Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day
St Mark’s Church of England Primary School
Friday 7th September 2012
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to St Mark’s! I hope you had a lovely break over the summer. I really enjoyed teaching your children when they were in Year 3 and I am so pleased to have another opportunity to teach them again in Year 6.
As your children may have told you, I got married over the summer so I will be changing my name from Miss Benjamin to Mrs Farquharson!
We have a busy term ahead of us and I would like to outline in this letter some of the work we will be doing. There will also be information about daily routines and procedures.
v Literacy – We will begin the term with a narrative unit and will be studying a book called The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byar. The children will be writing recounts, reports and letters through this topic. It is really important that your children find time to read everyday at home too. Please take the time to listen to your child read each week, or have a conversation with them about what they have been reading independently. On the back of this letter, I have included some examples of questions you might ask. Each week, your child will bring home a reading book. You need to make a comment in the yellow reading log about how your child has got on. They can also comment on their own reading here with you and should write which page number they have got up to.
v Maths – This term, topics will include place value, shape and space and data handling. It is really important that by the end of this term your child can confidently recall times tables from 1 to 10. Please ensure you practise with them everyday. Don’t forget that you can help your children at home in a very practical way with activities such as time and measure. They can also go on MyMaths to complete useful activities and lessons.
v IPC (International Primary Curriculum) – Year 6 will be learning about Fairgrounds this term. We will be designing and making fairground rides which move using a motor. I have linked this to work on forces and electricity in science.
v ICT (Information Communication Technology) – We will be designing web pages to inform our school about e-safety issues.
v Science – Year 6 will be learning about forces and electricity, and relate this to work in IPC.
v Music and Spanish– Music and Spanish lessons will continue to be taught once a week by a specialist teacher.
v RE (Religious Education) – This term we will learn about sacrament and rites of passage. There is a prayer area in our classroom. Your child could write a prayer at home and bring it into school to share.
v PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) – We will be completing activities from a SEAL topic called New beginnings.
v PE - Year 6 will have PE every Tuesday. They will require their full PE kit for these lessons. Children need a plain white t-shirt, black/blue shorts or suitable trousers, trainers and socks.
v Swimming – This term, Year 6 will go swimming every Wednesday. This is compulsory for all children and they must bring a towel and swimming costume to school on this day. Boys should wear swimming briefs and not baggy shorts and girls should have a one piece costume. Goggles can be worn if an accompanying letter is provided about a medical condition. This is required by the instructors at the pool. If your child is well enough to be in school, they will need to attend their swimming lessons.
Other information
Homework and reading books - Children will still receive homework every Friday, accompanied by their reading book, to be returned the following Wednesday. Each child should carry a St Mark’s PACT folder to school. These can be purchased from the office if you do not have one. There will be a spelling test and mental maths test, including times tables, every Friday.
Water – Children should bring in a bottle of water with them each day
Birthdays – Cakes, biscuits and sweets should not be brought in on children’s birthdays. We celebrate in other ways with songs, cards etc.
Going for Gold – Please talk to your child about the Going for Gold rules. We will do lots of work around this as part of our PSHE topic this half term and it is very useful if it can be reinforced at home.
The school day – Please remember that the morning bell goes at 8.55am and all children should be on time. Key Stage 2 finish school at 3.35pm and this is when they need to be collected, if not attending SWES.
After school arrangements – Please let me know if your child will be walking home on their own this year.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I can be found in the playground before and after school. Or please telephone the school if you wish to speak to me urgently. I look forward to working with you again this year and thank you for your anticipated support.
Yours sincerely,
Susie Farquharson
Year 6 class teacher
MONDAY / TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY / THURSDAY / FRIDAYPE kit / Homework and reading books returned to school
Swimming kit / Homework and reading books taken home
Spelling test
Mental maths test
o Parent and teacher meeting – Wednesday 12th September from 4.45-5.15. I will go through information from this letter and answer any questions.
o Class assembly – Thursday 20th September. Please join us at 10am.
o Individual photos – Tuesday 23rd October.
o Osmington Bay School Journey –Year 6 will go on school journey from 5th – 9th November. A meeting will be held with all the details nearer the time.
o Parents’ Evening – Thursday 15th November.
o Open afternoon – On Thursday 13th December, you are invited into school to work alongside your child during one of their lessons.
10 questions to ask your children when reading
1. Who is (are) the main characters in your story?
2. Are any of the main characters like you or like somebody you know? What makes you think so?
3. Describe your favourite character in the story and tell me why the character is your favourite.
4. When do you think the story takes place? Where do you think the story takes place? Why do you think so? (look for evidence.)
5. What is the funniest/scariest/best part of the story?
6. Is there a problem in this story? If so, how does the problem get solved? How would you have solved the problem?
7. Would any of your friends/family enjoy this book? Why or why not?
8. Could you come up with another good title for this book? What would it be?
9. If you could change the ending of this book, what would it be?
10. Do you think this book would make a good movie? Why or why not?
Sussex Way, Islington, London, N19 4JFt. 020 7272 5967 f. 020 7561 9013
Headteacher: Calvin Henry
Deputy Head: Martha Braithwaite