G.H. My name is Gordon Higginson

KP: Hello Gordon, It’s Ken Pretty here
GH: Yes I know. That’s why I’m here you know.

Rosheen: You’re very clear

G.H. Well I hope so I used to do this work when I was upon the earth

K.P. Absolutely

G.H. I did didn’t I
KP: Yes you did

G.H. Yes. I’ve given your little friend, that young man, (Shane) I’ve given him my signature

K.P.: Wonderful thank you

GH: It’s my pleasure of course

KP: How wonderful to hear from you. I worked in your churchin London Road. Stoke on Trent. It was a long time ago. Way back in the early 60’s

G.H. But did you not work at Castleford
K.P. Oh yes that’s right. I do apologise
K.P. Don’t forget
He’s trying to catch me out for sure

You know you can’t do that

KP: I well remember that I didn’t eat off the same plate twice the same kind of plate. Always you had those beautiful plates, that wonderful crockery.

G.H. You know Frank was very good

G.H. Did you hear me?

KP: No. What did you say Gordon?

G.H. Wait a moment

G.H. I said do you know Frank was very good don’t you

G.H. Do you remember Frank?
KP: Yes I do

G.H. Yes of course
G.H. Do you remember that demonstration that I gave in the Sanctuary
KP: I can’t remember. You know as you know as mediums we purposely wipe out things so that we don’t repeat ourselves.

G.H. Well of course
K.P. So I do apologize for that

G.H. I know I’m right, you know that don’t you

G.H. I wasn’t often was I?
No I wasn’t was I

G.H. I so miss being among the throngs of people at Stanstead. But alas I’ve got my friends here now. You know. Oh Yes. Oh Yes.
K.P. Yes, There’s a few there now

G.H. Yes. I’m with my mother, Fanny. And Frank’s here of course. You know that don’t you.Yes you do. Yes Frank’s here too

K.P Wonderful

G.H. While I’m here I would like to dedicate your church. Would you mind?

K.P. That would be wonderful thank you
G.H. I’m sure it would

KP: That’s my wife that’s speaking there Gordon

G.H.Yes I know
KP: I’m just saying that we were only married in 2002
G.H.Yes I know
Elizabeth: You know everything Gordon
G.H:. Of course I do.

G.H:Let me start what I was going to do.

Ladies and Gentlemen gathered here I would like to dedicate this church known as the Spiritualist Alliance Church in Auckland
May the spirit always dwell within the doors and the confines of this church may the light spirit always permeate the walls and ceilings and floors
May the light of spirit always be amongst everyone that enters through the doors of this church

And may the officers of this church always give themselves in service to humanity and also to the spirit

But most of all may they always give in love of the spirit
Always give in the true thought of mankind

I declare this church open for all who cross the threshhold to find the spirit that dwells therein.
God bless you all.

Elizabeth: Thank you so much Gordon
Sound of de-materialization.
Elizabeth: That’s wonderful