NMSU Accreditation Liaison Officers
September 15, 2015 – 3-4:30 p.m.
MH 85 or via video conference
Attendees: J. Hall, G. Fant, R. Dziwenka, J. Bosland, E. Titus, T. Keller, R. Adkisson, J. Gratton, N. Nwanne, W. Finley, G. Hillis, W. Serban, S. Wood, L. Grant, S. Stovall
1. Review of 5-19-15 Minutes – all
2. Campus, College and Departmental accreditation updates – all
AACSB - Fall 2017 for College of Business
ASTAT - After receiving report from outside team, faculty formulated a response; the report is with the Provost at this point.
DACC - ACEN accredited the associate degree in Nursing
Dental hygiene is preparing for a visit. Will be having a mock visit the end of the month. Draft of self-study is prepared. February 2016
Radiology Tech - February-March 2016 self study.
HLC monitoring visit to DACC in March 2016, report is due 30 days before.
NMSU-LC HLC to visit related to multi-locations. Will have a visit from HLC October 12 to talk to students, staff, and leadership.
Athletics - NCAA certifications are periodic. Working on the women’s swimming locker room, which is scheduled to be complete early spring. Last certification was 2008-2009.
There is continued work on the laundry list of things such as equipment, housing, publicity, student services, scholarships etc. Continue to work with balancing the number of scholarships.
Proportionality is used to determine scholarship.
NMSU Grants - no report
NMSU Alamogordo - Working on Assurance document for February 2017. Allied Health degree is nearing the end of review at HLC. Also preparing for multi-location.
NMSU-Carlsbad Team of 8 going to Chicago in October for AQIIP preparation. Will be submitting challenges to HLC. Completion in persistence strategies.
NMSU LC gearing up for HLC multi-location visit. Submitted a substantive change for Ph.D. in Kinesiology. HLC have been emailed to set up dates 2017-2018.
Writing team will have a draft in December. Draft narrative will be due Fall 2016. Teams are currently collecting evidence. The intention is to have the ALO group to review the documents.
College of Education - Fall 2017 self-study for CEP
3. Accreditation Liaison Officer webpage
Clarity on the position is necessary. Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) NMSU Unit Liaisons
Unit Accreditation Representatives
Minutes to be posted along with agendas
4. HLC policy comment schedule
Previous schedule - HLC deadline for faculty credentials is September 1, 2017. The change to faculty credentials in assumed practices have been updated. Changed the verbiage to accommodate exceptions. The faculty credential issue continues to be pressing despite the extension. New HLC President recently spoke on the importance of innovation and the difficulty with rigidity.
a. Bill Finley (October)
b. Greg Hillis (November)
c. Shelly Stovall (December)
d. Monica Torres (January)
All ALO meetings are held in Milton Hall 85 with distance access via video conference