[Version 1.4] /
[The purpose of the Patient Participation Scheme is to ensure patients are involved in decisions regarding the quality and range of services offered. Patient opinion was gathered by means of a local patient survey and the responses discussed with our Patient Participation Group (PPG). Areas of key importance for improvement were indentified and then an action plan was formulated and agreed with the PPG. Main areas indentified were better communication and availability of information for patients.] /
Richard Budd BSc MSc /
[28/03/2014] /
Table of Contents
Practice population vs Patient Participation Group profile comparison3
Method used to form the patient questionnaire5
Patient questionnaire responses6
Questionnaire findings and action plan12
Practice information and opening times16
I Q&A responses17
II Online services responses26
III Improved access responses30
IV GP special interest responses31
V Additional services responses34
VI Opening times responses37
Patient Participation Group Report
Date Published: March 2014
Age <17
Age 17-24
Age 25-34
Age 35-44
Age 45-54
Age 54-64
Age 65-74
Age >74
British / Mixed British
Non British
* Ethnicity is only recorded for36% of the practice population currently. It is therefore not statistically meaningful to compare this with the PPG membership. The rate of recording appears to have dropped compared to last year when it was at 42%. Possible reasons for this drop could be attributed to patients either opting not to complete the ethnicity question on the New Patient Health Questionnaire or that the answer they supply falls outside the standard expected response (in terms of ethnicity) and therefore can not be recorded. For example, where they have responded with “Polish”, we will record it as this rather than “any other white background”.
** Some PPG members chose not to answer this.
The profile of the group is illustrated in the previous table above and also in more detail below (seefig 1.).
As in previous years, we recruited patients to join the PPG in a number of ways. These included poster campaigns and leaflets within the practice, adverts on our website (along with the facility to sign up online) and an opt-in section on our new patient registration form. In an effort to reach all ethnic groups, our website has the facility to translate any page in to any one of 65 different languages.
Our Patient Participation Group (PPG)consists of 90 patients. The age distribution and ethnicity make up of the group has not altered from the previous year.
Patient ethnicity is still onlyrecorded for just over one-third of our 15640patients(for the reasons mentioned above) so it isn’t really possible to say whether our PPG is representative of the larger practice population, it does appear to give reasonablerepresentation though withsome 9% of our PPG indicating they are from ethnic groups other than British. Representation in terms of gender and age ranges of our PPG is satisfactory with a slight leaning towards having more female members than males and those aged between 45 and 64 years of age.
Fig 1.
Initially we emailed all our PPG members reminding them of the purpose of the PPG,highlighting its benefits, with a recap on the changes made as a result of the previous year’s scheme.
We then invited them to suggest questions that they would likeincluded in this year’s patient questionnaire.
14 questions were selected for inclusion (in addition to the standard ethnicity questions) and the questionnaire was then created electronically on our website. Notices inviting patients to complete the questionnaire were displayed in prominent places throughout the surgery and also on our website. An email inviting patients to complete it and a link to the questionnaire was sent to every registered patient for whom we hold an email address. We decided against sending the invitation by text message this year as the NHSmail free text service seems to struggle when sending out messages to very large groups. This results in a backlog of the messages being processed and has on occasions caused complaints with messages arriving at inappropriate times such as through the night or very early hours of the morning.
645 emails containing the invitation to complete the survey were sent out. The questionnaire was (as already stated) made available on our website. It was also made available in paper format at receptionfor any patients that requested it or who did not wish to complete it online.
We ran the survey for 2 weeks closing on the 30th November 2014.
224 patients completed the survey (fig2.), up very slightly compared to the previous year’s 218 responses. This figure still only represents a completion rate of less than 1.4% of registered patients.
Fig 2.
Winyates Health Centre
Patient Experience 2014
Number of Responses: 224
Patient Experience 2014
How would you rate the current online services?
No response5%
Would you like to be able to check your test results online?
Dont mind4%
No response4%
If you could see online that the result of your latest test was normal and no further action was required, would you still feel the need to contact the surgery anyway? (I.e to make sure)
No response3%
What do you think needs improving regarding the online services we offer?
See appendix II for responses
Are you happy with the recent changes to improve physical access to the building? (New ramp, wider, smoother footpaths, wider entrance)
No response3%
If you are not happy with the new improved access, why is this?
See appendix III for responses
Would you like to receive more regular communications from us? (About clinics, flu campaigns e.t.c)
Dont mind36%
No response3%
If so, what would be your prefered method?
