HarariState: a demonstration of Ethnic Federalism and a symbol of peace and stability in Ethiopia

First of all we would like to acknowledge and support the economic development and democratisation processes that are being undertaken in Ethiopia. For that we recognise the commitment and leadership the people and Government Ethiopian to facilitate and consolidate the processes of socio-economic development, democratisation, and peaceful co-existence its people irrespective of the many forms of internal and external pressures aimed at destroying their achievements.

We Hararis as one of the nations and nationalities of Ethiopiarecognisethat Ethiopiais a nation of diverse nationalities with independent history, culture and religion. It is not a distant history that the lack of recognition and brutal oppressions of ethnic values and identities by the subsequent Ethiopian governments brought Ethiopia to the brink of disintegration. However, following the fall of the DERG regime as a fresh start, an elegant constitution was drafted and inaugurated in Ethiopia whichhas allowed the restructuring of Ethiopiaunder the banner of Ethnic Federal States recognising:

  1. Values and aspirations
  2. Socio-economic status
  3. Historical background
  4. Uniquehistorical position and reality

The Ethiopian constitution stipulates that the FederalStates are independent in formulating and implementing policies of socio-economic development with the objective in mind of preserving, protecting and promoting their values and fulfil their aspirations without restrictions and reservations. The HarariNationalStateis involved with a unique and distinctive historical position and reality in Ethiopian History that the people of Ethiopiawe request them to understand.HarariNationalState is in unique and distinctive for a number of reasons:

  1. Harar is the international library of the history of East Africa.
  2. the Harari population has been brought up to the brink of extinction by the brutal oppression and systematic oppressions of past Ethiopian governments.
  3. Exhibits asolid history of more than 1000 years of continuous and modern governments.
  4. Harar and Hararis play a significant role in promoting peace and stability in the region.
  5. Harar and Hararis are wonderful examples of peaceful co-existence of nations and nationalities in Ethiopia.
  6. Hararis have an international recognition for their struggle against the oppression and suppression of nation and nationalities in Ethiopia

The people of Ethiopian are the owners of the Ethiopian Constitution. They own it because it highlights the importance of protecting, preheating, and promoting the very values and aspiration of they have struggled for and recognises the rights of nations and nationalities of Ethiopia irrespective of their numbers their nationalities and area of their habitations. Had that been the criteria for recognising aFederalState in Ethiopia then no FederalState would exist except the State of Oromia because it is simply the largest State with the largest population in Ethiopia.

It is the basic rules of logic and reasoning that have been missing in the debate on Fedralism on ETV. Federalism in Ethiopia is jigsaw puzzle. Unless one gets it right it is always wrong. To get it right one needs to understanding the four items listed above. We believe that so far no opposition party got it right except creating tensions and misunderstandings among the Ethiopian people who have known valuing and respecting the rights of others as enshrined in the constitutions.

Our advice to the opposition parties in Ethiopia are:

  1. try to consider your differences as temporary and as good opportunities for dialogue and better understanding.
  2. relyon the guiding principles of progress rather than regress regardless of the immediateand short run challenges you might be facing.
  3. focus on building the future on what has already been achieved so that citizens see hope of a better future in their land and be proud of their country.
  4. put out and sell specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound plans and policies that would bring positive change in Ethiopia
  5. learn to respond to the challenges you are facing in the process of election instead of reacting
  6. learn to focus on the issue rather than the person if you have any intention of being a mature and civilised political party
  7. Consult your stakeholders and consult with the Ethiopian people before bringing your policies to the market

Like wise we do support and appreciate the Ethiopian government for the following reasons:

  1. they follow a consultation procedure, processes and follow ups
  2. they have clearly highlighted the constitutional rights of citizens
  3. they have indicated the apparent danger and concerns in implementing the proposal and directive of the oppositions are described in the debate
  4. they are certainly the best model of response and are engaging
  5. they indicate that obliterating and mutilating the basic human rights inscribed in the constitution is no longer acceptable and finally

We believe that Harari regional state can be a model demonstrating the values and rights enshrined in the Ethiopian constitution. We believe that the HarariStatecan provide the constitutional rights of every Ethiopian residing in Harar while respecting the rights of Harari people to protect, preserve and promote their culture, history and aspirations. In the past, Harar has proved that it has produced innumerable citizensof high calibre and sense of personal and group responsibilities from people of different ethnic background. What we need is forward looking policies aimed enhancing individual and group values and respects the rights of others in respective of the challenges we are facing.

The denial of group right brings about the old memories of oppression and subjugation in Ethiopia. In our view the proposals of the opposition parties are poor, intimidating and could become the potential source of conflict and misunderstanding.

However, we would like to indicate that we are committed to strive for the full implementation values enshrined in the Ethiopian constitution. To gather with our partners, we will consult and assess the impact of the proposals of all parties against the background of the constitution and respond in due course. We indeed admire and appreciate initiatives and policies that have the desired effect of creating harmony and peace in Ethiopia rather than conflict.
