“Children Underground” Group Assignment (20 Points)

The purpose of this assignment is to practice your observational skills. You will pick a child from the movie and obverse their development in all of the four domains. Remember to be objective and free of judgment as you record your observations. Each table will turn in one paper with all of the group member names. Your final paper must be typed.

Part A (7.5 points): Take a piece of paper and divide it up into four sections: physical development, social development, emotional development and cognitive development. You will record observations that relate to each developmental domain. Pay close attention to the positive and negative outcomes with in the developmental domains of the children as a result of living in the streets. Each domain will need to have a minimum of 5 observations.


Name of the child: Mihai

Physical Development
(5 examples) / Social Development
(5 examples) / Emotional Development
(5 examples) / Cognitive Development
(5 examples)
Positive Outcomes / 1. Able to coordinate his body to run and walk comfortably / 1. Goes to the park with his friend to swim in the fountain. / 1. Seen laughing with his friends at the park. / 1. Seems to be able to read and write.
Negative Outcomes / 2. Miahi is 12 years old but looks smaller than his age. / 2. Does not want to go back home and live with his parents & siblings. Has no relationship w/family. / 2. Starts to cut himself when he gets upset with Anna at the park. / 2. Mom will not give up his documents, therefore he can not enroll in school with the social worker. Can fall behind.

Part B (5 points): Answer the following questions.

1.  How does your child get food, water and clothing while living on the streets?

2.  Why do you think that your child ran away from home/orphanage?

3.  List and discuss three specific concerns that you have about your child?

4.  What are some ways that your child copes with the stressors of living in the streets? Provide 3 examples.

5.  If you were a social worker, how would you help/advocate for your child? Provide 3 examples.

Bronfenbrenners’ Ecological Systems Theory (7.5 points)

Look over each system and provide 3 examples for your child.

Microsystem: parents, siblings, friends, teachers. Those closest to the child.
Home, Neighborhood, School.
Interaction between the microsystem and Mesosystem.
Extended family, friendship networks, workplace of parents, government,
Values, customs, laws, resources of the country.
Chronosystem: the change in time that affects the child’s growth and development