Traditional FAQs
Q: Once I sign up, how do I contact the teacher?
JA Managers will provide you with the contact information in a match email. As a volunteer it is your responsibility to contact the teacher. Remember that leaving a message for the teacher does not always mean that he/she has received it. If you don’t hear from the teacher within a few days, make a second call. Let Junior Achievement know ASAP if you continue to have problems.
Q: What do I do if I am unable to attend my scheduled session?
The teacher has already planned that time for a JA program. Please be considerate and call the teacher as soon as possible to let her/him know that you will not be presenting a JA program for that day. Please make sure you schedule a different time with the teacher so that all lessons are completed.
Q: What happens once I finish my class?
You need to complete and return the Class Verification Form to the JA Chicago office. The form is available online at or in print from the JA office. Along with gathering valuable information about the success of JA programs, we also use this form to confirm your class as complete.
What should I do if something goes wrong while I’m teaching?
Discipline and behavior management are the teacher’s responsibility. Should you have difficulties with a student ask for the teacher to step in. After the session concludes, please alert your JA Volunteer Manager to any difficulties you are having. In extreme cases, you can be reassigned to a different classroom.
May I bring treats or small gifts for the students?
Yes. Some volunteers choose to bring a small prize for the students. If you choose to do this, be sure to get it approved by your teacher beforehand and avoid gum and major allergens such as peanuts. We recommend bringing a few extra, student numbers often change from the information provided by the school. We also recommend bringing the same item to give all students, versus giving students “choices” this helps eliminate hurt feelings and competition for the prizes.
Where should I park?
Parking is sometimes available in the school’s lot. If there are no available spaces that are not restricted, we recommend street parking in the neighborhood, be sure to check signage for restrictions.
How should the students address me?
We recommend determining this with the teacher. Some volunteers prefer the more formal “Mrs. or Mr.” followed by their last name. Other volunteers prefer a more informal name; examples include Miss Sarah or Mr. K.
What should I do with my kit/materials when I finish teaching?
Invite your teacher to keep any materials he or she might find useful for the classroom. Collect the remaining supplies, repackage in kit, and give the kit to the Junior Achievement Volunteer Manager when you check out or leave in the Main Office for the Manager to pick up.
Have the students/teacher/school had Junior Achievement before?
Most schools renew their Junior Achievement programming each year, your JA Volunteer Manager can share the specific history of your assigned school. The Junior Achievement programs are unique to each grade level, so even if your students have had Junior Achievement in the past, the program content will not be repetitive.
Some lessons in my guidebook require calculators, crayons, pencils, or markers for the students. Do I need to bring those materials?
No. The students or the teacher will have those materials available for use.