The El Reno Public Schools
Administration Building, 100 S Bickford
El Reno, Oklahoma
June 26, 2017 5:30 PM


Note: The board may discuss, vote to approve, vote to disapprove, vote to table, amend, or decide not to discuss any item on the agenda.

1.Call to Order / Mr. Steven Jensen,
2.Public comments
Citizen’s comments will be heard at all regularly scheduled board meetings only during the designated Public Comment portion of the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes with no action taken. Citizens must sign up with the Board Clerk between 5:00-5:30 pm to receive guidelines prior to the start of the board meeting
3.El Reno Public School Grants- Mrs. Barbara Johnson
4.Discussion and possible vote regarding EHS graduation diploma covers-Mrs. Peggy Haynes
5.Transportation Report- Mr. Chuck Lawson
6.Presentation and discussion of Pk-12th Student Handbooks for 2017-18
7.Financial Status of the District / Mr. Goucher
8.Consent Agenda
All the following items, which concern reports and items of routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one board vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration and approval of all the following items:
A.Minutes of the May 8, 2017 school board meeting
B.Approval of financial statement, activity fund report, investment recommendations, account creations or adjustments, fund transfers and expenditure comparisons, all claims, encumbrances, purchase orders, activity fund transfers change orders and budget adjustments
C.Approval of BancFirst for district depository/banking services
D.Approval to authorize Craig McVay signature for purchase orders
E.Approval to designate the Superintendent of Schools and or his designee of El Reno ISD #34 as the authorized representative of this school district for the purpose of completing and signing insurance applications, uninsured motorist election/rejection forms, submitting proof of loss forms and generally dealing with any and all insurance carriers providing insurance coverage to this school district
F.Approval of renewal of American Fidelity Assurance Company as Section 125 Plan service provider
G.Approval of contract with Visual Senses for school year 2017-2018
H.Approval of annual renewal of School Hours to Days board policy EBA
I.Approval of School Hours to Days Worksheet Reports
J.Approval of the continuation agreement between Calumet Public Schools and the El Reno Special Education Cooperative Services for the 2017-2018 school year
K.Approval of renewal of 2017-2018 contract for legal services with the Center for Educational Law
L.Approval of renewal of Property/Casualty School Board Legal Liability Insurance proposal with OSRMT for 2017-2018
M.Approval of lists of Activity Fund Expenditures, Revenues and all Sub Accounts for FY 2017
N.Approval of renewal of Fundraiser list for the 2017-2018 school year
O.Approval of the renewal of all current software licenses and support
P.Approval to renew the procedure to obtain comparable investment rates from local banking institutions
Q.Approval to award bids for 2017-2018 general school supplies
R.Approval of renewal of Cumulative Oath of Office for School District Treasurer Sandra Porter and Deputy Treasurer Linda Crawford
S.Approval of Open and Emergency Transfer Requests for 2017-2018
T.Approval of 2017-2018 Center for Communication and Engagement Contract
U.Approval of renewal of agreement with Canadian County Health Department to provide nursing services for 2017-2018
V.Approval of new Activity Fund Sub-Account-Girls Soccer
W.Approval of books to surplus
X.Approval to surplus various items
Y.Approval of the Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2017-2018. This resolution authorizes filing of the Form 471 applications for funding year 2017-2018 and the payment of the applicant's share upon approval of funding and receipt of services
Z.Approval of Certification of Compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
AA.Approval of 2018-2021 Technology Plan
BB.Approval of Youth and Family Services Agreement and Financial Contract for 17-18
CC.Approval of anonymous donation for Etta Dale Junior High in the amount of $43, 388.14
9.Current Business:
A.Possible consideration and vote regarding updating board policy EIC-R1-Honors Program; DEE-R-Travel and Expense and FFAC-E2 Parental Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment Form-Superintendent Recommendation:
