Application for Enrollment-Cooperative Work Study
Name: ______Age: ______Birth date: ______
Street Address: ______
City: ______Zip: ______
Home Phone Number: ______Social Security Number: ______
Parent/ Guardian: ______Work Phone Number: ______
1. Circle which semester(s) you want to enroll in work study: 1 2
2. Circle which block(s) you would like to enroll in work study.
Semester 1: 1 2 3 4
Semester 2: 1 2 3 4
Work Study Grade Guidelines
Work study students are graded based on the employer’s evaluation and following work study guidelines.
· Quarterly evaluation form filled out by your employer
· Verbal comments by the employer
· Coordinator’s observations during site visits
· Students must fill out WEEKLY time cards on the first day of each week.
o If absent, you are required to turn in the card the next day.
o The time card is worth 10 points/week (90 points/term).
o 2 points will be deducted every day the time card is late.
· Students may not work during any hours of any day if they are absent from school.
o Students taking two classes may not go to work if they arrive later than 9:05 (beginning of second block).
o Students taking three classes may not go to work if they arrive later than 9:50 (middle of second block).
o Failure to comply with any of the items mentioned above will result in a one letter grade drop per infraction.
· Student absent from school must call the Work Study Office (240-236-7693) and their employer no later than 9:00 AM on the day of the absence. Students must leave a phone number where Mrs. De Waal can contact you later in the day.
· Students may not change jobs without the approval from Mrs. De Waal.
o After talking with Mrs. De Waal about changing jobs, students must have a new job lined up and then give their current employer two weeks notice. Failure to give two weeks notice will result in a 2 letter grade penalty.
o Students who are fired from their job must:
§ Conduct themselves in a professional manner
§ Notify Mrs. De Waal no later than the next day
§ Will be penalized two letter grades. Depending on the circumstances, the student may fail the term.
· Students MUST provide their own transportation to and from work. You CAN NOT ride with another student to work.
By signing below, I indicate that I agree to ALL of the rules listed above. Changing jobs without notifying your work-study coordinator could result in failure for the term. Failure to adhere to ALL of these conditions may be grounds for removal from the Work-Study Program or a failing grade for this class.
Student’s Printed Name Student’s Signature/Date
Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name Parent Guardian’s Signature/Date
Parent/Guardian’s Daytime Contact Number Parent/Guardian’s Email Address