Waynesville High School

2015-2016Course Syllabus: Ecology

I.Course Title: EcologyInstructor: Mrs. Keeling

Designated Grade Level: 11/12

Email address:

Credit: 1 Science

II. Required books and class material:

There will be a classroom set of resource textbooks for students to use during class. Students may check out books as needed.

III.Student supply requirement:

Students will need paper, pencils or pens and a composition notebook.

IV. Course Rationale:

This ecology course is designed for students wishing to take a hands-on approach of discovering the balance of the environment around them. This will fulfill the requirement of one of their three science credits required toward graduation.

V. Course Description:

Ecology will offer students a diverse study of the environment. Students will analyze many issues concerning the environment and make decisions that will shape their future practices. Each topic will take into consideration the balance of the affected ecosystem and how that balance can be maintained under the stresses of the current global perspective.

V.Course Objectives:

Students will be able to:

Recognize that all species in ecosystems are interconnected by biological, chemical and physical processes so that changes in one ecosystem can have local or global consequences.

Analyze how human decisions concerning the use of resources can alter the stability and biodiversity of ecosystems.

Explain how increased demand for natural resources require global cooperation and long- term planning to ensure the resource needs of successive generations will be met.

Explain that overpopulation in an ecosystem can lead to depletion of resources and elimination of a species.

VI. Evaluation --Ecology grades will be weighted according to the following scale:

70%Common Assessments

30% Practice

*Powerschool will be updated on a weekly basis.

Late submission of work will be handled as according to the student handbook:

-Late submission of assessment evidence may lead to an invitation or the requirement to attend a academic support sessionafter school .

-Studentsturning in work any time after the original due date will be eligible for 75% of the original points assigned. Late assignments must also be turned in during the six-week grading period that they are assigned.

VII. Classroom Expectations:

1. No electric devices out or charging.

2. Class begins when the bell rings.

3. Always be prepared for class.

4. Stay in assigned seat.

5. Be on task at all times.

6. No Food or Drink except water.

7. No use of offensive language.

8. Always be courteous and respectful of others.

