Soccer Unit Study Guide


The game of soccer has been thought to have originated from a Greek game called HARPASTON or from an Italian game CALZIO. Both were forerunners of the game of soccer that was played in England during the middle ages. Over the years this game was played by the peasants, but gradually grew in popularity. In 1863 soccer became an official school game, complete with rules and regulations. The first college game of soccer in the U.S. was played in 1869.

Basic Rules

At the start of the game, the selection of goals or choice of kicking-off is decided by a coin flip (in class rock, paper, scissors). The center forward kicks the ball from the center circle to a teammate. Unnecessary roughness, pushing, tripping, or touching the ball with your hands are fouls and the offending team is penalized by a penalty kick or a free kick.


Clear: Removing the ball from the goal area by the defense.

Trapping: A skilled used to stop the ball with part of your body.

Free Kick: A place kick that puts the ball into play from a designated spot for a violation of the rules.

*Direct free kick means that they can score off of it and is used when the

team makes a major violation like tripping, pushing, holding or kicking.

*Indirect free kick means that they have to pass the ball once before they

can score and is used when the team makes a minor violation like touching the

ball with their hands and off-sides.

Corner Kick: A kick that is used when the defense sends the ball out of bounds over the endline.

Goal Kick: The goalie gets to kick it from the corner of the goal box because the offense kicked the ball over the end line. All opposing players must be outside the penalty area during a goal kick.

Throw-in: When one team kicks the ball out of bounds over the sideline, the other team gets a throw-in.

-Both feet on the ground

-Behind the sideline

-Two hands on ball

-Must throw from above head

Foul: A violation of the rules, which results in a free kick. Some fouls are tripping, pushing, shoving, kicking an opponent, holding, unsporstmanlike conduct, touching the ball with your hands and offside.

Kick-off: An indirect free kick used to put the ball into play from the center circle at the beginning of the game, after each score and at the start of the second half.

Penalty Kick: Is awarded to the attacking team (offense) when the defense commits a foul inside the penalty area. All players must stand outside the penalty area except the players taking the kick and the goalie. The ball is placed 12 yards away from the goal.

Off-sides Penalty: Created to discourage players from staying close to the goal and getting an easy score. When the offensive team gets the ball into their opponent’s side of the field, there must be at least two defensive players (goalie is not included) between any offensive player

Scoring: A goal is worth 1 point

Heading: When the ball is played off of the head.

Player positions (11players from one team on the field)

Forwards cross over the centerline and play offense (5)

Halfbacks play on both sides of the field and play offense & defense (3)

Fullbacks play defense & help the goalie (2)

Goalies are the last line of defense (1)

-can use his hands only inside the penalty area

-can throw the ball or kick it

The starting set-up of players.