Monthly Literary Analysis Papers and Presentations

Authors construct stories using the same set of basic elements: setting, character, conflict, rise of action, climax, and resolution. They also employ techniques or devices like pace; tone; description; point of view; dialogue; characterization and motivation; irony; figurative language; style; and format. Different authors, and even the same author with different works, emphasize some of these elements and techniques over others to affect the reader, to deliver the theme of their individual works.

The assignment:

FIRST: Read an approved book carefully enough to analyze its elements and techniques.

SECOND: Write a complete essay structured according to the guidelines presented on the handout we use all year long, summarized here:

Title Reflects Your Subject And The Essay’s Thesis (don’t underline your title!)

Attention-getter (vivid description, a quote, staggering statistic)
Give title, author, BRIEF summary of plot including terminology (name key elements—not all)
transition to thesis statement
Thesis statement on theme goes here (make sure it’s a complete thought)
State point of paragraph (reason thesis is true)
Support with evidence (properly formatted quotations from the literature)
Explain connections to thesis
State point of paragraph
Support with evidence
Explain connections
State point of paragraph
Support with evidence
Explain connections
LINK to attention getter (remind reader of the essay’s beginning)
RESTATE thesis and possibly give another example, connect to your own experience?
TWIST—leave reader with an interesting/important/humorous thought relating to your subject—sometimes a quotation works well

Excellent papers and presentations will include discussions of the elements and techniques (see above) that contribute to the work’s effectiveness/development of theme. I recommend that you provide these discussions in the body paragraphs, amidst your explanations for how specific evidence from the novel supports your thesis. For example, does the passage you are using as evidence for theme also show the author’s skill and/or emphasis on characterization? On description? On figurative language? On irony? Does the format of the writing hint to the theme of the story? Does the author’s choice of P.O.V. enhance the development of theme? Analyses of the story’s elements can be offered briefly in the body paragraphs dealing mostly with theme, or an additional body paragraph or two analyzing the story’s elements may be added. Just be sure not to stray from your discussion on theme too long; get back to your thesis after discussing elements.
