Iredell-Statesville Schools
School Improvement Plan
A Continuous Improvement Strategic Plan
School Name: Lakeshore Elem / Year: 2013-2014 / Current NCLB Status: Met AYP / Current ABC Status: School of ExcellenceP / PLAN: Identify the gap and the approach
Overall SMART Goal (Two year projection): By 2014-2015 LES will maintain office discipline referrals at 15 or less per month or under 150 for the school year; and the school will the overall composite score in “This school has specific rules with clear consequences when rules are broken” from 82.3% to 95% as measured by the school’s Climate Survey.
Data Analysis. Answer the question below using any data and/or information you have about your performance.
In order to meet your Overall Goal, what is the most important area that needs improving and why?
Data Analysis. Answer the data analysis questions.
1. What is contributing to your success in this area and how do you know?
-Overall ODR’s are down compared to last year (170 vs 157)
-Check in/Check out is working for some repeat offenders
-More coins awarded to buses this year, 2 with treasure chests
-SIHS football team will be coming to speak to 3rd graders
-Student leaders reminding students of norms
-Morning announcements-PBIS focus area
More staff buy-in / 2. What opportunities for improvement do you notice?
More attention to playground supervision
Bus driver training and buy-in
More in-class lessons from teachers and counselor on bullying / 3. What seems to be the root cause of the problem and how do you know
Bus discipline (31% of ODRs)
Aggressive behavior (26% of ODRs)
Target SMART Goal (One year projection): By 2013-2014 LES will decrease office discipline referrals to 15 or less per month or under 150 for the school year; and will increase the overall composite score in “This school has specific rules with clear consequences when rules are broken” from 82.3% to 93.8% as measured by the school’s Climate Survey.
What will you do during cycle 1 to address the root cause identified in #3(Identify key approach or strategy you will implement during cycle 1 to move toward achieving your target goal.)?
TA PDP Goals will focus on utilizing PBIS in classroom and on busses
Team meets monthly during TA PLC for follow up support
Bus Fidelity Chart
Staff more vigilant in hallways and playground for aggressive behavior
D / DO: Develop and Implement Deployment Plan
Step # / Cycle 1 List the specific steps your team will complete during the first cycle. / Person(s) responsible for completion of the step. / Measure/Indicator
(How will you know if the step is completed correctly?) / Start Date / End Date
1 / Team will receive training in August for Module 1 and 2 / District / Certification / 8/12/13 / 8/31/12
2 / Team will create fidelity chart on monthly jewel, coin, and treasure chest count for buses / Weir / Fidelity Chart / 8/20/13 / 8/21/13
3 / PBIS team will review Universal implementation with staff at beginning of year, revisit Tier 2 process and procedures and get input from staff members on mid-year assembly. / Weir / PBIS Training Sign In and Quality Tool / 8/19/13 / 8/24/13
4 / TAs will have PDP goals based on implementation of PBIS / Hinson/AP / PDP Reviews at BOY, MOY, EOY / 8/19/13 / 6/11./14
5 / TAs will receive coaching at monthly PLC meetings / AP/PBIS Team / TAs attend monthly meetings / 8/19/13 / 6/11/14
6 / PBIS Team will review Bus Procedures with Drivers and share Fidelity Tool / Weir / Driver Sign In and agenda / 8/22/13 / 8/24/13
7 / PBIS Team will ensure Matrix is posted in hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, classrooms, etc. / PBIS Team / Matrix visible in designated locations / 8/20/13 / 8/24/13
8 / Continue Check-in/Check-out system and Universal procedures / Weir / Tier 2 student charts / 8/27/13 / 6/7/14
9 / Team will send a letter home to all parents within the school outlining PBIS and office discipline referrals/processes / Hinson / PBIS Parent Letter / 827/13 / 8/31/13
10 / Staff will teach PBIS lessons in handbook / Teachers / Fidelity Chart / 8/27/13 / 9/10/13
11 / Admin will conduct ABCs on possible Tier 2 students / Hinson/AP / ABC chart / 8/27/13 / 8/31/13
12 / PBIS kick-off and reminders assembly / Hinson/Carr / Assembly / 9/4/13 / 9/7/13
13 / Team will assist teachers with BEPs for students with 3 or more ODRs based off of 2012-2013 data and admin ABC documentation / Weir / BEPs, Student Contracts / 9/4/13 / 9/14/13
14 / Admin and Enhancement PBIS team member will conduct Fidelity Walks during PT (Staff will re-teach lessons and be re-surveyed for Cycle 2 deployment steps) / Weir / Survey Results / 9/11/13 / 9/18/13
15 / PBIS team will report out data to staff as needed / PBIS Goal Team / Meeting Minutes / 8/27/13 / 6/7/14
16 / Staff will recognize classrooms and individual students for following school norms. / Weir / Posted Gems and Treasure Chests / 8/27/13 / 6/7/14
17 / School will implement procedure to recognize grade levels in the cafeteria for good behavior / Gibson / Posted Grade Level Jewel Chart in Cafeteria / 8/26/13 / 9/23/13
18 / PBIS Goal Team Rep. from each grade will bring questions/concerns to each goal team meeting / PBIS Goal Team / PBIS Meeting Minutes / 8/27/13 / 6/7/14
19 / PBIS team will provide continued support and trainings during ERD/PLCs/Staff Meetings / Weir / PD/PLC Sign In / 8/27/13 / 6/7/14
20 / PBIS Team will solicit support/assistance from Community Partners / Weir/Carr / Community Partner Contributions / 8/27/13 / 6/7/14
21 / PBIS team will analyze discipline and CWT data, analyze fidelity tools, and create next steps. / PBIS Team / Data Analysis / 8/27/13 / 6/7/14
22 / PBIS coach will attend monthly PBIS coaches meetings provided by the district / Weir / Sign In / 8/19/13 / 6/11/14
23 / PBIS team will review the Implementation Inventory and make any necessary changes based on team decisions / PBIS Team / Implementation Inventory / 8/19/13 / 6/11/14
24 / PBIS team will submit the Implementation Inventory to UNCC / PBIS Team / Implementation Inventory / 8/19/13 / 6/11/14
25 / Based on scores from the Implementation Inventory and 2012/2013 SET (100%) the PBIS team will apply for state recognition / PBIS Team / Application / 8/19/13 / 6/11/14
Implementation Plan Quality Check:
What resources/budget needs do you have for the first cycle?
