1984 Collaboration on Google Drive


·  Form a team of 3-4 to collaborate through Google Drive on assigned chapters in 1984.

·  Create a slide show to teach the class the relevant aspects of your chapters through rich literary analysis.

·  Use the Critical Reading Responses as the foundation of your slide show to organize information.

·  Offer insights about the characters, themes, symbols, and motifs.

·  Draw comparisons to current events, real-world situations, leaders, etc. from an American as well as global perspective.

·  Add current events to compare/contrast/connect the themes in 1984 to modern societies.

·  Generate Text Dependent Questions as part of the discussion in the presentation to engage the class into thinking about the BIG IDEAS present in your chapters.

·  PPT should visually represent the world of 1984 through careful presentation of themes/graphics (pay attention to colors, symbols, and repeating motifs)

·  Share with the instructor an electronic copy via Google Drive; print out hard copy for submission in class.

Content to Cover on Slides:

·  Epigraphs: Significant Quotes for each chapter (refer to Say Mean Matter Chart) with clear explanation of relevance/significance.

·  Cognitive Responses from the team: demonstrate what you were considering as readers through your cognitive responses and why.

·  List of vocabulary (definitions; sentences; explanation of relevancy to the chapter): teach the class rich vocabulary words that have significance in the chapters.

·  Visual graphics to emphasize characters/character development, themes, symbols, tone, motifs, etc.; refer to your visualization graphics from the critical reading responses to highlight the chapters; offer explanation of key developments in the chapters in the discussion of these graphics.

·  Comparison/Contrast of 1984 with modern societies: consider current events that parallel or echo the themes in the book to show how 1984 foreshadows the present/future. In particular, pay attention to tools of propaganda, the regulation of language, thoughts, emotions, restrictions in personal freedoms, “brainwashing” through inculcation; use of emotions and fear as a mechanism for control, social structures and hierarchies, manipulation of history/revisionist history, the social effects/long term consequences of this type of dystopic society, etc.

·  Discussions Questions: Text Dependent Questions for the class to answer; create at least 8 significant questions that represent higher order thinking that demand textual evidence for support; ask provocative questions that show depth of knowledge action verbs (compare, contrast, analyze, etc.) ; write the questions for the groups to answer; you will allot class time during presentation for each table to respond to your questions; then compose your own specific answers with textual evidence in the subsequent slides as follow through commentaries.