The Baltic International Academy, Latvia

The STING, Czech Republic

St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia

The International University “MITSO”, Belarus

The University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine, Ukraine

College of Accounting and Finance,Latvia

Šiauliai State College, Lithuania

VIII International, scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students “Time of challenges and opportunities: problems, solutions and prospects”

On the 17th – 18th of May, 2018

Daugavpils, Dzelzceļu street 3, LV–5403

The focus areas of the conference:

Economics, Management and Finance;

Information and communication sciences;

Legal science;

Psychology, pedagogics, social works;

Culturology, history, philology;

Cross-cultural communication,Europeanism and translation;

Art and design.

Working languages of the conference: Latvian, Russian and English.

In the conference it is possible to participate with the report (The performance time is up to 10 minutes). Can participate online too.Reports take part in a contest.

Requirements for formatting of reports and evaluation criteria of reports are in appendices.

The participation fee for students, master’s degree students and doctoral students - 10 EUR, BIA lecturers and Academy`s partners - 20 EUR, other lecturers and participants - 30 EUR.The fee includes work materials, conference information package and coffee breaks, publication of conference materials in the e-proceeding.

Travel expenses, food and nights lodging at the expense of participants.

The calendar of the conference and order of payment:

The provision of registration forms to e-mail : the registration of participants till the 23rd of April, 2018;

The payment of the conference fee should be transferred till the 23 of April, 2018 to the bank account:


VRN 40003101808

PVN Nr. LV 40003101808

Lomonosova 4, Rīga, LV-1003

A/S „Swedbank”, kods: HABALV22

Konts: LV68HABA0551003662871

(The goal of payment – the participation in the conference on the 17th -18th of May, name, and surname of the participant);

The submission of the reports till the 30th of April, 2018 (e-mail: );

The Baltic International Academy, Latvia

The STING, Czech Republic

St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia

The International University “MITSO”, Belarus

The University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine, Ukraine

College of Accounting and Finance, Latvia

Šiauliai State College, Lithuania

VIII International, scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students “Time of challenges and opportunities: problems, solutions and prospects”

On the 17th – 18th of May, 2018

Daugavpils, Dzelzceļu street 3, LV–5403




The higher educational institution, branch......

Study program, course......

Lecturer or doctoral student......

Focus area of the conference......


Brief abstract......

Scientific adviser (name, surname, degree) ......

Address (current)......



For the participants from the other countries

The date of birth......

City or region of birth......

Declaration of place of residence......

For the procurement of visa a copy of passport is required (send to e-mail:)......

To specify the location of consulate......