RIP we remember with love and thanksgiving:

·  Reverends Paul Baguley; Elaine Garrish; Simon Pothen – who have recently departed this life; and

·  Gerald Woodward (23rd); Mabel Nickolay (25th) – whose Anniversaries fall at this time.

For healing and other needs: Brian Cockram; Michael Donnellan; Len Gray Michael Hodges.

Long term sick: Daphne Dyer; Alan Grayston; Sam Hanson; Charlie Shirren.

Our Church Families: Richard, Deirdre, Candice & Cleo Falconer; Judith Grice; Malcolm George; Sheelagh Gillard ; Wendy Godwin; Len Gray; Alan Grayston; Marva & Dominique; Ashish, Ariham, Audvik & Nidhi Gupta.

Happy Birthday to: Richard Falconer (20th); Marita Brown (22nd); Falu Kuti (23rd); Susan Bond (24th); Wendy Godwin, Alan Heyes & Joan Bogdan (25th).

The Parish: Minehead Court; Minehead Road; Newlyn Gardens; Newquay Crescent; Ovesdon Avenue; Perwell Avenue.

The Church the Advent and Christmas seasons are almost upon us. Father we pray that we remember the Christ in Christmas rather than anything else.

Ourselves and the Nation: Father, thank you for the year passing – its joys and sadnesses, its memories and all that goes with the year especially its Peace.

Capital Vision 2020 as we seek to start new worshipping communities, help us Lord to keep you at the centre. In the midst of ‘things to do’, would you be our anchor and our focus.

Prayer of the Week We pray, O Lord, for the Church which is one in its greatness of your love, but divided by the littleness of our own. May we be less occupied with the things that divide us, and more with those we hold in common, and the love that enfolds us all.

St Andrew’s Diamond Jubilee Year is now over 10 months old !

There are Roxbournejubilee Facebook and WhatsApp groups where you can find out more about the remaining events taking place during the Jubilee Year!

Please send any items for next week’s STARLINK to Robert Crowhurst by midday this Wednesday, preferably by email (); or otherwise by hard copy to 131, Exeter Road.


1957 - 2017

89 Malvern Avenue Harrow HA2 9ER. 020 8422 3633

Registered Charity No. 1131727

Star Link

Sunday, 19th November 2017 II Before Advent
8.00am: Holy Communion
9.45am: Parade & Parish Communion
with Prayers for Healing
& Go MAD on Sunday
Please come to the Hall after the Service for Coffee, Tea & Fellowship
This Week’s Services / Next Sunday: 26th November
Monday - Friday
9.00 am Morning Prayer [cw]
9.30 am Holy Communion
8.30am Barnabas Fellowship / 8.00 am: Holy Communion
9.45 am: Parish Communion:
Celebrating the Feast of St Andrew:
Guest Preacher & Celebrant: The Rt Revd Nazir Ali
Ezekiel 34: 11-16 & 20-24; Ephesians 1: 15-23
St Matthew 25: 31-46
Followed by Bring & Share Lunch

Today's Collect


EAVENLY Father, whose blessed Son was revealed to destroy the works of the devil and to make us the children of God and heirs of eternal life:

grant that we, having this hope, may purify ourselves even as he is pure;

that when he shall appear in power and great glory we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom;

where he is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Readings: Zephaniah 1: 7 & 12-18 page 944

I Thessalonians 5: 1-11 page 1188

Gospel: St Matthew 25: 31-46 page 994

Post–Communion Prayer


RACIOUS Lord, in this holy sacrament you give substance to our hope:

bring us at the last to that fullness of life for which we long;

through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.



Today is our Sound System Gift Day, when we give a gift to StAndrew's as a

Jubilee gift of Thanksgiving for the past 60 years.

Most of you are aware that a new Sound Systemcosting over £20,000, has been installed – but we now have to pay for it!

If you would like to donate towards the Sound System, please use the green envelopes in the pews – and if you pay tax, please fill in your name and address to enable the church to claim Gift Aid.

MANY THANKS to Gill Moore and all others who helped provide a wonderful Christmas Market yesterday. All their hard work was important in ensuring such a successful financial and outreach opportunity.

CHURCH FINANCES it costs around £3000 each week to keep St Andrew’s functioning – and that is about £19 for each person on the church’s register (Electoral Roll.)

·  our income comes from two main sources: the congregationprovide nearly 33% through the Planned Giving Scheme (often referred to as ‘Stewardship’); our Flat and Hall rentals account for a further 60%. The rest is made up from collections, donations and other fund-raising like the Christmas Market and social events.

·  if we are to plan for the future development of St Andrew's then it is really helpful for us to know how much money will be coming in each month. We all need to pray about our appropriate level of giving. The New Testament talks of giving a percentage of income (I Cor 16 v2) and many Christians find 10% a useful guide, but everyone’s circumstances are different. St Paul teaches (II Cor 9 vs 7 – 9) that the motivation and standard of giving should be Jesus - and his generosity to us.

·  if at the moment you contribute when you are here, in the collection, do think about joining the Stewardship scheme and giving a regular monthly amount. Full details are available in the packs marked "Giving for Growth" in the bookcase at the back of church.

·  we do encourage giving by standing order through your bank which can be changed or cancelled at any time and does save a lot of work for the Sidespeople and Stewardship Recorder.

·  if youwant to discuss any other details of Stewardship giving please do come and see me after the service or in my absence Peter Sage. Many thanks.

Wendy Godwin

RIP the funeral of the Revd Paul Baguley will be at 1.30pm next Friday, 24th November in St Alban’s Church N. Harrow. Paul Hart

SHARING HOPE IN CRISIS a 1-day Seminar by the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team on Saturday 25th November at Christ the Redeemer Bible College, The Rayners, 23 Village Way HA2 7LX. 9.00am - 4.30pm.

THE PERSECUTED CHURCH today is the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church. This week, Christians across the UK and Ireland are invited to unite together to pray for the persecuted church, using the prayer below:

Father God, as one Church, united under your holy headship, and knowing that we are all one family in Christ;

·  we pray for those who suffer in your name all over the world, our brothers and sisters, who share in that same great gift of salvation through your Son, but who face injustice, oppression and even death because of their faith in you.

·  we want to walk with them as they journey through the valley of darkness, and we pray knowing that you are a God of compassion, comfort, and justice; who always hears their prayers, never leaves them and will forever be their fortress and shield, whatever they face.

·  we pray that you will grant them strength, courage, and protection from those who seek to harm them because they follow you; guidance and wisdom for when their path seems impossible to tread, and hope for a future where they have the freedom to worship you without fear.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Diary dates

2017 – Diamond Jubilee Year


Sunday 26th St Andrew’s Day Celebration & Shared Lunch


Saturday 2nd Messy Church

Saturday 23rd Carol Service