Website updates23%
Surgery fliers2%
Text message13%
Are you aware our GP's areas of special interest are currently listed in our practice booklet, on our website and also on NHSchoices?
No response3%
If you werent aware, how else do you think we should be conveying this information?
See appendix IV for responses
If we were able to, what additional services would you like to see being offered by us?
See appendix V for responses
We currently open from 8am to 6:30pm weekdays + one Saturday per month. Would you like longer/extended opening hours?
Dont mind36%
No response5%
If so what times do you think would be most useful and reasonable?
Earlier weekday opening5%
Later weekday opening18%
Earlier & later weekday opening11%
Saturdays (weekly rather than monthly)41%
Saturdays & Sundays12%
Other (please state below)0%
I think the surgery should consider opening...
See appendix VI for responses
To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:
Are you male or female?
No response4%
What age are you?
Under 160%
17 - 240%
25 - 345%
35 - 4412%
45 - 5413%
55 - 6433%
65 - 7430%
75 - 843%
Over 840%
What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?
White British94%
White Irish1%
Mixed White & Black Caribbean0%
Mixed White & Black African0%
Mixed White & Black Asian0%
Black Caribbean0%
Black African0%
Eastern European0%
No response5%
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?
Very Rarely12%
No response2%
Many thanks for your time in answering the questions on this survey.
The results of the survey, along with all the free text comments, were then emailed to our PPG (along with an explanation of the process and some suggested points for inclusion) inviting them to suggest which areas they think we need to focus on for improvement and inclusion in the action plan.
There was a significant improvement in response rate from our PPG this year. Feedback given was, on whole, extremely useful and constructive. This afforded us the opportunity to tailor this year’s action plan to accommodate as much the PPG’s suggestions as possible.
The action plan proposal was initially drawn up based upon the feedback received from the patient questionnaire taking in to account, not only the responses to the tick box questions, but also as many of the free text comments we received as possible (see appendices II-VI). We attempted to focus on the key areas highlighted by our patients with suggested interventions that we felt were realistically achievable.This was then emailed to our PPG for consideration and comment. Where we felt we have not been able to include suggestions made by patients in to the action plan we have given our reasons for this in the Q&A table at the end of this document (see appendixI.).
We feel it would be useful to convey this information to our patients to aid better understanding of why things are done in certain ways and why some things they request are not always possible. We will therefore be displaying the Q&A section in reception for our patients, as well as on our website.
Responses from our PPG to the proposed plan were in agreement and feedback received suggested they saw it as a positive step towards improving patient care/experience.We received no objections. In addition one or two PPG members seemed particularly pleased with the process and to have had the opportunity to be involved. With this agreement we therefore finalised our action plan (see fig 3 over page.). The action plan was again emailed to our PPG and their feedback invited. Again no objections were received, and those that responded were in agreement.
Winyates Health Centre Patient Participation Group
Fig 3.
Patient Experience Action Plan for Winyates Health Centre 2014Focus points identified as a result of the Patient Questionnaire feedback and discussion with the PPG.
- Offer patients the facility to check test results online.
- To text patients with their test results.
- Be able to email/message the surgery.
- Saturday opening (every Saturday).
- Display staff photos and GPs areas of special interest.
- Q&A section to answer some common misunderstandings.
87% of survey respondents indicated they would like this service to be offered.
Offering patients the ability to check their test results online will offer greater convenience to patients and reduce the need to call the surgery or to come in when the outcome of their test is normal (72% indicated they would not feel the need to contact the surgery if their result was normal). Currently this service is in development by our clinical supplier (EmisWeb) but we have been informed it should be released later this year. At which point we will then make it available for use to our patients.
Timeframe: As soon as EmisWeb release it to us. *Latest news is that is due to be released in Q2*.
Actioned by: Richard Budd
As with being able to view test requests online, texting patients to let them know that a result is normal should reduce the need for patients to call us or to come in unnecessarily. Where a result is abnormal the patient would only get a message requesting they contact the surgery. No confidential information or values would be sent within the text message.
Patients will naturally have the right to opt out of this service (and the appointment text reminder service) should they wish to do so.
This service is available right now and can be activated as soon as we have a suitable protocol governing its use in place.
Given the problems we have experienced with the current appointment text reminder system from EmisWeb we have decided to therefore trial the test results text service for one month, after which we will review its effectiveness.
Timeframe: We intend to begin a one month trial from 1st April 2014.
Actioned by: Richard Budd
A frequently occurring comment seen in this and previous years responses was to be able to email or message the practice.
This is something we have looked at previously but decided against in the past for numerous reasons including, but not limited to,
1. Not having staffing levels required to ensure we are always able to respond in a timely manner.
2. Not being able to prevent the email address given to patients becoming bogged down with spam and potentially harmful payloads as patients own accounts are compromised (which is inevitable over time).
Having now moved to EmisWeb and their Patient Access (online services) this offers us the opportunity to now allow patients to message us in a controllable and safe manner.
By using Patient Access as the mechanism to send us messages it allows a quick and convenient method for patients to send us messages while also preventing any possible spam or harmful payloads (because our address is not seen by the patient and therefore can not be saved or trawled).
With the upcoming introduction of test results becoming available online and also the option to be notified of the result via text, this should reduce the volume of calls and enquiries that the reception and admin team have to deal with. Hopefully, this will free-up time to offer a better patient service, including the facility to be able respond to message enquiries sent from Patient Access in a timely manner.
Offering patients the ability to leave us non-urgent messages at any time, including over the weekend, should also reduce the demand to speak to us at our busiest times such as on a Monday morning.
In addition we will also offer patients the ability to update their contact details via Patient Access. Change of address and phone numbers can be updated both on our own website, and now, also via Patient Access. The easier it is for patients to inform us of changes, the better the new services like test result texts are likely to work.Better utilising electronic means of interaction (text, email and online services) should result in a reduced demand for traditional services such as the phone, which in turn will mean less waiting or queuing when patients do need to speak to us in person or by phone.
Timeframe: Both these services are available with immediate effect. Patients need to be registered for Patient Access (online services) in order to use them.
Actioned by: Richard Budd
The patient survey showed that 42% of patients would like to see longer/extended surgery opening hours. Interestingly, 53% answered “no” or “don’t mind” to the question.
Despite this, we appreciate it can be difficult for some patients to attend during our normal working hours. Of the options that were offered to patients in the survey Saturday opening was the clear favourite with 41% of votes. Opening every Saturday as opposed to just one Saturday per month as we do currently is certainly something we will seriously consider.
The proposal has been placed on the agenda for next months practice meeting (1st April 2014), and will be discussed by the partners.
Timescale: Unavailable pending outcome of the meeting.
Actioned by: Senior Management Team
Patients have indicated they would find it useful if we not only displayed names and photos of our clinicians but also their particular area of special interest. Knowing a GP has a particular expertise in a certain field will help patients book their appointment with the GP best suited to deal with their problem or condition. This not only potentially improves patient care but could also prevent the patient then needing to book another appointment with another GP because they may be better qualified to deal with it.
51% of patients stated they were not aware we already list all our GPs areas of special interest in the practice booklet (given to patients when they register), on our website and also on the NHSchoices website.It is clear that too many patients are not aware this information is available to them. We will therefore also display this information in reception so that it’s readily available as patients book their appointment at the desk.
With regard to displaying photographs of our clinicians (both GPs and nurses) we would like to seek their approval first and this will be discussed at the next practice meeting (scheduled 1st April 2014). If there are no objections then we would look to display them not only in reception but also on our website as well.
Timescale: Pending agreement at the meeting, Q2 2014.
Actioned by: Senior Management Team
Looking through this years comments there are certainly some misunderstandings that we feel we can address, as to perhaps why we do or don’t offer certain things (for example why patients cant book nurse appointments online).
A Q&A section displayed on our website, within the surgery and sent with our newsletters we feel could help.
Better communication with patients is something we are looking to improve on this year, not only by encouraging patients to message us with their queries or concerns but also with more frequent and more informative newsletters sent to our patients, along with more information readily available within the surgery and on our website. Just 6% of responses indicated they would not like to receive more regular communication from us.
In addition, for next years PPG scheme we would very much like to conduct this process in person rather than purely by email, meeting periodically with our PPG patients through the year for open discussions aimed at improving our patients care and experience here at Winyates Health Centre.
Timeframe: Q&A section displayed in reception and on website April 2014.
Actioned by: Richard Budd
Morning / AfternoonMonday / 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:30
Tuesday / 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:30
Wednesday / 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:30
Thursday / 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:30
Friday / 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:30
Weekend / closed / closed
**Please note - phone lines are open from 08:30 - 12:45 then again from 14:00 - 18:00.
Life threatening emergency calls only will be taken between 08:00 - 08:30, 13:00 – 14:00 and 18:00 - 18:30.