Tickets (Check, Smile Face Stickers, Treasure Chests for Bulletin Board
If you identified budget needs, what budget code will you use to meet the budget needs for this cycle?
School Funds-Possibly use Picture Money
If funding is not available, identify the steps from the implementation plan that will address the funding gap.
Community Partners
What professional development, if any, will be offered in cycle 1 to support the staff in implementing the approach?
District Module 1 and 2 trainings, Monthly Bus driver/TA professional development
Determine the measures/data that will be used to determine the effectiveness of the first cycle approach by answering the following questions: ODRs
A. List the information or measures the team will use to determine if the approach was implemented/completed? (Completion Data)
Fidelity Data, Climate Survey, Bullying Survey
At the end of cycle 1, answer the following questions based on the data collected from the identified measures in boxes A, B, and C above:
1. What worked and how do you know? / B. List the information or measures the team will use to determine if the approach wasn’t implemented correctly? (Fidelity of implementation data.)
Fidelity Data, Climate Survey, Bullying Survey / C. List the information or measures the team will use to determine what worked and what didn’t work? (Impact data)
ODRs and Climate Surveys
Reflect on the answers in box 1 and 2 above for cycle 1 and check which option best describes what you will do in your plan for cycle 2 (double click the box and select “check” to check the box)? / Study – Analysis of data after implementing an approach
Target goal has been met and is changed to a new target goal.
Target goal not met but current plan is effective so we will continue current plan and repeat it for the next cycle.
A / 2. What didn’t work and how do you know? / 3. Do you need any additional assistance as you look at your results and start planning for Cycle 2? ___Yes ___No
4. What is your focus for cycle 2 (Identify key approach or strategy)? If you are continuing with the approach from cycle 1, restate it here. If you are changing your approach for cycle 2, state it here.
Step # / Target goal not met so we will continue current plan. We will make improvements to the plan based on what didn’t work as identified in #2 above.
Target goal not met and information indicates that we need to abandon the current plan and identify a new approach.
Act – Revise or continue with implementation plan based on data analysis.
Cycle 2 List the specific steps your team will complete during the second cycle. / Person(s) responsible for completion of the step. / Measure/Indicator
(How will you know if the step is completed correctly?) / Start Date / End Date
Implementation Plan Quality Check:
What resources/budget needs do you have for cycle 2?
If you identified budget needs, what budget code will you use to meet the budget needs for this cycle?
If funding is not available, list the steps from the implementation plan that will address the funding gap.
What professional development, if any, will be offered in cycle 2 to support the staff in implementing the approach?
Determine the measures/data that will be used to determine the effectiveness of the Cycle 2 approach by answering the following questions
A. List the information or measures the team will use to determine if the approach was implemented/completed? (Completion Data)
At the end of cycle 2, answer the following questions based on the data collected from the identified measures in boxes A, B, and C above:
1. What worked and how do you know? / B. List the information or measures the team will use to determine if the approach wasn’t implemented correctly? (Fidelity of implementation.) / C. List the information or measures the team will use to determine what worked and what didn’t work? (Impact Data)
Reflect on the data analysis for the year so far and check the option below that best describes your direction for the 2012-13 SIP. / Study – Analysis of data after implementing an approach
Overall goal has been met and School Improvement Plan focus will change for next year.
Target goal has been met and is changed to a new target goal.
Target goal not met but current plan is effective so we will continue current plan and repeat it for the 2014-2015 SIP to take our work to sustaining..
.Target goal not met, so we will continue current plan for 2014-2015. We will make improvements to the plan based on what didn’t work through this year. / 2. What didn’t work and how do you know? / 3. Do you need any additional assistance as you look at your results and start planning for Cycle 2? ___Yes ___No
From whom do you need assistance?
Act – Continue with the Target Goal or revise the Target Goal for next year.
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