Elementary Italian I FLI 101Sections 3 &4 FALL 2010

Instructor: Michèle Darrah

Office: Wither 423



Website: /

OFFICE HOURS: M, W 2:00 to 3:30 pm and by appointment.


- CIAO!, Carla Federici –Carla Riga, Boston: Thomas/Heinle, 7th Ed

- CIAO! WORKBOOK and LAB MANUAL, Carla Federici –Carla Riga, Boston: Thomas/

Heinle, 7th Ed

Objectives: The course will give particular attention to developing skills of listening, speaking, writing and reading. All the skills will be supported by listening to CD’s, watching Videos, active speaking in class, grammar exercises, games, reading about every day situations, using the lab. You will be able to present yourself to others, to understand and use familiar everyday expression, to ask simple questions and make elementary conversation. Italian Art History and Italian History lectures, appropriate to this level, will be presented in class.

You will developan interest not only in the Italian language but also an understanding for the Italian culture.

Please remember: Be on time; bring your book; do not bring food into the classroom; turn off your cell phone. During class go out only if absolutely necessary – andnot during grammar explanation or correction!

Participation: Attendance and active participation in class are of primary importance in order to learn a foreign language. You are required to do all the assigned homework such as: learning the vocabulary and grammar rules, listening to your audio CD repeatedly,doing the exercises in the workbook, and the readings. Attendance in the language lab is also required –an average of one hour per week. In addition there will be: some mini quizzes, a grammar –vocabulary test at the end of each chapter, a mid term exam, an oral exam, and a final exam.

**Please obtain any missing assignment from a fellow student.

Lab:You should keep your Workbook/Lab Manual up-to-date. This work should be finished at the end of each chapter, but it’s best to do it as we progress through the chapter. I’ll try to make the audio files available to you on line, but you may also use the language lab. In order to use the lab you must have ‘Ciao! Workbook and Lab Manual’ 7thEd. Once in the Lab please request tapes for ‘Ciao! 7th Ed’ .The Lab personal will assist you. Lab: LanguageTechnologyCenter 214 LaundryBuilding, Tel #515 – 2463

The work in the Workbook for each chapter is to be completed before the test for that chapter.

Tentative Schedule of Chapters, Quizzes and Exams:

By: Finish Ch:

08/23 Primo Incontro

09/8 Ch.1

09/10Test n1

09/20 Ch.2



MID-TERM EXAM: October 6, 2010

10/20 Ch.4

10/22Test n3

11/03 Ch.5

11/05Test n4

11/19 Ch.6

11/22Test n5



FLI 101-004: Dec 10 (9-12am)


Attendance, assignments, class participation, improvement, lab 20%*

Tests 25%

Mini quizzes5%

Mid-term Exam 15%

Final Exam 25%

Oral Exam 10%

Grading Scale: +/- grading scale. Ex: A+/- 100-97; B+/- 89-80; C+/- 79-70; D+/-69-60; F <60

Make up: It is your responsibility to contact me as soon as possible if you miss a quiz due to an emergency (with supporting documentation). Make up quizzes are given only when certified appropriately and only incase of: official university functions, required court attendance, required military duty, religious festivity, emergency absences such as illness or injury, death or serious illness in the family. The excused missed quiz must be rescheduled with me. In case you have a missing quiz and you didn’t make it up, your grade for that quiz will be F.

Attendance: Students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the course. In case of absences, please be prepared to show me supporting documentation. More than three (3) unexcused absences will negatively affect your final grade (-3 points). In case of accumulation of 9 unexcused absences, the semester grade will be F.Also see the website:

Honor Code: In this class, as in all classes at NCSU, the rules of the Honor Code must be observed. Also see the website:

Accommodation for Student with Disabilities: I will do my best to accommodate any documented disable student. In addition if you have any disability, please see the website:

NCSU Summer Program in Italy:From Prof.Anna Rita Bonaduce-Dresler:

If you are interested in studying in Italy, please contact me. I will be more than happy to guide you in this process. I direct the Summer Study Program in Italy. You can find information about this program in my webpage and I will be more than happy to guide you in this process.

My Website:

Italian Club: At NCSU there is also the ITALIAN CLUB to further understanding of Italian culture, history, and language. You are strongly invited to participate in the Club’s different activities. This is not mandatory but you can earn two (2) extra points attending and being active in the Italian Club. Please contact Prof. Anna Rita Bonaduce, who is Italian Club advisor, for further information.

Other Important Websites:

Tutoring: An Italian tutor will be to your disposition this semester. Please contact

the tutorial center


Note:Unfortunately this service is not always available.

The Study Abroad Office: .

*Attendance, class participation, assignments, lab/work grades

Attendance is mandatory. Being late more than 5 min is equal to 1/3 of an absence (3 tardies = 1 absence) More than 3 absences drop the participation grade (1/3 grade per absence)

Positive Participation

A (+/-): You always come to class on time and complete your assignments well and in timely fashion. You always return your Lab Work, your HW is extremely well presented and always on time. You always show a great enthusiasm and a strong interest not only in the Italian language but also for the Italian culture. You always use the Italian language as mean of communication with me and with other students. You frequently respond to questions and are a very active participant in class. You have a very positive attitude.

B (+/-): You always come to class and complete your assignments well and in timely fashion. You always return your Lab Work, your HW is extremely well presented and always on time. You try to contribute to class discussions and communicate in Italian, but with some mistakes. You respond to questions and are an active participant in class. You have a positive attitude.

Negative Participation

C (+/-): You come to class but you are not always prepared (ex. up to 3 times). You rarely return your Lab Work when it is due and you rarely complete your HW. You seldom use the Italian language in class. You pay attention, but you are not an active class participant. You have a reckless attitude.

D (+/-): You come to class but sometimes late and you are frequently unprepared (ex. up to 6 times). You don't pay always attention. You are not an engaged class participant. You rarely return your Lab Work when it is due and you rarely complete your HW. You have a negative attitude.

F: You have extended absences and you are often late. You are fast always unprepared. You never pay attention and have a disruptive behavior. You are not an engaged class participant. You never return your Lab Work when it is due and you never complete your HW. You use only English. You have a very negative attitude.