Minutes December 2, 2015

The Minersville Town Council held a regular council meeting on December 2, 2015 at the MinersvilleTown Hall.

Council present: Mayor Ward Dotson, Todd McMullin, Jared Woolf and Bryant Eyre. Brady Carter was excused. Marshal Kevin Carter, Town Clerk Cherie Wood and Brandon Davis.

Visitors: Tammy Lozano

Mayor Ward Dotson called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m.

Minutes: Jared Woolf made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 19th 2015 council meeting without additions or corrections. Todd McMullin seconded the motion, all voted in favor, the motion passed.

Tammy Lozano is hired by BeaverCounty to run the Sr.CenterMonday – Thursday and clean the building on Fridays. She has been putting in a lot more time cleaning the building on weekends and before she begins cooking on Mondays because of the rentals. MinersvilleTownowns and maintains the building and receives the revenue from the rentals. The people that rent the center do not always leave it as clean as she needs it to be, she has to meet certain sanitary standards because of the food preparation for the Seniors. Tammy would like to know if the council would be willing to compensate her for the extra time she spends cleaning up after the rentals or if they would hire someone else to handle rentals and cleaning the building after rentals.

The council asked Tammy what is charged for the cleaning deposit and if she keeps the deposit if it is not clean? The cleaning deposit is $100.00 but Tammy has never kept the money she always shreds the check. The council told Tammy that if the center is not cleaned properly then she should not return the cleaning deposit. The Mayor and council members will be willing to help her enforce this if she is willing to continue taking care of it. The council’s thoughts are that she should be taking her time out of the cleaning deposit, or possibly raising the rental fee to cover her time. The council will discuss some ideas on how to handle this matter and make a decision at next council meeting.

Brandon Davis would like to know if he could get some clothing to work in that would distinguish that he worked for the town. He would like some shirts that have MinersvilleTown on them. It was decided that Brandon would talk to the printing shop in Beaver to see how much it would cost the town to have T shirts and possibly some jackets printed with MinersvilleTown on and bring back prices to the council.

Jared Woolf made a motion to pay the bills that were presented. Todd McMullin seconded the motion; all voted in favor, the motion passed.

Todd McMullin made a motion to adjourn, Bryant Eyre seconded the motion, all voted in favor.

Meeting adjourned 7:10 p.m. Cherie C. Wood