Unit Due Dates

Project Proposal Sept 8th

Writer’s MemoOn Assignments tab by 11:55pm

Object of Production

Proof of learning DocSept 20th

Research log On Assignments tab by class time

***Bring all three to class (can be electronically) on

Self-AssessmentSept 25th

On Assignments tab by class time

*** I will also take a quick look at your notebooks while you Peer-assess on the 20th***

Project Proposal (10)

You will decide which genre to recreate. In this proposal, you will specify your plans for the project in terms of process and will receive feedback on the feasibility of your idea and responses to any questions you may note.


  • 2 pts—Complete. Header, numbered pages, 1-1.5 pgs, complete sentences, in paragraphs.
  • 5 pts—Explains your project idea.
  • Explains your choice, detailing why you chose it
  • why do you think this is the best way to share personal information about you?
  • Does it have to do with the skills you possess?
  • Or is it more because you think what you want to share will fit more in one of these genres over the other?
  • Why do you think these things?
  • How might antecedent (prior knowledge) have impacted your decision? (think in terms of skills, weaknesses, emotional attachment (if death freaks you out maybe you couldn’t handle an obituary), etc)
  • 3 pts—Discusses how you will use the conventions of this genre to cater to the personal content you want to share (for example, if you are very ambitious, the conventions of an obituary would allow you to demonstrate this cause it’s the more expansive in terms of time frame).
  • Say what you are sharing and what conventions in this genre make it easier for you to do this.

Writer’s Memo (10)

You will also compose a writer’s memo that discusses the following with regards to your project proposal and what you project plans are:

  1. What have you done so far toward this project (give me a sense of where you stand)?
  2. What do you like about your current ideas and what are you still confused about?
  3. What kind of feedback do you want (consider what type of feedback will be most useful to you going forward)?
  4. What do you plan to do going forward (what is your plan of action)?


  • 2 pts—Complete. Header, numbered pages, answers all four questions in complete sentences, numbers the answers.
  • 3 pts—Connects back to the project proposal clearly
  • 5 pts— Provides examples in each response to help support your answer.

Object of Production (25pts)

In your first unit, your object of production will be a genre recreation. You can choose one of the following to recreate: an obituary, a buzzfeed listicle (at least 10 components on the list), or a comic strip (6 to 8 frames). In terms of content, each of these genres will focus on personal information. If you choose to do an obituary, you should make it aspirational—how would you want your life to look when condensed down after you pass away (after a nice, long life). If you do a buzzfeed listicle, your list should be about you generally or about some aspect of you (for example, you could make a buzzfeed listicle about your top ten favorite shows). If you are more visual, you have the option of doing a comic strip which highlights some event in your life or in which you express some aspect of your personality some way. Regardless of which you choose, your genre should include some multimodal component.


  • 5pts—Complete with a header, the effort shows. Basically, don’t turn in something you threw together without a care, because it shows when you do that.
  • 5pts—Utilizes personal content in a way that does not disregard the conventions of the genre you choose.
  • You should choose accordingly—if you want to tell a story about something, a comic strip is probably better.
  • Remember that some content adheres to certain genres more readily than others, so choose wisely
  • 15pts—Fits the genre you chose
  • Visually adheres to the genre conventions—if there are pictures, you should have pictures. If there are GIFs, you should use gifs. If there are headers of larger size than others, you should have that as well.
  • Linguistically adheres to the genre conventions
  • The tone of your writing should match those of your genre samples
  • Includes a multimodal component that makes sense within the conventions of the genre
  • This should be something you see in samples of the genre. Remember that there are more modes than just visual and linguistic.
  • Keep track of this so you can discuss it in your proof of learning document
  • The components here should be apparent without explanation while the proof of learning document will document how you got to that point.

Proof of Learning Document (25)

In this document, you have to prove that you’ve understood the main purpose of this project: Genre analysis and recreation. Using all the uptake genres you’ve done throughout the unit (daily reactions, in class activities, research log, writing prompts, etc), you’ll go through your process and your analysis of the genre you chose to recreate using SAWAC and APAC as guiding posts. YOU MAY DO THIS IN WHATEVER WAY YOU THINK WORKS BEST FOR YOU SO LONG AS YOU HAVE ALL THE COMPONENTS LISTED BELOW (you can do a chart or a mind map, etc).


