Beowulf Study Guide: Part I (lines 1-605)

“Grendel” and “Beowulf” (lines 1-232)

1.Make a list of the MAJOR events that occur in lines 1-24.

2.Identify and write down the Christian and Pagan elements found in the epic thus far.

3.Identify and write down the allusion (lines 21-23). What purposedoes this allusion serve?

4.Reflect on what you learned about Anglo-Saxon society and culture. So far, what elements of Anglo-Saxon society are present in the epic?

5.In lines 104-124, we are introduced to our epic hero. Write down a few of Beowulf’s epic hero qualities. Can you make a connection between his heroic qualities and the qualities of other heroes you have seen or read about?

6.How do you feel about Hrothgar so far? In your opinion, is he a strong or weak king?

7.How does Beowulf show Hrothgar he is the right man for the job?

8.Beowulf states that he will not use any weapons against Grendel. Aside from his obvious bravery, what else does this action show us about Beowulf’s character?

9.Aside from helping Hrothgar and his people, why else might Beowulf be zealous to take on this challenge? Reflect on what you learned about Anglo-Saxon culture.

10.Describe the relationship Edgetho shared with Hrothgar. How does that relationship impact Beowulf’s decisions? (Refer to lines 190-206)

OPEN RESPONSE: In one to two complete paragraphs, qualify, defend, or challenge the following statement: Beowulf is taking on the task of fighting Grendel primarily for the fame he will receive from winning such an epic battle. His allegiance to Hrothgar and concern for the Danes’ well-being are secondary. Support your thinking with AT LEAST two quotes from the text; make sure you cite the line numbers.

“The Battle with Grendel” and “Grendel’s Mother” (lines 233-449)

1.How is Beowulf able to defeat such a powerful monster?

2.List Beowulf’s epic hero qualities found in this part of the epic.

3.Does the fact that Grendel has a mother change anything? Is his mother validated in seeking her revenge?

4.Lines 425-449 lends provide a lengthy description of Grendel’s mother’s lair. What is the purpose of all these details?

“The Battle with Grendel’s Mother” (lines 450-605)

1.Remember that an epic hero is indeed human but also possesses supernatural characteristics. Which details remind us that Beowulf is not an ordinary man?

2.Compare/Contrast both battles. Which battle seems to show Beowulf’s heroic qualities most prominently?

3.Which elements of Anglo-Saxon society are shown most prevalently throughout Part I?

4.Reflect upon your earlier feelings about Beowulf. Do you feel the same way about him now as you did earlier in the epic? Why/why not?

5.What universal themes are present in this epic so far? In other words, why do we still care about a text that was composed during the 5th century?

In-Class Writing Assignment

Beowulf: Boastful Fame-Seeking Fool or Altruistic and Courageous Leader?

You’ve already contemplated how you feel about Beowulf’s character several times. Now, it’s time to make an assertion and stand by it! So, which is he? In a 2-3 paragraph organized response, defend your choice. You MUST use 2-3 quotes from the text with proper citations to support your thinking.