Oronoco Emergency Responders

Meeting Minutes

May 4th, 2015

Meeting called to order at 6:34 pm.


Present / Absent / Present / Absent
Jeff Allhiser / X / Pat McGovern / X
Toni Allhiser / X / Brian Sisell / X
Lynnelle Campeau / X / Michele Sisell / x
Cain Dolan / X / Chris Stolp / X
Cathy Ellingson / X / Kristina Stolp / X
Denise Heppelmann Wangsness / X / Dan Sundt / X
Chris Inman / X / Brett Whetstone / X
Christina Inman / X / Nate Winkels / X
Brian Kabat / X / Tim Winkels / X

Old Business:

·  The minutes from the April 2015 meeting were amended to include Christina Inman as present for the meeting. Minutes were reviewed and approved as amended.

New Business:

·  April medical runs:

o  City-3

o  Township-1

·  All IV Calcium Chloride has been recalled. This does not impact our department, as the department does not stock calcium chloride.

·  CEVO classes:

o  There are 2 opportunities in the surrounding area for CEVO class enrollment. Saturday, May 30th, the Chatfield department is holding a class and on Saturday, June 15th, the Wabasha department is holding a CEVO class. Please inform Jeff or Nate if you are interested in attending either of those classes.

o  SE EMS is also looking for additional sites to hold CEVO classes. Dan Sundt will contact SE EMS and inform them that the Oronoco department would like to hold one of those classes in Oronoco.

·  EMS Appreciation Event: Wednesday, May 20th, 2015, 6:00-8:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Rochester Airport, in the Signature Aviation Terminal. (West of Rochester International Airport. 7300 Brataas Drive SW)

o  Case Study Review

o  CEU education

o  Picnic Meal

o  Please RSVP by calling 507-696-1515 by May 12th, if you plan on attending. This is needed for catering purposes.

·  Gold Rush shirts will once again be purchase and provided to members. Slate gray is the t-shirt color for 2015. Please provide your shirt sizes to Jeff as soon as possible.

·  There was a miscount shortage in the number of lights for Rescue 1. As soon as the remaining lights are in, they will be installed.

·  Christina Inman informed the group that there is an upcoming BART First Responder Small and Large Animal Preparedness, Safety and Response Course being offered in Wabasha. The minimum class size is 10 people. There is also FEMA grant money available for this course. The course was discussed and a decision was made to try and hold a course here in Oronoco.

·  May 18th, Wabasha Ambulance is sponsoring Helicopter Safety Training with the Mayo One team. Dan Sundt will also look into having one of these training sessions held here in Oronoco.

·  Cathy Ellingson presented an opportunity for training at the Milestone Materials Quarry. This could be a joint training with the Oronoco fire department or the Pine Island fire department, which covers that location. Cathy will verify with Milestone if a training date of June 1st can be accommodated.

·  Consortium training on Burns & Shock took place after the business meeting.

Business meeting adjourned at 6:52 pm

Next Meeting and training: Monday, June 1st, 2015; 6:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Toni Allhiser