Dates and Locations:
May 10-11, 2011
Southern CA Coastal Water Research Project
3535 Harbor Blvd., Suite 110, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
June 8-9, 2011
Cal EPA Klamath Room
1001 I St., Sacramento, CA 95814
June 21-22, 2011
San Francisco Estuary Institute
7770 Pardee Lane, Oakland, CA 94621
July 19-20, 2011
Weaverville Fire Hall
125 Bremer Street Weaverville, CA 96093
DATES TBD: The first course in Sacramento, June 8-9, is full. A second session in Sacramento will be announced soon.
Time: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM. Specific agendas for each location will be included in the final confirmations sent out a week before the class date.
Course Description:
This 2-day class and field course is intended to provide agency and tribal staff with a fundamental understanding of the California Rapid Assessment Method. The course will also cover interpretation of scores, QA/QC procedures and the new California Wetland Portals. The primary objectives of this course are to provide agency staff with the following:
· A general understanding of the conceptual structure and approach of CRAM;
· A cursory technical overview in CRAM application for riverine wetlands;
· Interpretation of CRAM scores;
· Guidance on eCRAM and attendant quality assurance procedures;
· An introduction to the California Wetland Portals and project tracking
This course is specifically intended for State, federal, local and tribal staff involved with wetland assessment and monitoring. This course provides a modest level of hands on experience to conduct a CRAM field assessment; however, it is NOT intended as a substitute for practitioner-level training in the method.
Special instructions: The course involves both a classroom and field component; so participants should be prepared to be in the field by wearing appropriate clothing and walking shoes. Sunscreen, a hat, a pair of rubber boots and other field gear are also highly recommended. Please bring your own lunch and water on the field day (check your final confirmation).
Instructor Teams:
SCCWRP: Chris Solek, Ph.D., Eric Stein, PhD., SCCWRP and Ross Clark, MLML
Sacramento: Sarah Pearce and Josh Collins, PhD., SFEI.
Oakland: Ross Clark and Kevin O’Connor, MLML.
Weaverville: Chad Roberts, PhD. and Kevin O’Connor
Registration Fees: Paid through the Water Board Training Academy. Water Board staff will be offered a priority registration period before others are notified of the class.
To Register: Water Board employees, follow the training registration requirements, obtain all required approvals and then register on-line at Other agency staff: register using the link above.
General questions concerning the class may be addressed to Cliff Harvey . After registration, contact the course instructors listed above for course-specific information.
If you have special accommodation or language needs, please contact Barbara Andersen at least 5 working days prior to the class at (916) 341-5519 or email . TTY/DD/Speech to Speech users may dial 7-1-1 for the California Relay Service.