Time Capsule Project

Grade 6 Students and Parents:

Grade 6 NDA students are working on a Time Capsule this year. This Time Capsule is a great way for students to reflect upon the successes/dreams/activities/experiences they are presently having … storing them in our “Time Capsule” (large ziploc freezer bag) and opening it back up in June of their Grade 9 year. The students are to collect a few special items that they will put in their ziploc bag. Students will also be writing a letter to themselves in their LA classes. This letter will highlight different areas that have meaning to them at the present moment.

Parents: We also need your help as well. We are encouraging all students to include, in their Time Capsules, at least 2 letters from people that are close to them. (EX: parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbours, coaches, etc) These letters will be sealed and opened in June of Grade 9. (Letters can address feelings towards the student, hopes, dreams for them, ways they make you proud, anything that will encourage the student in a positive way). Please help your child collect these letters, have them sealed, and labeled with student’s full name. More than 2 letters are also welcome. Sealed letters can be dropped off at office or sent with the student. The student is not to read these letters until June of Grade 9.

Goal: The goal of this project is to have every student in our school open up their Time Capsule at the end of their Grade 9 year and see how they have grown, changed, and stayed the same. We want all our students to feel good about themselves now and when they transition to high school.

§  All students are to also bring a large ziploc bag and a current picture of themself.

§  These items will be placed in their labeled ziploc bag along any pictures, items that would mean something to them when they finally open it up.

§  Some examples might be:

§  family pictures, team pictures, pictures of friends, pets, holidays, sports.

§  Items that mean something to them:

§  hockey puck, old dance shoes, small stuffy, flashdrive with messages/pictures, personalized dvd, personal memorabilia, etc...... anything that will fit in bag and that will not be missed until the gr. 9 year.

§  Students will get everything returned that is placed in their bags. Please no food.

We hope that you will be able to help us with this project! It will be due and packed up in the crate by the end of September.

If you have any further questions…please feel free to contact Mrs. Rae.