Of Mice and Men Analytical Essay

Essay Structure: You will write a 4 paragraph analytical essay, which will include the following:

l  An Introductory paragraph, 2 Body paragraphs, and a Conclusion paragraph

l  Each body paragraph must have (at least) 2 embedded quotes from the text, which proves your Thesis (main idea of entire essay).

l  Your essay may not be longer than 2 pages typed (double-spaced; 12 point font; 1 inch margins)

Your Analytical Essay must include the following:

l  A Thesis Statement/Claim – what argument will you prove throughout your essay?

l  Specific and analytical Topic Sentences that address what the entire body paragraph is about and which helps to prove your Thesis

l  A clear and detailed set-up of all quotes/evidence

At least two smoothly embedded quotes per body paragraph as evidence to support your Topic Sentence, as well as your Thesis

l  Appropriate MLA citations of evidence/quotes (Author’s Last Name & Pg#)

l  Analysis and insight about each quote, discussing specifically how the quote proves both your Thesis Statement & your Topic Sentence

l  Transition words and phrases that link your evidence & arguments together cohesively

l  Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and paragraph structure

l  Expansive vocabulary

Assignment Due Dates

·  Analytical Essay Outline Thursday 9/22/16

(Due at the beginning of class)

·  Analytical Essay Rough Draft Monday 9/26/16

(Handwritten - Due at the beginning of class)

·  Final Draft of Analytical Essay Friday 9/30/16

(Due at the beginning of class)

Final Draft of Essay must be typed, double spaced, 12 pt font, with 1 inch margins – 2 pages maximum (no longer!)

Here is a list of possible essay prompts – choose the one that you can develop the strongest Thesis Statement/Claim about, support with the most logical evidence and provide the deepest analysis and insight for.

1.Dreams: What is the importance of dreams in Of Mice and Men? Specifically what is one of the character's dreams and why is this dream his or her objective or goal in life at this time period (think deeply!)? What ultimately happens to his/her dream and how does this affect him/her?

2. Discrimination: Consider the various examples of discrimination in Of Mice and Men. Choose one of the characters in the novel and address why this character is subjected to prejudice and discrimination (do not blame the victim – do not put the blame on the victim, his or her race, gender, developmental disability or age). Then analyze how that character responds to the discrimination, and how this treatment ultimately affects their lives.

3. Friendship. How does Steinbeck portray friendship in Of Mice and Men? How does its presence or absence affect different characters, in their actions and in their relationships? What does it require of people, and what does it offer them in return?

4. Loneliness. Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men are lonely and feel isolated. Choose one of the characters in the novel and address why this character is lonely, and analyze how his/her loneliness is affecting his/her life.

5. Imagine that George is being tried for Lennie’s murder in a court of law, and that you are his DEFENSE attorney. As his lawyer, you must write this essay to help you prepare your speech to the judge and jury to analytically prove why your client (George) did the right thing by killing Lennie.

6. Imagine that George is being tried for Lennie’s murder in a court of law, and that you are the PROSECUTING attorney. As the prosecutor for the State of California, you must write this essay to help you prepare your speech to the judge and jury to analytically prove why the defendant (George) should be convicted of murder.