Clinical Quality Assurance Group (CQAG) – Terms of Reference

Remit and Membership of CQAG

Meetings: Quarterly (x3 virtual meetings and x1 face-to-face meeting to be held at RCOG)

·  Key relationships: Clinical Quality Board, Guidelines Committee, Joint Standing Committee for Patient Safety, Lindsay Stewart Committee for Audit and Clinical Informatics, NGA Consortium Board, Patient Information Committee, Scientific Advisory Committee, RCOG Women’s Network, Education Board, Trainees’ Committee, Global Health Board and External Affairs Board

Reporting to: Clinical Quality Board

Terms of Reference:

1.  The Group will maintain and develop an overall Framework for clinical quality QA for approval by the CQ Board. The Framework will encompass all College CQ products.

2.  The Group will be available to provide advice on QA to all College Committees and Directorates concerned with CQ where appropriate.

3.  The Group will contribute to QA best practice in the College.

4.  The Group will ensure that information is shared with the appropriate partners.

5.  The Group will develop and oversee systems for the regular systematic reviews of all College CQ resources. The Group will determine the structure and content of these reviews and surveys. This will be part of a continuous feedback mechanism from users.

6.  The Group will advise the CQ Board to ensure that the totality of the College’s CQ resources is integrated and coherent.

7.  The Group will have the right to co-opt appropriate advisers for specific pieces of work.


Vice President, Clinical Quality (Chair)

Representatives nominated by:

·  Guidelines Committee

·  Scientific Advisory Committee

·  Patient Information Committee

·  Lindsay Stewart Centre Committee

·  Joint Standing Committee for Patient Safety

·  NGA Consortium Board

·  Women’s Network

·  Trainees’ Committee

·  Education Board

·  Global Health Board

·  External Affairs Directorate

Three clinicians to be selected by competitive interview

Senior Director, Clinical Quality

Executive Director, NGA

Executive Director, Education & Quality

Business Manager, Education & Quality