2016 Saratoga-North Country CoC – Project Rank & Review Application
Please generate a CoC Calendar Year 2015 (CY15: 1/1/15 - 12/31/15) APR from Foothold or
comparable HMIS to complete this application.
Informational Only
A1. Organization Name: ______
A2. Project Name: ______
A3. Application Contact Person: ______
A4. Project Type: PH TH
A5. FY16 Funding Request: $______
Leasing $______
Rental Assistance $______
Supportive Services $______
Operations $______
A6. Number of Contracted Beds/Units/Vouchers (Q4B in Project Application) ______
A7. Total Number of Participants served (Q7 on the APR): ______
A8. Operating Dates of the APR being used to complete this R&R Application: ______
A9. What is the cost per bed (divide the number of proposed beds by the total budget):______
A10. Is this project voluntarily reallocating funds to the CoC? □ Yes □ No
In a separate document, provide a short project overview that clearly describes the project’s unique characteristics and achievements. Please include the target population(s) served, the number of participants served, how participants access the project, and project goals and achievements. Please be as descriptive as possible by using data stated in the project application and the project’s CY15 APR. Response must be 250 words or less.
B1. Please note the project type: PH TH
B2. Utilization Rate -Using the project’s most recent Project Application and CY15 APR, complete the following chart to calculate the project’s utilization rate.
Please print and attach the corresponding questions from the Project Application and APR.
Projected persons served during an average PIT (Question 5 in Project Application) / Actual number served during PIT (Questions 8 & 9 in APR)Persons / Households
January / ____ Persons
____ Households
Persons: Average Actual ______/ Projected ______= Utilization ______
Households: Average Actual ______/ Projected ______= Utilization ______
B2.A -If the utilization rate is under 100%, please explain the reason why in 250 words or less. For example were there barriers or specific challenges to achieving 100% capacity?
B3. Does the project drawdown CoC funds from eLoccs quarterly? Please attach the last 3 drawdowns.
□ Yes □ No
B4. Please complete the table below based on information from the project's most recently completed contract.
Amount Awarded ($) / Amount Expended ($) / Percentage Spent (Expended/Awarded)Leasing
Rental Assistance
Supportive Services
B4.a: If the project expended less than 90% of total awarded funds, please explain in 250 words or less.
B5. Does your project participate in the Coordinated Entry process by making or receiving referrals?
B6. Does the project leverage more than 150 percent of project funding? Please attach a list with noted amounts of anticipated leverage for the 2016 projects.
B7 Please describe how your project coordinates services with other funded and non-funded providers in no more than 250 words.
B8. Please note how the project is meeting a noted gap in services (either current or previous; including housing) as noted in the CoC’s Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness. Please see pages 13-16 of the Plan for the noted identified remaining challenges or current gaps. Response must be 250 words or less.
B9. Is the project dedicated to one of the following priority populations: Chronically homeless, youth or veteran?
B9.A If the project is not dedicated, what percentage of beds are dedicated to a priority population? Please attach Project Application Q4B. and/or 5B.
B10. Does the project conduct street outreach that addresses specific needs of homeless individuals/families? If yes, please note what services specifically meet the needs of homeless individuals/families and how outreach is conducted.
B11. On CY15 APR (Q7), is more than 5% of your data missing or null? Please attach the corresponding question from the APR.
B12. Does the project ensure that no potential clients are screened out or terminated based on any the following. You must follow all four (4) in order to receive the full points: □ Yes □ No
Having too little or no income □ □
Active or history of substance abuse □ □
Criminal record with exceptions for state-mandated restrictions □ □
History of domestic violence □ □
Failure to participate in supportive services □ □
Failure to make progress on a service plan □ □
Loss of income or failure to improve income □ □
Being a victim of domestic violence □ □
Any other activity not covered in a lease agreement typically □ □
found in the project's geographic area.
B13. Does the project or agency staff regularly participate in any of the following CoC standing or ad hoc committees of SNC CoC:
Board Meetings □ Review Committee □
Saratoga Housing Coalition □ Membership Meeting □
HMIS Advisory Committee □ Governance □
WWH Committee □ Data and Goals Committee □
B14. Chronic Homeless-Dedicated
To show impact of this project on ending chronic homelessness (CH) in the CoC, refer to Attachment 1 and note below the percentage of CH beds this project contributes to the CoC: ______
B15. Effect on Chronic Homeless:
Permanent Housing Programs: During CY15, the CoC PH projects served a total of 11 chronically homeless individuals. To show impact of this project on ending chronic homelessness, refer to Attachment 2 to note the following:
B15a. The total number of chronically homeless persons this project served in CY15: ______
B15b. The percentage of the CoC total served by this project: ______
Transitional Housing Programs: During CY15, the CoC TH projects served a total of 4 chronically homeless individuals. To show impact of this project on ending chronic homelessness, refer to Attachment 2 to note the following:
B15c. The total number of chronically homeless persons this project served in CY15: ______
B15d. The percentage of the CoC total served by this project: ______
For each question, please print and attach the corresponding questions from the Calendar Year 2015 HMIS APR
C1. Housing Stability Performance:
C1a. Stated Goals: As noted in your CY 2015 APR Q36D, did this project meet the Continuum’s goal of 80% Housing Stability Performance, as stated within the Written Standards?
