Roman Antiquities Section YAS; Yorkshire Archaeological Society;

Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (Roman Society): Centenary Programme AD410: 1600th Anniversary of the End of Roman Britain Programme

jointly present a day-conference

The End of the Roman North:

Roman to Anglo-Saxon in Northern England

followed by a Special Keynote Lecture from 'North of the Border' on

The Traprain Law Hoard

13th November 2010

Temple Hall, York St John University,

Lord Mayor’s Walk, York, YO31 7EX


9.30am Registration & coffee

10.00am Morning Lecture Session starts

Dr Mark Whyman, York Archaeological Trust - The End of Roman York – and beyond?

Dr David Mason, Durham CC – Vinovia to Binncaester: Late and Post-Roman Binchester

Ian Roberts, Archaeological Services WYAS

Late Romansand Elmetians? A review of the archaeological evidence for the British Kingdom of Elmet in West Yorkshire

Prof Jennifer Price - Glass at the end of the Roman North

Tom Green - Britons and Saxons in Early Lincolnshire

12.30pm Lunch (not provided, but available from the many cafes & restaurants in the area)

2pm Afternoon Lecture Session starts

Prof Dominic Powlesland, University of Leeds/Landscape Research Centre

- After the Dark Ages: Roman to Anglian in the Vale of Pickering

Dr Tom Pickles, University of York

- 'The "Adventus Saxonum" in Yorkshire: the contribution of place-names

Prof Ian Wood, University of Leeds - The Origins of the Kingdom of Bernicia

3.30pm Coffee

4pm Keynote Lecture

Dr Fraser Hunter, National Museums Scotland/Secretary Roman Society Archaeology Committee

Silver at the end of the Empire: new light on the Traprain Law Treasure

4.30pm General Discussion

5pm Disperse

Cost £20 per person (no reductions). Payment by cheque only.

Bookings must be accompanied by a stamped and self-addressed envelope


Booking Form

The End of the Roman North Day Conference on 13th November 2010

I would like ...... tickets for the above event and enclose a cheque for £ ...... in full payment

Cheques payable to 'Roman Antiquities Section, YAS'

Please send bookings (enclosing stamped and self-addressed envelope) to :

FAO Ms J Heron, RAS/YAS, Claremont, 23 Clarendon Road, Leeds, LS2 9NZ

Name ......

Address ......
