Educational Studies Faculty Meeting
Friday, January 16, 2009
9:00 am
Present: Becky Cox; Sandra Murray, Jim Petty, Michael Spaulding, Patricia Hewitt, Mark Hewitt, Betty Cox, Suzanne Maniss, Linda Blanding, Ann Duncan, Robert Hartshorn, Joyce Swan, Crystal Whitlow, Cherry Watts, Robert Erk, Kathy Evans, Gwendolyn Tomlin, Ginny Esch, Glenda Rakes, Beverly Hearn, Beth Quick (chair), Tarica Coble (secretary).
I. Call to Order: Dr Beth Quick (chair) called meeting to order.
II. Approval of Minutes from Nov. 14, 2008 Meeting:
Motion: Sandra Murray Second: Becky Cox Minutes Approved
III. Greetings, Celebrations, Accomplishments:
1 Dr. Quick announced to faculty that Dr. Becky Cox has received the UT Alumni Teaching Award. Congratulations were given to Dr. Cox for this achievement.
2. Dr. Patricia Hewitt had a surprise at home from her husband Mark. He had remodeled her bathroom while she was gone.
3. Dr. Esch’s daughter got to come home after two years, but she hit a deer before she got home.
IV. Announcements:
A. Important Dates: Classes end, Finals, Commencement, spring 2009
Dr. Quick briefly discussed these dates with faculty members.
B. Kappa Delta Pi –UTM Chapter and Member Initiation:
Official notification that a new chapter has been approved for UTM has been received. The first induction for this chapter will be March 26 at 4:00p.m. Faculty members are eligible to be members. Dr. Quick will give more information and dates at a later date.
C. Office Hours and Syllabi Submissions are due to T. Coble by Friday, Jan. 23.
V. Old Business: None
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Committee Reports:
B. Faculty Senate Report:
1. Dr. Esch reported that there will be a reconstruction meeting on Thursday.
2. The purchase of text books for library. It is a law that this must be done. According to this law all you have to show is that these books have been requested.
3. Course evaluation on-line had been discussed
4. Dr. Evan reported that Faculty Senate has been reviewing how to figure transfer hours of last 30 hours, must this be determined by each individual department. At least 75% of hours must be at UTM. Dr. Evans’s offered to send to faculty additional information.
5. Dr. Evans reported that there will be a Senate meeting on February 10th. Dr. Peterson will be a guest at this meeting.
C. Education Student Services Report:
Student Teaching Applications are due Feb. 2
Student Teaching Portfolios are due Fri March 27
Dr. Quick reported that there are 120 student teachers out in the field. At this time we have enough supervisors for all student teachers.
D. Maymester and Summer School:
Faculty members may teach one class during Maymester and a regular load during summer term. Classes must have a minimum of 10 enrolled. This term will start on Monday, three days after graduation, and will run 3 weeks. Students may enroll in a maximum of 6 credit hours. Faculty will be paid a flat rate of $4000 at the end of May. This will not be counted toward summer pay maximum. Dr. Quick distributed a sign-up sheet to determine faculty interested in teaching during Maymester and what summer classes they would like to teach.
E. Travel Policy:
Dr. Quick stressed to faculty that budget cuts have effected travel reimbursements. All non –exempt travel must be approved by Dr. Ogg’s office. All travel that has already been approved for travel prior to January 1, 2009 must be re-approved. We do not know at this time if these will be approved.
F. LRC Move to Paul Meek Library:
Recommendation that LRC be moved to Library has been approved. This will be completed by spring break. There is some equipment in LRC that belongs to our department. Dr. Quick asked faculty to start thinking about how this equipment can be utilized and stored. There is also question of the utilization of the space that will be empty. Dr. Quick would like to use some of this space for additional classrooms. There is a question as to who will be using this space since other departments on campus have already expressed interest.
G. Faculty should schedule appointments for Performance & Assessment Conferences with Dr. Quick
There is a sign-up sheet on Tarica’s door for faculty to sign up to meet with Dr. Quick to schedule their Performance and Assessment Review appointment.
H. The department must elect one representative to Faculty Senate for a three year term (Term of Dr. Ginny Esch expires on June 30, 2009).
This will be done by written ballot or email by faculty. Dr. Evans advised faculty there could possibly be changes for elections for Senate members based on the upcoming reorganization
Dr. Quick thanked Dr. Esch for serving.
I. ABC Teach University Partnership:
This is a resource for student and faculty for free to use. Dr. Quick stated this is not a requirement, but that she has more information she will forward via email.
Jennifer Cook has requested a new faculty advisor for STEA be identified for the next academic year. Dr. Quick asked for volunteers.
VII. Miscellaneous:
Dr. Quick reminded faculty to regularly check their emails for updates and important information
VIII. Adjournment:
Motion: Becky Cox Second: Patricia Hewitt Meeting Adjourned