C1b. (Required if less than 80%, optional otherwise) Please comment on any unique circumstances affecting the housing stability performance measure (e.g., total project size/type or target population) and/or steps to be taken to improve program outcomes. (250 words or less)
C1c. Positive Outcomes
Permanent Housing projects: During CY15, there were 148 persons with positive outcomes noted across all CoC PH programs. (An exit is positive for PH if individual is a stayer or exited to a PH destination.) To show the effect of this project on housing stability, refer to Attachment 3 and note the percentage this project had on the system: ______%
Transitional Housing projects: During CY15, there were 34 persons with positive outcomes noted
across all CoC PH programs. (An exit is positive for PH if individual is a stayer or exited to a PH
destination.) To show the effect of this project on housing stability, refer to Attachment 3 and note the
percentage this project had on the system: ______%
C2. Exits to Homelessness: MAX 15 pts
C2a. To show impact of this project on ending homelessness, refer to Attachment 4 (showing all CoC project leavers) and note the percentage of project leavers who exited this program to a shelter or the street _____%
C3. Income Performance
C3.A What percentage of adults gained or increased earned income from employment at entry to follow-up/exit as noted in Question 24b of the APR? ______
C3.B (Optional, unless less than 20%) Please comment on any unique circumstances that affected the income performance measures. Consider including the number of participants who the measure was applicable to and the number of participants who achieved the measure or perhaps any challenges the project encounters impacting client income. Response must be 250 words or less.
C3.C What percentage of adults gained or increased other income from entry to follow-up/exit?
C3.D – (Optional, unless less than 54%) Please comment on any unique circumstances that affected the income performance measures. Consider including the number of participants who the measure was applicable to and the number of participants who achieved the measure or perhaps any challenges the project encounters impacting client income. Response must be 250 words or less.
C4. Non-Cash Benefits of Leavers: Using APR Q26a2, please enter the following:
C4.A What percentage of all leavers exited the program with at least one type of non-cash benefit? Add up all leavers with 1+ sources of non-cash benefits and divide by total number of leavers.
2016 Saratoga-North Country CoC –Project Rank & Review Application
C4.B (Optional) Please comment on any unique circumstances affecting the non-cash benefits of leavers (e.g., total project size/type or target population).
C5. Number of Homeless Persons: Was your project included in the final submission of the 2016 Point in Time? This will be verified by the Collaborative Applicant. □ Yes □ No
Points Scale: The 2016 Saratoga-North Country CoC Project Rank and Review Application is scored on a 200 point scale with the following breakdown:
PH / 10 pointsTH / 8 points
B2. 0-20 pts (20 points MAX for B2 and B2.A)
B2.A 0-10 points
B2. Utilization Rate / Points100% / 20
99-90% / 16
89-86% / 12
85-80% / 8
77-75% / 4
Under 75% / 0
B3. 0 or 5 pts
B4. 0-20 pts (20 points MAX for B4 and B4.A)
B4.A 0-10 points
B5. 0-10 pts
B6. 0 or 10 pts
B7. 0-5pts
B8. 0-10 pts
B9. 0-10 points
B9.A 0-5 points
B10. 0-5 pts
B11. 0 or 5 pts
B12. 0 or 5 pts (Project must meet all 4 criteria to get full 5 points)
B13. 0 or 5 pts
B14. 0 -7 points
B14. Dedicated CH beds / Points50-100% / 7
35-49% / 5
20-34% / 3
10-19% / 1
0-9% / 0
B15. 0-8 points
B15.A – 0 points
B15.B – 0-8 points
B15.C – 0 points
B15.D – 8 points
B15.B Total CH served / Points40-100% / 8
20-39% / 4
6-19% / 2
0-5% / 0
C1. 0- 20 Points Maximum
C1.A 0 or 10 points
C1.B Narrative: 0-5 Points
C1.C 0-10 points
C1.D 0-10 points
C1.C &C1.D Positive Outcomes / PointsMore than 25% / 10
20-25% / 8
15-19% / 6
10-14% / 3
Less than 10% / 0
C2. 0- 15 Points
C2 Exits to Homelessness / Points0% / 15
1-5% / 8
6-10% / 4
Greater than 10% / 0
C3. 0 -20 points Maximum (including C3.A, C3.B, C3.C, C3.D)
C3.A 0 – 10 points
C3.A Income from Employment / Points50-100% / 10
30-49% / 8
20-29% / 4
Under 20% / 0
C3.B Narrative: 0- 5 Points
C3.C 0- 10 Points
C3.C Income From Other than Employment / Points100-90% / 10
70-89% / 8
55-69% / 4
Under 54% / 0
C3.D Narrative: 0-5 Points
C4. 0-5 points Maximum
C4.A 0 5pts
C4.A Non-CashIncome Performance / Points
90- 100% / 5
26-69% / 3
Under 25% / 0
C4.B Narrative 0-2.5 Points
C5. 0 or 5 Points