Take Your Kid to Work

Writing Assignment

Thank You Letter

Write a thank you letter to someone at the workplace you visited. It could be your parent or someone else (it’s up to you to decide). Give details about what you did on Take Your Kid to Work day. Include what you learned as well as what your overall thoughts were. Thank them for allowing you to visit.

Make 2 copies. Give one to me and send the other to the person you decided on. Write a rough draft and have at least one person TAG it. Pass in your rough copy to me along with you feedback sticky.

Your thank you letter should follow proper business letter format:

Your address
Name of recipient
Address of recipient
Dear _____:
Body of Letter
Your signature
Your name


8.1 Use writing to reflect on your experiences and learning.

9.2 Organize your writing well and use tone, language and format that is appropriate to your audience and purpose.

9.3 Ask for and use feedback from others.

10.1 Carefully revises and edits.

10.2 Consistently use the proper conventions of language.

Take Your Kid to Work

Alternative Writing Assignment

Part 1- Reflection

Think carefully about yourself as a reader and a writer in my class. What do you feel are your strengths? How do you know? What areas would you like to improve? How will you work towards this? Be specific.

Part 2- Thank You Letter

Write a thank you letter to a person of your choice who has helped you in some way. It could be your parent or someone else (it’s up to you to decide). Thank them for what they did.

Make 2 copies. Give one to me and send the other to the person you decided on. Write a rough draft and have at least one person TAG it. Pass in your rough copy to me along with you feedback sticky.

Your thank you letter should follow proper business letter format:

Your address
Name of recipient
Address of recipient
Dear _____:
Body of Letter
Your signature
Your name


8.1 Use writing to reflect on your experiences and learning.

9.2 Organize your writing well and use tone, language and format that is appropriate to your audience and purpose.

9.3 Ask for and use feedback from others.

10.1 Carefully revises and edits.

10.2 Consistently use the proper conventions of language.

Take Your Kid to Work Day Journal and Thank You Letter

Exemplary / 3
Proficient / 2
Developing / 1
8.1 / -Exceptionally clear, focused and thoughtful. / -Mostly clear and focused. / -Main idea may be cloudy.
-Has many irrelevant details. / -Development is minimal or non-existent.
9.2 / -Effectively organized.
-Tone is consistently appropriate and effective. / -Organization is fairly good but needs more structure.
-Tone is mostly appropriate. / -Organization is emerging so that reader can follow most of text.
-Paragraphs too long or short.
-Tone is at times inappropriate. / -Difficult to follow.
-No paragraphs.
9.3 / Seeks and uses feedback effectively. / Uses some feedback. / May not have evidence of using feedback. / No feedback.
Revision and Editing / Evidence of extensive revision and editing. / Evidence of revision and editing. / Very little evidence of editing or revision. / No revision or editing.
Word Choice and Sentence Fluency
10.2 / -Exceptionally strong control of conventions.
-Precise, carefully chosen words.
-Effective variation in sentences. / -Control of most conventions.
-Language is functional and appropriate.
-Sentences in control but may lack variety. / -Frequent errors do not interfere with meaning.
-Words may be correct but plain.
-Some awkward sentence constructions.
-Choice may be inappropriate.
-Sentences are choppy or run-on.
-Repetitive use of words. / -Frequent significant errors interfere with meaning.
-Sentences are difficult to follow.

Take Your Kid to Work Day Journal and Thank You Letter

Exemplary / 3
Proficient / 2
Developing / 1
8.1 / -Exceptionally clear, focused and thoughtful. / -Mostly clear and focused. / -Main idea may be cloudy.
-Has many irrelevant details. / -Development is minimal or non-existent.
9.2 / -Effectively organized.
-Tone is consistently appropriate and effective. / -Organization is fairly good but needs more structure.
-Tone is mostly appropriate. / -Organization is emerging so that reader can follow most of text.
-Paragraphs too long or short.
-Tone is at times inappropriate. / -Difficult to follow.
-No paragraphs.
9.3 / Seeks and uses feedback effectively. / Uses some feedback. / May not have evidence of using feedback. / No feedback.
Revision and Editing / Evidence of extensive revision and editing. / Evidence of revision and editing. / Very little evidence of editing or revision. / No revision or editing.
Word Choice and Sentence Fluency
10.2 / -Exceptionally strong control of conventions.
-Precise, carefully chosen words.
-Effective variation in sentences. / -Control of most conventions.
-Language is functional and appropriate.
-Sentences in control but may lack variety. / -Frequent errors do not interfere with meaning.
-Words may be correct but plain.
-Some awkward sentence constructions.
-Choice may be inappropriate.
-Sentences are choppy or run-on.
-Repetitive use of words. / -Frequent significant errors interfere with meaning.
-Sentences are difficult to follow.