Abd El-Moniem Ismail Mohamad El-Khateeb
Name: Abdel-moniem Ismail mohamad elkhateeb
Occupation: professor of general surgery,Vice Dean
Of education & students Afairs.
Place of work:Faculty of medicine ,Assuit university,
department of surgery
Date of birth:7—3—1958
Birth place: Qena governorate
Languages:Arabic(Mother tongue)
- English(1st foreign lang.)
- Deutsch(2nd foreign lang.)
Sceinific history
- Primary &preparatory shools: in R ed sea governorate
- Secondary School :Elmetfawekeen High School, Cairo,
- M.B.B.CH : 1983(very good with honour, faculty
of medicine- Assuit university
- M.S. of surgery : 1988(excellent)—faculty of medicine
Assuit university
- M.D.of surgery : 1996, Faculty of Medicine, Assuit
Speciality:General Surgery
Subspeciality:Hepatobiliary,Pancreatic Surgeryhepatic
Occuopational career
- House officer:1-3-1984(Assuit university hospital)
- Resident ofsurgery:28-3-1986, until15-2-1989(Assuit
Univ. Hosp.)
- Assistant lecturer:4-4-1989,(Ass. Univ. Hosp.)
- Lecturer of surgery :11-2-1996(Ass. Univ. Hosp)
- Assistant professor :25-2-2001
- Professor of surgery:2006.
- Coordenator of the student activities &cultural consultant.
- Vice Dean of educational and students Affairs:18-10-2011
Postdoctor scholarchip in goettingen—germany from May to July 2010 with certificate of participation in 10 liver transplants and emergency operations ,also participation in numerous surgical procedures,such as pancreatic and esophageal
Resections and the the principal procedures of general surgery(oncological surgery,endocrine surgery and gastrointestinal surgery ,also involvement in research work.
Social status: Married &has 4childern (2daughters &2 sons)
Theises of M.S.Surgery of perforated typhoid ulcers
Theises of M.D.: Experimental study of partial auxiliary
transplantation of liver in dogs.
Supervisior on About (20,M.S. THESIS) &(7,M.D.thesis most of them in
( hepatobiliary surgery)
Adress:Assuit university hospital
Department of surgery
Faculty of medicine
Another address: Vice Dean office of Education& Student Affairs
Faculty of Medicine.
Assuit Univeresity.
- Surgery in cirrhotic liver patient (2010)
- Assessment of different methods in surgical treatment of breast cancer (2009)
- Different modalities in management in pancreatic pseudocyst (2008)
- Gene therapy of colonic cancer (2007)
- Different modalities in management of left colonic emergency(2006)
- Comparative study between ultrasound guided aspiration and open surgical drainage in treatment of liver abscess.(2006)
- Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome clinical and pathological characteristics.(AAMJ,vol.3-no.2 april 2005)
- Diabetic foot infection:current concepts (AMJ, vol.29No.,-3 sebtember2005)
- Role of endorectal ultrasonography in staging of rectal cancer. (AMJvol.,29no.3 sebtember 2005)
- Surgery versus endoscopy in the management of common bile duct stones (2004)
- Biliary dyskinesia; Role of Tc99M Hida scan, results of therapeutics interventions and its correlation with gallbladder histological findings(The Egypt journal of Radiology &Nuc.Med,vol,32,no2.(june):2003)
- Comparison between laparoscopic, minilaparotomy and open cholycystectomy(AAMJ ,vol,2,No.2,April,2004)
- Local tumor control and cosmetic outcome in breast cancer after immediate reconstruction using T.R.A.M. flap and adjuvant therapy.(Egypt,J.plast.Reconstr.Surg.,vol.27,No.1,January:29-35.2003)
- Clinical significance of apoptotic indices in patients with breast and gastrointestinal tumors(Med. J.Cairo Univ.,vol.71,No.4 (suppl)2003)
- Laparoscopic treatment of duodenal ulcer(Assuit Med.J.vol .26 ,No 4,2002)
- Laparoscopic varicocelectomy in comparison to conventional methods (Assuit Med.J.vol.26.No.4,2002)
- Abdominal surgical emergencies in cancer patients(2001)
- Diaphragmatic hernia: surgical management of 55 cases.(Med.J.Cairo Univ.vol.68 ,no2,june 2000)
- Adult intussusception with special reference to Peutz-jegher`s syndrome (Assuit Med.J. vol.24 No.2 April 2000)
- Primary resection anastomosis of obstructed left colon with intraoperative irrigation in comparison to multi-staged treatment.(Assuit M.J.vol.24,No.,2,April 2000)
- Endoscopic laser palliation for malignant dysphagia (Assuit M. J. vol.24, No.,4 october 2000)
- Repair of large incisional hernias : Autogenous skin graft in situ versus prothetic mesh implant. (Assuit M.J. vol.24,No.1,jan.2000)
- The use of collagenase enzyme versus conventional methods in the treatment of recent deep burns.(Assuit M. J.vol. 24, no 2 April 2000)
- Role of Gray-Scale and colour Doppler sonography in the differentiation between Benign and malignant superficial lymphadenopathy(Egypt J. of medicine ,vol.8 No. 4, October 1999)
- Accuracy of fine –needle aspiration biopsy in detection of thyroid neoplasm(Med J. Cairo Univ.vol.5,No.10,1997)