  • 5pts—Complete with header and page numbers. Effort shows clearly.
  • 20pts—Analysis of genre and process
  • Describe how you went through SAWAC to recreate this genre (focusing more on SAW—Samples, analyze, and write).
  • Go through your process step-by-step. (15)
  • Reference the samples you’ve provided in your research log (5)
  • How did you collect samples and from where? Why?
  • Discuss which conventions you closely adhered to—were these unbreakable or breakable?
  • Which conventions did you follow more loosely? Why? What made you able to do this?
  • How did this help you share your personal content?
  • For the Analyze part of SAWAC, go through APAC, making sure you have multiple EXPLAINED points for each aspect of APAC. (5)—think of the author in GENERAL
  • As part of this, you MUST discuss/acknowledge the multimodal component of your object of productionreference the research log samples and how that helped you decide what multimodal component to use. Discuss how that helped you share your personal content. Did you have to tweak the genre conventions to include this? Or was it already an important part of this genre?
  • Discuss getting ready to write and how you prepared (5)
  • What tools or aid did you use? Did you need to reach out to someone?
  • Discuss this in terms of writer researcher identity—how are your strengths, weaknesses, feelings, and antecedent knowledge at play in this new writing situation.
  • What have you learned about yourself as a writer?
  • Reference your uptake throughout the unit (5) Use your reactions, etc
  • How did your understanding of this process change throughout the unit—this can even be a picture or a gif, but you must explain it in a few sentences as well if you choose to do this
  • Provide evidence here—this is where referencing your uptake genres might help

Research Log (10)

For this first unit, your research will be genre research. We will research genres through SAWAC and APAC. In your research log, you must find 3-4 samples of the genre you choose to recreate for your project. These should be real-world examples of your genre (meaning actual obituaries, comic strips, and buzzfeed listicles). In this log, you must include links to these samples or include the samples themselves in all their glory (you can submit pictures if that’s easiest). You must include the entire genre—the entire composition—not just the written part of it. You may organize this in any way you want, but I recommend a chart.


  • 2pts—Complete with header and 3 or 4 real-world samples.
  • 6pts—Provides the following information
  • Name of the source where you found the sample
  • Link to the sample or a picture of it
  • Any noticeable differences between this sample and others (tweaks to the normal conventions—usually to the breakable conventions)
  • 2pts—Clear organization—I can find all these components.

Self-Assessment (50)

Your self-assessment emphasizes reflection. It makes you reflect back on your work to determine what skills and tools you used and whether your recreation was ultimately successful so that you may, theoretically, improve when approaching a new writing situation. One part of your self-assessment will be a questionnaire that I will provide for you. The second part is open-ended and can be handled in whatever way you feel most comfortable, but it must encompass all of the components listed below


  • Questionnaire (20)
  • 5pts—Complete with header and each question is answered
  • 10pts—Thorough.
  • Each question is answered and explained.
  • Each answer provides evidence and additional information.
  • One word answers will not be awarded full points
  • Each answer emphasizes process! Document your learning from start to finish and how your understanding of each concept (whichever one the questions touch upon) shifted throughout the unit.
  • 5pts—Utilizes writing program terms and concepts used throughout the unit
  • Self-Assessment Composition (30)
  • 2pts—Complete with header and page numbers etc
  • 3pts—Includes an all-encompassing statement, picture, gif, mind map, etc that summarizes your experience of the unit
  • 5pts—References peer and instructor feedback in the components below
  • 15pts—Assessment of your object of production
  • 10pts—Indicates changes that would make the object of production stronger and explains why these changes would improve the object of production.
  • Conversely, you may note feedback you received that you did not agree with and you may make an argument in your defense.
  • 5pts—Explains these in terms of genre research (genre conventions) and how you may better recreate this genre in the future given the skills you’ve garnered.
  • 5pts—Utilizes writing program terms and concepts throughout


You will do various in-class activities in this, and future, units. If some sort of activity reflection is assigned, this will count toward your 20 activity/misc points. For the most part, however, these points will be earned through participation in and response to in-class activities. If you are off task, I will write your name down and take points off according to how many times you were written down. Being absent during an activity will also count against you. If you miss, you must talk to me after the next class to hear a summary of the activity and discuss it with me. This will be your responsibility. If you do so, your name will not be written down and you will not lose points.

**Take and keep notes on activities in your notebook***