Syllabus Scavenger Hunt (35pts) Name: Period:

1. How can you contact me outside of class time? ______

2. What type of experiences will you be introduced to in this class? ______

3. What graduation requirement does this class meet? ______

4. What grade must you earn to meet the graduation requirement? ______

5. What is one of the learning goals for this class? ______



6. Name 3 project materials/areas we may be using this year to create works of art.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

7. How long will it take to create a project? ______

8. How are the projects graded? What will you be graded on? ______



9. What type of written assignments will be required?



10. Why do we write about our artwork? ______


11. Where do you keep your portfolio/notebook, tools and artwork?


12. How do you guarantee a passing grade? ______

13. How do you get participation points? ______


14. How are clean up responsibilities assigned? ______

15. How many formal comprehensive assessments do we have in this class? ______

16. When is your first quiz? ______

17. What will you be tested on throughout the year? ______


18. If you earn a 72% on an assignment, what letter grade did you earn? ______

19. What is the “Make up” policy after an absence? ______


20. Where do you find “absent” work so you can catch up? ______

21. What grade do you earn if you don’t turn in a project or a written critique? ______

22. When are assignments no longer accepted? ______

23. How much is the lab fee? ______

24. What other supplies are suggested for this class? ______

25. When are the recommended supplies due? ______

26. How many fundraisers will we have this year to raise money for supplies? ______

27. When does the first fundraiser begin? ______

28. What must you bring with you daily for checking out tools? ______

29. Why is it unacceptable to “goof off” in this class? (For example, eat snacks/lunch, do homework for other classes, talk on your phone, text, misuse materials or time) ______



30. What is the hall pass policy at Rancho? ______

31. What is the cell phone policy in this class? ______

32. How do you know what is expected of you each day? ______


33. When is this paper due? ______

34. Why are you taking this Art class as your elective? ______


35. What do you hope to learn this year? ______


Make sure to write down ALL due dates into your planner!