Yellow TeamStaffing PlanDecember 6, 2010

Staffing Plan

Authors / Omer Alsayegh
Last Updated / December 9, 2010
Document Purpose / Staffing Requirements for uRaise
Version / 1.1
Status / Final

Staffing Plan


This document will describe all staffing requirements for each phase of the project. This document also explains each staff member’s responsibilities.

Phase 0

Phase 0 is the initial project inception and concept design. This phase requires the least amount of staffing and will focus primarily on the project’s feasibility and design. This phase will also set the schedule and budget for each of the following phases. Each of the team members in this phase will be students who work for no salary and thus this phase has no budget.

Phase 1

Once the project as defined in phase 0 is approved and funded the project will enter Phase 1; the prototype development phase. This phase will require many of the same staff as defined before but will have a different organization structure.

[Figure 1.1: Phase 1 Organization Chart]

1.1 Staff

  • Athenes Holloway (Project Manager)
  • The Project Manager is responsible for the coordination, communication, and collaboration of the team, as well as monitoring development, task assignments, and project schedules.
  • Michael Gordon (Financial Specialist)
  • The Financial Specialist is responsible for managing the records and planning budgets for the project, and will work with the Software Specialists and Project Manager to ensure that the budget is within acceptable ranges.
  • Wayne Stilwell (Web developer, Software Specialist)
  • The Web developer (Webmaster) is responsible for the design, creation, and updating the uRaise website. All specifications for the website will be agreed upon by the Project Manager.
  • The Software Specialist is responsible for overseeing the production of quality, efficient code in accordance with the standards set by uRaise. It is the duty of the Software Specialist to inform the Project Manager of the current status and progress of the project in terms of software development.
  • Jay Winborne (Risk Analyst)
  • The Risk Manager is in charge of managing and continually monitoring the project risks with foresight and outlook for future risks. He will analyze the risks and coordinate with other managers to ensure that these risks are handled in the appropriate manner. He will also report to the Project Manager the current status of all risks and their potential impact on the project.
  • Omer Alsayegh (Documentation, Hardware Specialist)
  • The Hardware Specialist is responsible for the design and implementation of all hardware required in the development of uRaise.
  • The Documentation Specialist is responsible for overseeing all documentation required with uRaise. It is the duty of the Documentation Specialist to provide quality guidance in the area of technical writing.
  • FilipposRaditsas (Marketing Specialist)
  • The Marketing Specialist is responsible for promoting and maintaining a positive image for uRaise, and will establish and maintain contacts with small organizations and. The Marketing Specialist will also design and implement effective marketing campaigns and thorough market research plans.

[Figure 1.2: Phase 1 Budget Table]

Phase 2

Once the prototype has established proof of concept and funding has been approved for development the project will move into Phase 2; product development. This phase will use the proven algorithms and concepts from Phase 1 to produce a fully functional real work product.

[Figure 2.1: Phase 2 Organization Chart]

2.1 Staff

  • Project Manager
  • The Project Manager is responsible for the coordination, communication, and collaboration of the team, as well as monitoring development, task assignments, and project schedules.
  • Financial Analyst
  • The Financial Specialist is responsible for managing the records and planning budgets for the project, and will work with the Hardware/Software and Project Manager to ensure that the budget is within acceptable ranges.
  • Documentation Specialist
  • The Documentation Specialist is responsible for overseeing all documentation required with uRaise. It is the duty of the Documentation Specialist to provide quality guidance in the area of technical writing.
  • Software Manager
  • The Software Manager is responsible for the entire development team. She/he must be able to manage both the interface and the architecture development and ensure that development stays on track.
  • Software Engineers - The Software Engineer is responsible for the direct creation, design, and enhancement of all system associated software. He is also responsible for the testing and integration of the software into the device itself. He is also responsible for researching and interface implementation of attained hardware utilities.
  • Web Developers - The Web developer (Webmaster) is responsible for the design, creation, and updating the uRaise website. All specifications for the website will be agreed upon by the Project Manager.
  • Database Administrator - The Database Administrator (DBA) is responsible for the design and implementation of all uRaise databases required in the development stage. The DBA will work with the Software Engineers to ensure compatibility with the uRaise software environment.
  • Software Tester – along with the software engineers The Software Tester is responsible for the direct creation, design, and enhancement of all system associated software. He is also responsible for the testing and integration of the software into the device itself. He is also responsible for researching and interface implementation of attained hardware utilities.

[Figure 2.2: Phase 2 Budget Table]

Phase 3 ‘Production’

Phase 3 will focus on maintenance, customer service, and production of the system. Software engineers will be responsible for updates to our exercise algorithms and to update the software. Customer service representatives will be available to assist customers(organizations). The Financial Director will continue to perform the same duties as in Phase 2, and a Marketing Manager will be hired to help promote our system.

As the project finishes its development stage a newly formed team will be assigned to implementation of new customers. Many of the members of this team will be re-hired from the development team as they will be the most knowledgeable of the software and know how it to implement it.

[Figure 3.1: Phase 3 Organization Chart]

3.1 Staff

  • Project Manager
  • The Project Manager is responsible for the coordination, communication, and collaboration of the team, as well as monitoring development, task assignments, and project schedules.
  • Financial Analyst
  • The Financial Specialist is responsible for managing the records and planning budgets for the project, and will work with the Hardware/Software Specialists and Project Manager to ensure that the budget is within acceptable ranges.
  • Marketing Analyst
  • The Marketing analyst is responsible for promoting and maintaining a positive image for uRaise, and will establish and maintain contacts with school districts and notable educational figures. The Marketing Specialist will also design and implement effective marketing campaigns and thorough market research plans.
  • Documentation Specialist
  • The Documentation Specialist is responsible for overseeing all documentation required with uRaise. It is the duty of the Documentation Specialist to provide quality guidance in the area of technical writing.
  • Software Manager
  • The Software Manager is responsible for the entire development team. He must be able to manage both the interface and the architecture development and ensure that development stays on track.
  • Software Engineers - The Software Engineer is responsible for the direct creation, design, and enhancement of all system associated software. He is also responsible for the testing and integration of the software into the device itself. He is also responsible for researching and interface implementation of attained hardware utilities.
  • Web Developers - The Web developer (Webmaster) is responsible for the design, creation, and updating the uRaise website. All specifications for the website will be agreed upon by the Project Manager.
  • Database Administrator - The Database Administrator (DBA) is responsible for the design and implementation of all uRaise databases required in the development stage. The DBA will work with the Software Engineers to ensure compatibility with the uRaise software environment.
  • Software Tester – along with the software engineer The Software Tester is responsible for the direct creation, design, and enhancement of all system associated software. He is also responsible for the testing and integration of the software into the device itself. He is also responsible for researching and interface implementation of attained hardware utilities.
  • Technical Support
  • The Technical Support is responsible for assisting customers.
  • Network Engineer
  • The Network Engineer tasks include designing and constructing the system network as well as network maintenance. Personnel in this role will work with the Network Administrator in ensure optimal network efficiency and connectivity.

[Figure 3.2: Phase 3 Budget Table]