To the Head teachers of all Halton Community and Voluntary Controlled Nursery, Primary, Special Schools

Dear Head teacher

Healthy Pupils Capital Fund (HPCF) 2018/19

The Healthy Pupils Capital Fund has been generated from £100m of revenue generated from the Soft Drinks Industry Levy. This funding is for one year only (2018/19) and Halton have been allocated £70,362 by the DfE. This applies to Community and Voluntary Controlled schools who will beable to request £1,954.50each towards a capital project using the attached form.

The funding is to be used to improve children’s and young people’s physical and mental health by improving and increasing availability to facilities for physical activity, healthy eating, mental health and well-being and medical conditions.

Some DfEexamples of smaller schemes that would be eligible for this funding are:

  • Water Fountains
  • Cooking facilities for pupils
  • Gardening planters and associated equipment
  • Fixed sports equipment, such as wall-mounted basketball boards
  • Playground markings to facilitate active play
  • Outdoor table tennis tables
  • Permanent goalposts
  • Gym equipment
  • Bike stands
  • Defibrillators *

Schools can either do a small scheme (such as those listed above) or use the funding in addition to monies they have available within their budget to do something more substantial. DfE examples include:

Refurbishment or building of:

  • Changing rooms
  • Sports halls and gyms
  • Swimming pools
  • Teaching and catering kitchens
  • Dining spaces to include seating and tables
  • Spaces for mental health support

Creation or renovation of:

  • Garden spaces for growing produce
  • Playgrounds and active spaces such as resurfacing, climbing walls or multi-use sports panels
  • Sports pitches, hard courts and athletics tracks
  • Improvements to facilities such as floodlighting, security fencing, pitch drainage

Modifications of facilities to improve accessibility for pupils with disabilities such as:

  • Hoists to allow access to swimming pools
  • Adaptations to cooking facilities
  • Adaptations to changing room facilities
  • Wheel-chair accessible paths and planters in garden spaces
  • Sports wheelchairs
  • Hydrotherapy pools

Schools will be required to complete the attached form outlining the proposed scheme and send this electronically to by Friday 29th June 2018. Once approved, the school can then proceed with the works / purchase of equipment. The grant will be paid to the school on production of a copy invoice.

If you require any further information please contact 0151 511 7291 or .

Best wishes

Catriona Gallimore

Capital Programme Planner

Policy, Provision & Performance Division

Education, Inclusion & Provision

People Directorate

Halton Borough Council

Rutland House

Halton Lea


