November Monthly Meeting held on Monday, 16th November 2009, at Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells
Presiding: Cllr. B. Curran
Present: Cllrs. B. Collins, S. Drew, C. Ferguson, F. Lynch, B. Reilly,
S. Reilly, O. Sweeney.
Also Present: Mr. B. McGrath, Town Manager, Mr. J. Flanagan, Town Clerk,
Mr. S. Carroll, A/Town Engineer, Ms. C. O’Reilly, A/Asst Staff Officer.
The minutes of the October monthly meeting, held on 21st October 2009, were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. B. Collins.
- Letter from Kells Allotments Steering Committee, in relation to proposed allotments at Loyd, following on from recent meeting with Council officials. They requested that amendments be made to clauses 5 and 9 of agreement in relation to the erection of building and the keeping of livestock with the inclusion of “without first getting the permission of Kells Town Council”. They also requested the use of four acres instead of the two acres proposed.
The Town Clerk informed members that the cost of fencing two acres would be €11k + VAT and four acres would cost €19k + VAT. It would be proposed to give an agricultural letting to a member of the Committee, if a Limited Company was not set up in time, and then sub-let the plots.
The Manager stated that he would recommend letting four acres and additional land could be made available if demand dictated. He would not recommend the erection of sheds of keeping of livestock. Cllr. Lynch was informed that plots could not be used for commercial use.
It was agreed to consider the matter further at budget meeting.
- Press release from Meath County Council announcing funding for new historic trail for SlaneVillage and KellsHeritageTown.
- Meetings schedule for remainder of the year.
- Letter from DoEHLG in relation to Council’s submission for inclusion of Kells on Ireland’s new tentative list of potential nominees to the World Heritage List.
- Letter from Kells Archaeological & Historical Society re Spire of Loyd.
- Letter from DoEHLG in relation to request for a meeting concerning Kells Heritage Centre. It was stated that Mr. Brian Lucas, Principal Officer, Heritage Policy & Architectural Protection Section, would be available to meet with the Council.
It was agreed to arrange a meeting with Mr. Lucas.
- Letter from Kells & District Chamber of Commerce in relation to outstanding ESB accounts for Christmas lighting in 2006 and 2007.
Following a discussion on same it was decided to get further information and check bills.
- Letter from Kells & District Chamber of Commerce in relation to tourist information point and the Farmers Market.
- Letter from Save Our Cross Committee in relation to the relocation of the Market Cross to Cross Street.
Monthly Reports
The Town Engineer informed members that pedestrian crossings were being provided on the N3 at Super Valu and also on the Moynalty Road. It is also proposed to overlay with macadam the Cavan Road to traffic calming. Funds had also been secured from Disability Access to extend the footpath on the Oldcastle Road to the Nursing Home.
Members were also informed that works on the Church car park would commence shortly.
Cllr Drew requested that the town Engineer meet with Traders on Newmarket Street following the erection of bollards.
To receive deputation from Kells Road Races Committee
The Councilreceived a deputation, comprising Ms. Aileen Ferguson, Messrs. Lester Ferguson, Tony Lynch, Eamonn Phillips.
Members were informed that the races had now obtained international status. The running costs were enormous:
To date €97k had been paid out and a further €60k to be paid.
Medical costs for the weekend were in the region of €7-8k
Prize money €31k
TV coverage cost €24k
Attendance at the event on Sunday was in the region of 25-30,000
Members thanked the deputation for their presentation and acknowledged the work of the Committee, in particular the promotion of Kells and Meath in general. They agreed to look at what funding they could give the Committee in context of annual budget.
Report in accordance with Section 15 (2) of Planning & Development Act 2000
A report on progress achieved in securing the objectives of the Kells Development Plan 2007-2013 was circulated to members by Ms. Wendy Bagnall, Senior Planner, for consideration. It was agreed that the matter would be considered at a meeting in January.
Following queries raised by members in relation to a strip of land at Maudlin, Ms. Bagnall agreed to investigate same and report back.
To receive Manager’s Report on the Kells Backlands Draft Supplementary Development Contribution Scheme
Mr. Bernard Greene, Senior Executive Planner, presented the Manager’s report to the meeting. On the proposal of Cllr. B. Collins, seconded by Cllr. S. Drew, the Supplementary Development Contribution Scheme was adopted.
To receive Managers report on Draft Development Contribution Scheme 2010-2015
Mr. Michael Griffin, Senior Executive Officer, presented the Manager’s report to the meeting. On the proposal of Cllr. B. Collins, seconded by Cllr. S. Drew, the Development Contribution Scheme was adopted.
Notice of Motion
Cllr. S. Reilly
“That Kells Town Council forgoes charging business rates to genuine new business start ups in 2010”
Proposed by Cllr. S. Reilly
Seconded by O. Sweeney
Cllr. Reilly was informed that it was not legally possible to operate such a scheme, rates were a statutory charge.
Cllr. S. Reilly
“That Kells Town Council forgoes parking charges for the month of December”
Proposed by Cllr. S. Reilly
Seconded by Cllr. O. Sweeney
Cllr. Reilly stated that free parking would offer more incentives to shop local for Christmas.
Cllr. B. Reilly
“That Kells Town Council gives serious consideration to allowing free parking in Kells in the week leading up to Christmas”
Proposed by Cllr. B. Reilly
Seconded by Cllr. S. Drew
The Town Clerk informed members that revenue from parking in December 2007 was €41k and December 2008 was €45k; revenue generated Christmas week 2007 was €1,350 per day and 2008 was €1,500 per day.
It was agreed to re-visit the matter at budget time.
Cllr. B. Reilly
“That Kells Town Council re-considers its recent decision with regard to the Community House in Kells.”
Proposed by Cllr. B. Reilly
Seconded by Cllr. S. Drew
Cllr. Reilly stated he was fully supportive of re-development, but felt that consideration should be given to housing the Town Hall, Heritage Centre and Community House all under the one roof.
The Manager informed members that legal agreement with Trustees stated that the property was not to be sold and to be retained as community facility. He stated that the town needs community facility. The recommended contract was in the sum of €234k. The all in cost would be in the region of €257k. The facility would be open to all community groups. Should the project not go ahead the Council would lose €25k in Consultants fees.
Cllr. B. Reilly stated that he welcomed the clarification.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Signed: ______
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KellsTown Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath
Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web: Email: