Those Present: Cllr Dickinson (Chair), Cllr S Appleyard (V.Chair), Cllr Birch and Cllr Hutchinson Cllr Beaumont and Miss Gawthorpe Clerk to Parish Council, PCSO Bainton
8 Member of the public.
1 Apologies for Absence - None
2 Declaration of Interest - None
3 Open Forum
A member of the public informed the meeting that revised plans for the Ferry Road development are now on the ERYC website.
A member of the public asked about parking on Oak Square and was informed that parking on the ‘tarmac’ corner is not changing.
4 Police Issues
PCSO Bainton reported four crimes (attempt burglary in a dwelling, Church Road, Burglary in a storage container, Burglary at a portacabin and burglary in a shed – Ferry Road) in the parish and no reports of ABS.
There was a debate around the safety of homeowners in these situations and it was agreed to remind the public of police advise around keeping safe and not tackling the burglar. are the actions they should take if they are being burgled
Action – Gazette Entry Cllr Appleyard to write a piece for the Gazette around the increase in burglaries and what the public should do.
Cllr Birch asked PCSO Bainton about the community SpeedWatch scheme being operated in other counties. PCSO Bainton advised the meeting that the scheme is operational and could be operated in the parish with the help of volunteers and members of the P/Council. It was agreed that the scheme should deployed as soon as possible
Action – Gazette Entry 2 Cllr Appleyard to write a piece for the Gazette asking for volunteers to support operation of the SpeedWatch scheme.
5 Minutes of 2nd March 2017
Resolved: Accept as a true record.
Matters Arising/Outstanding Issues
a) Ongoing Action - Double Yellow lines:
a. Clerk to write to ERYC about the yellow line at the church.
b. Clerk to write to EYRC and ask why the missing Main Street yellow lines need to go out to another consultation
b) Ongoing Action – Planter: Clerk to write to Mr Pearson to enquire about his support for the sign/planter near the Waggoners.
c) Ongoing Action – Website: Cllr Hutchinson to complete the ‘History of Wawne’ page of the website. Cllr Hutchinson is going to complete over the winter.
d) Ongoing Action – Picnic Bench Cllr Appleyard is to get another price for the picnic bench at the play area.
e) Ongoing Action: Cllr Dickinson agreed to look into the confusion surrounding the band/music for 8th December 2017 Christmas Festivities.
6 Finance:
Resolved: All to be paid.
7 Planning:
Erection of detached garage with car port, raising of roof height and the installation of 3 dormer windows – 12 Main Street – Full Planning Permission.
Resolve: Approval
8 Yellow Line: Already discussed in matters arising.
9 Correspondence:
a) Cllr Appleyard informed the meeting that the school have found money for the play trail from a grant. The monies the school had for this project will now be diverted to the creation of the car park during the summer break.
b) Email about parking around the village.
c) Letter from the for ERYC regarding the annual village ‘walkabout’ which will take place on the 1st August 2017 at 9.45.
10 Councillors' reports any items for future agenda: None
11 Issues for communications.
No urgent issues were highlighted
12 Date and time of next meeting
Next meeting is to be held at Wawne Village Hall, on Thursday 4th May 2017
Chairs Signature and Date......
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