B.Possible consideration and vote regarding updating board policies: BEA; BEF; CO; CO-R1; COB; DAA; DAA-E; DAA-P; DCC-R; DEC-R7; DOCA; EHBDB; EK-R1; FL; FNCA; FNCA-R; FNG; GL; GL-E1; GVA-P-Superintendent Recommendation:
C.Possible consideration and vote regarding the Worker's Compensation proposals-Superintendent Recommendation:
D.Possible consideration and vote regarding the Agreement for Educational Services at Canadian County Juvenile Detention Center, at Canadian County Education Center and at Ft. Reno Adolescent Center for 2017-2018 Fiscal Year- Superintendent Recommendation:
E.Possible consideration and vote regarding the Lead Education Agency contract for 17-18- Superintendent Recommendation:
F.Discussion of Oil & Gas proposals and possible retention of Bass Law Firm- Superintendent Recommendation:
G.EEA Report:
H.Superintendent's Report:
10.Executive Session: Possible consideration and vote to convene/not to convene into executive session to discuss the resignations of: Mitchell Haun; Kristi Sierra; Jason Pennington; Lyndsay Weaver; Laken Thornton; Lucy Dieman; Sarah Mehan; the employment of, subject to assignment: David Bynum-Special Ed Teacher (replacement), Chelsea McCuistion-Teacher (replacement); Cariann Davidson-Teacher (replacement); Kristie Harris-Teacher (replacement); Cheyenne Choate-Teacher (replacement); Eva Fancher-Teacher (replacement); Tammy Poolaw-Teacher; Julie Resendiz-Transportation; Brittney Webster-Teacher (replacement); Carrie Compton-School Psychologist; Sam Hardwidge-Hiett- Teacher/Coach (replacement); Shelby Brittain-Teacher Assistant; Shelly Hudson-Teacher (replacement); Valerie Hardwidge-Hiett-Teacher (replacement); Ashley Wilson-Teacher (replacement); Rick Little-Painter; Denis Seewald- Teacher (part-time); Ross Carter-Teacher Assistant; Steve Edmonson-Maintenance; the continued employment of Support Personnel Contracts; pursuant to 25 OS § 307(B)(1) and discussion of confidential sick leave sharing requests pursuant to 25 O. S.§ 307 (B)(7) of the Open Meeting Act
A.Possible consideration and vote to convene/not to convene into executive session
B.Board acknowledges return to open session
C.Executive session minutes compliance statement read by Mr. Scott McBee
D.Possible consideration and vote regarding the resignations of the following people: Mitchell Haun; Kristi Sierra; Jason Pennington; Lyndsay Weaver; Laken Thornton; Lucy Dieman; Sarah Mehan
E.Possible consideration and vote regarding the employment of, subject to assignment: David Bynum-Special Ed Teacher (replacement); Chelsea McCuistion-Teacher (replacement); Cariann Davidson-Teacher (replacement); Kristie Harris-Teacher (replacement); Cheyenne Choate-Teacher (replacement); Eva Fancher-Teacher (replacement); Tammy Poolaw-Teacher; Julie Resendiz-Transportation; Brittney Webster-Teacher (replacement); Carrie Compton-School Psychologist; Sam Hiett- Teacher/Coach (replacement); Shelby Brittain-Teacher Assistant; Shelly Hudson-Teacher (replacement); Valerie Hiett-Teacher (replacement); Ashley Wilson-Teacher (replacement); Rick Little-Painter; Denis Seewald-Teacher (part-time); Ross Carter-Teacher Assistant; Steve Edmonson-Maintenance
F.Possible consideration and vote regarding Support Personnel Contracts for 2017-2018, subject to assignment (see list)
G.Possible consideration and vote regarding the confidential sick leave sharing requests
11.New Business: Possible consideration of any new business of an emergency nature that had not been contemplated at the time of agenda preparation and cannot be delayed until the next regular board meeting.
12.Next school board meeting: Regular Meeting-July 17, 2017 at 5:30 pm in the School Administration Building, 100 South Bickford, El Reno, Oklahoma
13.Adjournment: Possible consideration and vote regarding adjourning

As required by Section 311, Title 25 of the Oklahoma Statues, a notice and an agenda is hereby posted that the Board of Education of Independent School District #34 of Canadian County, Oklahoma, will hold a regular meeting on June 26, 2017 5:30 PM. The place and street address of the meeting will be in the Administration Building, 100 S Bickford
El Reno, Oklahoma. Posted on this ___ Day of ______, ______on or before 5:30 pm on the front door of the School Administration Building, 100 S. Bickford El Reno, Oklahoma and verified by Mr. Craig McVay, Superintendent.

Posted at ______p.m., ______, ______by Laura Kennedy, Board Clerk