Romantic Age




“Wander Above the Mist”


Caspar David Friedrich

McKay Chapters 20 & 21

Study Guide Directions

This study guide has been prepared to assist you in reading the assigned chapters and or sections. The quality of your answers to these questions will determine how you perform in class. Use the guidelines below to answer the questions.

·  Write legibly.

o  You should use this to prepare for tests.

o  Can’t write? Type!

·  Be thorough with your response.

o  It is never a one sentence response.

o  At least 3 sentences per question.

·  You will be quizzed on the reading!

o  On the day the reading is due, you will have a quiz on the reading.

o  The quiz question will be one of the questions from the study guide

·  If you cannot find the answer, or are unsure of your answer to the question, please see me during activity period.

o  I will help you. It is my job.

o  If you don’t know, ask me!


Chapter 20 (Pages 648 – 680)

1.  Explain the factors that caused the Industrial Revolution to begin in Britain in the 1780s.

2.  Why was the textile industry the first to “industrialize?”

3.  Explain the significance of the steam engine.

4.  Discuss the causes and consequences of the rise of the railroads.

5.  Describe the Crystal Palace.

6.  Describe the theory of Thomas Malthus.

7.  Describe the theory of David Ricardo.

8.  Explain why industrialization in continental Europe lagged behind British industrialization.

9.  Explain why continental Europe was able to catch up with British industrialization after 1815.

10.  Describe working conditions in the factories.

11.  Discuss the effects of industrialization on European women, and discuss various reasons why their role was changed.

12.  Describe the relationship between capital and labor in the Industrial Revolution.

13.  Describe the development of the early labor movement in Britain.


Chapter 21 (Pages 682 – 699)

1.  Describe the motives and actions of the Congress of Vienna.

2.  Explain the role of Prince Klemens von Metternich in the Congress System.

3.  Explain why Austria was so sensitive to nationalism.

4.  Explain how the Holy Alliance, and Carlsbad Decrees were products of conservatism.

5.  List the principles conservatism.

6.  List the principles liberalism.

7.  Explain the causes and consequences of nationalism.

8.  Explain how liberalism supports nationalism. Why did the two usually go together?

9.  List the principles of socialism.

10.  Identify two socialist thinkers and their main idea

11.  Describe the principles of Marxism/ Communism.

12.  Describe how Romanticism differed from the Enlightenment.

13.  Discuss the ways in which Romantic writers, artists, and musicians responded to political and socioeconomic conditions in Europe.


Chapter 21 (Pages 699 – 713)

1.  Explain the causes and consequences of the Greek revolution.

2.  Explain the causes of liberal reform, identify key events and legislation, and explain why Britain experienced evolution rather than revolution.

3.  Explain how Ireland’s experience of British rule, coupled with the Great Famine, fueled Irish nationalism.

4.  Describe the experience of the Irish under British rule in the 19th century.

5.  Explain the causes and consequences of the Revolution of 1830 in France.

6.  Explain the causes and consequences of the revolutions of 1848 in

a.  France,

b.  Austria, and

c.  Prussia.

7.  Explain how liberalism and socialism fueled revolution in France, and how liberalism and nationalism fueled revolution in Austria and Prussia.

Identify List

Who? What? Where? When?

  1. Crystal Palace
  2. Factory Acts
  3. Iron law of wages
  4. Romanticism
  5. Karlsbad Decrees
  6. Peterloo Massacre
  7. Decembrist Revolt
  8. Congress System
  9. Luddites
  10. Combination Acts
  11. Corn Laws
  12. Mines Act of 1842
  13. Ten Hours Act of 1847
  14. Poor Law of 1834
  15. Chartism
  16. Louis Philippe
  17. National Workshops
  18. Frankfurt Assembly
  19. Zollverein
  20. Declaration of the Rights of the German People
  21. Reform Bill of 1832
  22. Congress of Vienna
  23. Proletariat
  24. Bourgeoisie
  25. Corn Laws
  26. Battle of Peterloo
  27. Socialism
  28. Marxism
  29. Liberalism
  30. Holly Alliance

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