PAOrientation Training: June 10, 11 & 12, 2015

June 10: 12:00pm-5:00pm,Training Day 1

12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch with advisors

1:00 pm – 2:00pm: Overview of PA summer position

2:00 – 2:15pm: Break

2:15pm – 3:45pm: Overview of Academic Advising Information

3:45 pm – 4:45pm: Putting it all together

4:45 pm – 5:00 pm: Recap/Closing

5:00pm: Dinner and Icebreaker

June 11: 10:00am – 3:00pm, Training Day 2

10:00 am – 10:20 am: Day 1 Recap

10:20am – 11:00am: Registration/Technology Information

11:00 am – 12:00 am: Putting it all together/Building a schedule pt. 2

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Lunch

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm: Cornerstones/Registration site

1:30pm – 2:30pm: Transitions Information

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Recap/Closing

June 12: 9:00am – 12:00pm, Training Day 3

9:00am – 11:30am: Role Play

11:30am-12noon: Process role play activity

PA Training: Day One

12:00pm – 1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm – 2:00pm:

Overview of PA summer orientation position:

  • Summer expectations and responsibilities:
  • Contract and PA behavior - AP
  • Contact information - MI
  • Email/textMelittaandAysha if cannot attend a scheduled work day - MI
  • Overview of responsibilities for day one and day two of orientation, transfer orientation, non-orientation days (who’s watching) – M/A
  • Nametags and t-shirts - MI
  • Participate in any additional training, as needed - MI
  • Advisor assignment – M/A
  • Use of language about CAART at orientation - AP
  • PAs will meet with a small group of students; talk about college from a student’s perspective; advise students on fall course selection - MP

Undeclared orientation advising session – what happens at advising:M/Mike

  • Explain advising session: -
  • Meet in Bistroat 11:30am
  • Briefly explain orientation PPT presentation:
  • Advising syllabus, credit hours, semester, degree components, Mason Core
  • Present the PowerPoint & briefly review – make it homework
  • Peer Advisor small groups:
  • Group/Advisor assignments
  • Worksheet/handouts
  • PA Advising Role – advise at 3:45pm
  • Advisor’s arrival and role (sign off on each student)

Parent College 101:Mike/MI

  • Brief explanation of what it is and what PAs will do.
  • Training with Paul will take place Tuesday, June 17

University 100, LLCs & Project Peak/Sneak Peak Information:A/Mike

  • Please see Summer 2015 Orientation Training and TRC Programs worksheets
  • Aysha will update & make copies

2:00pm – 3:45pm (Break included):

Academic Advising:

To be presented in two skits – K & A will “act;” M will pause, explain, play

  • Communication skills, Counseling Skills, non-verbal (dealing with parents)
  • Confidentiality/FERPA
  • Referrals
  • Mason Core Requirements
  • AP/IB/Dual enrollment credits
  • Pre-reqs and Co-reqs
  • BS vs. BA
  • Math requirements
  • Foreign Language
  • Pre-health
  • Common Planning Sheets
  • Second gate programs (BUS, ENGR, NURS, and SOCW, AVT)
  • Academic Policies and deadlines: add/drop
  • Special groups: Cornerstones, Athletics, Honors

3:45pm – 4:45pm:

Putting it all together –Review PeerAdvisor Talking Points & Additional Orientation Information Sheet: -Mike

1)Peer Advisor Talking Points:

a)Go over PA Talking Points worksheet:

i)AP/IB/Dual enrollment

ii)Course information

iii)UNIV 100

iv)Course load

v)CAART Facebook page

vi)Additional talking points (HS vs. college, student involvement, PA’s orientation experience and first year of college, etc.)

vii)Late comers - students who arrive to your small group after you have begun your talking points

b)Do’s and Don’ts of talking with freshmen students: M/A

i)Do talk about your experiences, leadership opportunities you are involved, concerns you experienced as an incoming freshmen, campus culture, Mason Core courses, etc.

ii)Do not talk about parties and creating a schedule around parties. Do not talk about bad professors or negative experiences you had during orientation, etc. Keep things positive!

4:45pm - 5:00pm:

Recap/ Closing:

  • Avalanche activity –M (yell Avalanche and students will throw ball of paper in the center or at someone)
  • Any lingering questions?
  • Most looking forward to this summer?
  • After first orientation receive feedback from PA’s.
  • Summer schedule
  • What to expect during day two of training

PA Training: Day Two

10:00am – 10:20am:

Recap of day one: PA’s help us – we ask open ended questions

  • Summer expectations
  • Orientation advising session
  • Advising key points
  • PA Talking Points

10:20am – 11:00am:

Registration/Technology information:

