the support of the Athletic Union or Sports Office” be deleted from rule 7.1.5.
e)A request from the Swimming and Diving Management Group for a change of title to Swimming Management Group had been considered and rejected.
f)Changes to sports rules and regulations were noted.
g)The request from the Squash Management Group that the merit league be fully integrated was rejected on basis that profile and standing of the Association’s league programme could be adversely affected if two teams from the same institution progressed to the same Championship final.
h)Executive Board members expressed concern that the budget agreed by National Competition Sport Committee for Domestic representative Sport did not show parity between the nations. It was accepted that England required greater resources to organise selection fixtures consequent upon number of institutions and geography but thereafter it was view of Executive Board that nations should receive equality of treatment.
That National Competition Sport Committee readdress or explain the Domestic Sport Budgets bias to EUAU competition.
i)Following discussion it was agreed that information to Basketball captains should emphasise that a 24 second shot clock would not be compulsory until the 2003 / 2004 season.
j)The resolution to amend rule 55.3.4 was endorsed but with the proviso that it was made clear it referred only to 1st team knock out rounds.
That the minutes of the 1 July 2002 meeting of the National Competition Sport Committee be noted and with the exception of the Domestic Representative Sports budget action taken thereon endorsed.
E02/48Members Services Committee
The minutes of the 30 May 2002 meeting of the Members Services Committee had been circulated and were addressed by the Chair to that Committee who drew the attention of members to specific issues viz:-
a)A Guide to Sports Scholarships which had been produced in association with ISCO Publications. Members agreed that the Committee should be commended on the excellent nature of the publication.
b)Divisional training guidelines had been circulated by the Committee; Executive Board representatives were asked to send copies of any Divisional Training programmes to Chair of Members Services by end of July.
c)Member Services had assumed responsibility for the promotion of the BUSA lottery, the Student Vice Chair (TDS) taking the lead role. It was again emphasised that there would be no BUSA staff input into the promotion or administration of the lottery. Members noted that the Association accounts would show a deficit on lottery for 2001 / 2002 since income had not covered printing cost expenditure.
d)High priority would be given to the Volunteer investment strategy in the 2002 / 2003 year. With Executive Board support the Chair of the Committee would request a transfer of unspent budget from 2001 / 2002 year to 2002 / 2003. Members were informed that the scheme discussed with the British Youth Trust for tracking Community Sports Leader Award holders into Universities had received DCMS funding and would commence in 2002 / 2003.
e)Members agreed that Member Services Committees could contribute significantly to the Marketing Strategy for the Association.
f)Discussions continued on the possibility of train discounts for Wednesday afternoon sport. Initial discussion was with Virgin Trains because of a FOBs contact therein but would be extended to other companies in due course.
g)Possibility for Website / SMS sponsorship was being investigated. Chief Executive reported that via the CCPR a number of Governing Bodies including the Association were in discussion with an SMS provider.
That the minutes of the 30 May 2002 meeting of the Members Services Committee be noted and action taken thereon endorsed.
E02/49Appeals and Disciplinary Committee
Notes of a meeting of the Disciplinary Committee held on 20 June 2002 had been circulated.
That the decisions of the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee meeting of 20 June 2002 be noted and endorsed.
Members were informed that consequent upon the need for Standing Committees to meet before the next Executive Board meeting it was proposed that a postal election for appointment to Committees should be undertaken. It was agreed that all nominations along with any supporting statements would be circulated to all Executive Board members with appropriate voting papers and that all Standing Committees would be established by 1 September.
That a postal ballot be undertaken, among Executive Board members, for the appointment of individuals to the Association’s Standing Committees.
E02/51Divisional Meetings
Reports of Divisional Meetings had been circulated and were taken viz: -
a)London25 June 2002 – nominations for Committees noted, no other recommendations.
b)Midlands 25 June 2002 – nominations for Committees noted as were issues for future discussion within Division. The importance of any Divisional sponsor not conflicting with any potential title sponsor was emphasised.
c)North West 10 / 11 June 2002 – no recommendations.
d)Scotland 9 May 2002 – various issues referred by Division to Association’s Standing Committees.
e)South West 28 May 2002 – no recommendations.
Two verbal reports were presented viz:-
f)South Central 22 June 2002 – no recommendations.
g)Wales22 June 2002 – no recommendations.
E02/52Any Urgent Business
a)Department of Culture, Media and Sport Report
A resume of the DCMS report “The role of F & HE in delivering the Governments plan for sport”, prepared by the Student Vice Chair (TDS) had been circulated. Members noted the key issues in the document and the fact that the Officer Group would continue to monitor progress of the report and inform Executive Board accordingly.
b)UCS Statement on value of Sport in Universities and Colleges
A statement prepared by UCS on the value of sport in Universities and Colleges had been circulated. Members welcomed the document which was seen as a positive initiative in the promotion of University sport. It was noted that the initial concept had been for a joint statement to be issued under the name of UCS and BUSA, difficulties in representatives meeting had however resulted in UCS taking the lead. Members mandated the Officers to respond to UCS urgently and in a positive manner and seek to secure BUSA branding on and within document. The principal concern was that BUSA should be perceived within the statement as a representative voice of University sport at all levels from participation to performance and not simply as a “fixture bureau”. Where possible the work of BUSA, and the HE sector, with National Governing Bodies should be emphasised, as should the management and development of student sport by both BUSA and UCS.
It was agreed that the statement could be a valuable tool in any campaign for protection of Wednesday sport.
That with necessary amendment to reflect the role of the Association, the UCS statement on the value of sport in Universities and Colleges be fully endorsed and the Officers seek to have the document issued as a joint UCS / BUSA statement.
E02/53Close of Meeting
There being no further business the Chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 4.07pm.
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