BarrenCountyMiddle School

Computer Technology, 8th Grade


Dear Parents,

During the next nine weeks your child will be in the Barren County Middle School Computer Technology class. He/she will be completing advanced activities in important areas of computer technology.As 8th graders in Computer Technology, students will expand their knowledge and skills in keyboarding, college & careers, Microsoft Word,PowerPoint, Publisher, Photo Story, and Excel. Students will apply those skills during group work to complete projects using the computer.

Students will continue to build their skills in Microsoft Word learning to develop documents into various formats. Internet research will be combined with Photo Story, Publisher, Excel and PowerPoint skills to complete spreadsheets, charts, and slide shows with information on a selected topic. Students will use computers to develop their career and college goals and establish an education plan for high school. Keyboarding Online will be used to refine typing skills and Publisher/Photo Story will be used to build students’design and production technology skills.

Computer Technology is a program where students will follow computer lab procedures and instructions to be successful during learning activities. Students will be requiredto read, comprehend, and focus on computer tasks to complete projects successfully.Student computer work must be completed at school; therefore, ATTENDANCE IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Student grades will be determined by points accumulated from daily work, tests, and computer assignments or projects. Each student will be provided a folder which will be kept in the classroom and used as their Related Arts portfolio. This folder will be used to maintain student work completed and graded throughout the year. Daily work will include students expanding their knowledge of the web by reading and following instructions onthe teacher web site: “do-nows” and all assignments.Do Now responses will be typed using Word and saved on the student home (H) drive.

Your student will receive a Computer Technology syllabus with the grading scale for this course on the first day of class. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via e-mail or at BCMS, 651-4909. Please complete the portion below and return it on the first day of class with your son/daughter.


Annell Becker

Computer Technology Teacher

------Return the portion below to Ms. Becker------

Please complete this indicating that you have received and read the 8th GradeComputer Technology parent letter giving pertinent details and expectations of the program.

Student Name ______

Parent Signature ______

E-mail: ______Phone:______