  • Technology: Ipads (use ipads to see websites, save websites) - MI
  • Patriot Web (teach students how to find the classes they need to take) - AP
  • Important websites: Course catalog, AP/IB/Dual enrollment credit, CAART, GMU, FB - AP
  • Taking Notes (access and notes at orientation) - MI
  • Registration site logistics (help register for classes selected the day before, help select back up class options), JC 342 or HUB 1201 - MI

11:00am – 12:00pm:

Putting it all together - Building a Schedule: - A/Mike

1) Building a Schedule:AP

c)Questions to ask your students before you make course selections:

i)Do you plan on being a full-time student?

ii)Do you have AP/IB/Dual enrollment credits?

iii)Any ideas of a major? If student has an idea of a major, suggest a gen ed course that supports that major

d)Number of classes (credits) to suggest

e)Typical course suggestions:

i)Show an example of a schedule for a student with no AP/IB/Dual enrollment credits

ii)Show an example of a schedule for a student with several AP/IB/Dual enrollment credits

iii)Show examples of schedules for those interested in a particular major (PSYC and/or COMM and/or ENGR)

iv)Course selection during the first few orientations vs the last few orientations

f)Plan A and Plan B scheduling options


a)Keep in mind your orientation and first year (positive, negative experiences, courses you took, course load) what information do you wish you would have known?

12:00pm – 1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm – 1:30pm:

Cornerstone/Registration Site:MI

  • Overview of Cornerstone
  • Registration Site: 1:15-4pm, Tuesday, June 23, JC 342 or HUB 1201


Transitions Information:AP

  • UNIV 100
  • Project Peak
  • LLC and LLC breakfast
  • Green and Gold, Patriot Info Session, Family and Student Dinner, Rockin’ the RAC

2:30pm – 3:00pm:

Recap/ Closing:All

  • Process Role Play activity
  • Questions?
  • Any concerns you may have?

PA Training: Day 3

9:00am – 12:00pm: ALL

Role Play with Academic Advisors:

Academic advisors will receive two slips of paper with information about the student they are playing. Each PA will go to the front room and select one advisor and “advise.” After the session is over, the advisor will provide critique. Each PA will advise two “students.”

  1. Undeclared student, wants easy classes, 12 credits of AP (Engh 101, US History, Bio 103, Pysc 100)
  2. Undeclared student, wants every major: Psych, Engineering, Biology, Accounting, wants to join a fraternity, likes to party
  3. Undeclared student, wants to make lots of money after graduation, interested in business, bad at math, works 30 hours a week off campus
  4. The know it all who has a sibling who graduated from college but everything she is saying is wrong, nursing major
  5. Parent (Jenn Johnson) comes with student, parent wants engineering, student wants music, pushy parent
  6. Student wants to go to Virginia Tech, Mason second choice, aerospace engineering (Mason does not have), uninterested in getting involved
  7. English as a second language student, prehealth major
  8. Traditional student – no APs, undeclared, living on campus, overwhelmed
  9. Engineering undeclared
  10. Interested in a BA for sure, unsure which
  11. Pre-law major
  12. Student with an anxiety and ADD disability

Peer Advisor Summer 2015 Training

Goals: Review the following items in a more interactive & fun way:

  • Communication skills, Counseling Skills, non-verbal (dealing with parents)
  • Confidentiality/FERPA
  • Referrals
  • Mason Core Requirements
  • AP/IB/Dual enrollment credits
  • Pre-reqs and Co-reqs
  • BS vs. BA
  • Math requirements
  • Foreign Language
  • Pre-health
  • Common Planning Sheets
  • Second gate programs (BUS, ENGR, NURS, and SOCW, AVT)
  • Academic Policies and deadlines: add/drop
  • Special groups: Cornerstones, Athletics, Honors

Skit #1

Aysha – student

Kareema – advisor

Melitta - narrator

Kareema: Good morning, my name is Kareema and I will be your academic advisor today. What brings you in today?

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Communication Skills: hand shake, eye contact, body posture, question asked (not what I can do for you today but what brings you in today)

Aysha: I am a freshman student and I don’t know what I want to major in but I need to register for fall courses.

Kareema: Can you tell me a little bit more about your interests? What courses did you like in high school?

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Communication Skills : Types of questions – open versus closed questions, involvement questions

Aysha: I took an AP psychology course and really liked it but I’m not sure what I can do with a psychology degree. I don’t want to be a psychiatrist. I really like talking to people. I also like talking in public.

Kareema: Great. There are many career paths for the field of psychology. If I hear you correctly, it seems you might like public speaking and communication as well as perhaps psychology. Does this sound correct? What would you like to learn about those particular majors? Also, did you take the AP psychology exam?

Aysha: I would love to learn more about the psychology and/or communication majors but I am not ready to pick a major yet. I did take the AP exam but don’t have my score yet.

