Language Arts Unit Assessment Study Buddy
Reading Standards
Character traits - What a character is like on the INSIDE. You will need to support your answer with EVIDENCE from the text.
Ex: Opal was friendly because in the story it said she made friends with Miss Franny Block.
Ask and Answer Questions - You will have to read a passage and come up with a question about what you read. Your answer will need to include EVIDENCE from the text.
Ex: Why did Opal hug her daddy?
Answer: In the story it said that her daddy was crying, and Opal felt bad for him.
Also, you will need to come up with a question to an answer given.
Ex: If the answer is Ebenezer Elementary, what is the question?
Answer: What is the name of our school?
Nonliteral language - With some phrases, we don’t mean what we say. That’s nonliteral language. Example: If I said I was feeling blue after my dog ran away, it means I’m sad. It doesn’t mean that I am the color blue. You can use clues from the sentence to figure out the meaning of nonliteral language.
Main Idea - what the text is MOSTLY about. You can look at the title, first and last sentences for clues about the main idea of a passage.
Language Standards
Using commas in addresses - always use a comma to separate the city and state
Ex: Rincon, Georgia
Capitalization in titles - When writing the titles of books, always capitalize the first and
last word. Unimportant words do not need to be capitalized (unless they come first or last). Some examples of unimportant words are: a, an, the, of, on, and
Nouns - people, palaces, things. You will need to be able to identify which word in a sentence functions as a noun.
Ex: He ran quickly down the street. Answer: street
Common noun - a plain old person, place, or thing (teacher, school, chips)
Proper noun - What’s its NAME?! The specific name of a person, place, or thing
Ex: Ms. Summers, Ebenezer Elementary, Dorito
Abstract nouns - nouns that are ideas or feelings and cannot be detected by our senses
Ex: love, hope, friendship
Concrete nouns - nouns that you can be detected by our senses
Ex: school, eyes, paper
Singular noun - one noun Ex: cat
Plural nouns - more than one noun Ex: cats
Rules: if it ends in ch, sh, x, or ss then you must add es to make it plural Ex: church - churches
If it ends in f, drop the f and ves Ex: leaf - leaves
If it ends in y, change the y to an i and es Ex: puppy - puppies