Date: Dec 019 2006

Engineer: Jim Allan

The imaging, lens& lighting solutions described in this document along with the pricing, terms, and conditions of this proposal are proprietary and strictly confidential in nature and may not be disclosed to parties other than the customer without expressed written permission from HTE Inc.


1100 North Opdyke, Auburn Hills, MI 48326

PH: 248-371-1918 Fax: 248-271-2185

Engineer: Jim Allan

Date: October 16, 2012

Approved Non Approved

Report ID #10AlliedRing0326RingChamfer_JA

This application is approved based on the small amount of samples that were provided. The goal of this application is to successfully detect the different chamfers on the rings

Through technical innovation, customer orientated service and strategic partnering; HTE has grown to become one of the manufacturing industry's preferred providers of machine vision solutions. Using the latest advancements in vision technology allows HTE to provide unique products for part feature recognition, 1D, & 2D (data matrix) bar code, line validation, and robot guidance.

The team at HTE looks forward to working with you and your staff on this and future projects. Should you require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.


Jim Allan

The imaging, lens& lighting solutions described in this document along with the pricing, terms, and conditions of this proposal are proprietary and strictly confidential in nature and may not be disclosed to parties other than the customer without expressed written permission from HTE Inc.


1100 North Opdyke, Auburn Hills, MI 48326

PH: 248-371-1918 Fax: 248-271-2185

1.0 Overview

The goal of this application is to detect the various types of chamfers on the piston rings. To achieve the following results we used a highly diffused backlight mounted on an angle with the camera mounted directly over the ring. With this setup we were able to create enough contrast between the chamfered edge and the top surface to be able to reliably detect whether or not a chamfered edge was present.

We have received samples for the following types of rings:

ID – Inside top chamfer

IR – Inside top chamfer

2X – No chamfer present

R – No chamfer present on our samples (verified this under a microscope even though the documentation states there is an inside top edge chamfer. Can you please verify this?)

2.0 Images and Results

Figure 1 – Non-Chamfered edge

Notice the check marks on the left of the window. The system placed a green check mark next to the non-chamfered edge.

2.0 Images and Results (continued)

Figure 2 – Chamfered Edge present

Notice the check marks on the left of the window. The system placed a green check mark next to the text “Chamfered Edge”.

3.0 Conclusion

Based on our test with the limited samples we feel that this will be a robust application using the method we have described. We would need additional samples of the other types of chamfers to complete the application review. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.

The imaging, lens& lighting solutions described in this document along with the pricing, terms, and conditions of this proposal are proprietary and strictly confidential in nature and may not be disclosed to parties other than the customer without expressed written permission from HTE Inc.