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Communication Skills: Paraphrasing, continuing questions, listening skills (lean in, clarify by asking questions, stop talking)
  • AP/IB

Kareema: Great. When you get your scores, make sure to send them to the Office of Admissions. If you get 4 or a 5 you will get credit for PSYC 100 which counts for the psychology major and as a general education course. In addition, you will need to take a communication course for your general education requirements. There are two options for this course: COMM 100 or 101. Which course would you like to take?

Melitta: PAUSE

  • General Education Requirements

Aysha: I think I would like to take COMM 100 since it is public speaking. Can you tell me more about the psychology major?

Kareema: The psychology major offers both a BA and BS option. Since you may already have PSYC 100 through your AP credits, what do you think about taking PSYC 231: Social Psychology? How do you feel you did on the AP exam? Let’s discuss the difference between a BA and a BS and you can think about your options.

Aysha: Okay great. I think I did very well on the AP exam and will likely get the credit for PSYC 100. PSYC 231 sounds okay. Is it hard? Do you think I should take it? I’m not sure if I should do a BA or a BS. Can you tell me which to take? Can I register for PSYC 231 without having PSYC 100 yet since my scores are not in?

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Communication Skills: help your advisees make decisions (don’t make the decisions for them)
  • Advising vs. advice
  • BA vs BS
  • Foreign Language
  • Math requirements
  • Pre-requisites & co-requisites
  • 100, 200, 300, 400 level courses
  • How to handle questions to which you don’t immediately know the answer (for example, if you don’t know if the pre-requisite for PSYC 231 is coded and not having PSYC 100 will prevent the student from registering)

Kareema: Now that you know the difference between a BA and a BS, let’s take a look at the planning sheets for psychology and communication. You don’t have to make a decision today about which degree you want to pursue. Where would you like to start with the planning sheets?

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Common planning sheets

Aysha: So I can use this planning sheet to learn more about each major requirement? It looks like some general education courses overlap. Which courses should I take?

Kareema: Let’s review the sheets together and come up with a potential list of courses you can then select from to register for the fall semester. What courses do you like best and/or were most successful in high school?

Aysha: I don’t like math a lot but I am really good at writing.

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Communication skills: Advisee strengths vs. weakness, give advisees options (don’t select all courses for them)

Aysha: What if I don’t earn the AP credit for PSYC 100? What do I do?

Kareema: Well, you can always come talk to an academic advisor if don’t remember but you can drop PSYC 231 and add PSYC 100 so long as you follow the add/drop deadline.

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Academic policies: add/drop deadlines

Aysha: This looks like a great first semester schedule. I like that I have options. I will review the catalog descriptions and make the best choices and check on patriotweb to see which classes fit best.

Kareema: Great! Don’t forget to “like” our page on facebook for updates. See you soon.

Kareema: Now I am going to sit down and write notes about what it is we just talked about.

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Taking notes
  • Debrief

Skit #2

Aysha – student

Kareema – advisor

Melitta – narrator

Kareema: Welcome to CAART. My name is Kareema. What brings you in today?

Aysha: I am a freshman and I am thinking about going to medical school but first I want to be a nurse. My mom is a nurse and she wants to be on the phone with us during this meeting since she can’t be here today.

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Dealing with parents

Kareema: I would prefer to speak with you but if you would like your mom on the phone, I will need you to sign this form giving me permission to speak with her before we meet.

Aysha: She is so pushy. I don’t want her on the phone but I will call her. If I sign this form, does that mean she can talk to you any time?

Melitta: PAUSE


Kareema: Let’s talk a little about our nursing program and the requirements for application and which courses you will need to take your first semester. Did you take any AP/IB or dual enrollment credits in high schools?

Aysha: Okay that sounds great. Remember, I also want to go to medical school. Yes, I took English and Calculus at the community college by my house for dual enrollment. I went to NOVA.

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Referrals
  • Pre-Health
  • Dual enrollment
  • Second Gate Programs

Kareema: Now that we have reviewed the nursing program requirements, do you have any questions?

Aysha: I would like to get to application really quickly. What is the maximum number of credits I can take per semester? I also plan to work because I need money and I support myself.

Kareema: Let’s talk a little bit about recommended course load.

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Full-time versus part-time classes
  • 12-16 credits price
  • Working
  • Day of week, time of day, frequency of classes/length of classes
  • Balancing courses – reading/writing and math/science

Mom: I think she should take 18 credits her first semester. She should take as many classes to get them out of the way so she has time for softball in the spring semester.

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Working with parents
  • Special populations: athletes
  • Communication skills: Respect, listening to the student, working with the student

Aysha: I am excited for my first semester. Who should I talk to about the nursing program? Also, can I talk to someone about going to med school? Lastly, I am a little anxious about my first semester. It all seems very overwhelming.

Kareema: Yes, I completely understand. Let’s talk about who you can speak to about your questions and concerns.

Melitta: PAUSE

  • Pre-health
  • Referrals

Kareema: I hope that helps you make a decision about your fall courses. Don’t hesitate to contact an advisor if you have any questions.