Your Library Name

Sample Survey 7: Adult Program Survey

The XXXXXXXXX Public Library needs your help! In order to help us provide useful and entertaining programs, please give us your input by filling out the survey below. Please return the survey to the Library at the Circulation Desk or in the Book Drop by the front door by XXXXX, 2010. You can also mail your survey to the library at the following address:


Many thanks for your participation—your input helps ensure that our programming meets your needs.

What kinds of programs would interest you (choose all that apply)?
Art talks/discussions

Author talks

Board games (Bingo, Checkers, Chess, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, etc.)

  Book discussions

  Card games (Bridge, Canasta, Cribbage, Poker, etc.)

  Computer training (Internet access, e-mail, online databases, how to use a “mouse, Microsoft Office, etc.)


  Creative writing


  Crafts (sewing, knitting, quilting, needlework, woodcrafts, etc.)


  Current events discussions and speakers


  Financial planning and investing


  Digital photography

  Genealogy and Family History

  Health education

  Home decorating

  Mental health

  Multi-generational game nights

  Multi-generational book groups

  Musical performances

  Poetry readings/workshops

  Puzzles (crossword, jigsaw, Sudoku, etc.)

  Retirement planning and living

  Community Volunteer Opportunities Fair

Other programs and/or training that you would be interested in?

What time of the day is most convenient for you to attend programs?

9 am to 1 pm 1 pm to 5 pm 5 pm to 8 pm

Which do you prefer?

weekends weekdays

For weekdays, which day in particular?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

For weekends, which day in particular?

Saturday Sunday

Please check the response that best applies to you:

  I have used the library in the past year.

  I have not used the library in the past year.

Please check the response that best applies to you:

  I have attended a library program in the last year.

  I have not attended a library program in the last year.

Thank you!