Regional Challenge Guidance Document

Copyright © United Kingdom Rescue Organisation (UKRO) 2014.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of any nature, or transmitted, in any form or by any means including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of UKRO, the copyright owner. Licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency or any other reproduction rights organisation do not apply. If any unauthorised acts are carried out in relation to this copyright work, a civil claim for damages may be made and/or a criminal prosecution may result.


1. Introduction 3

2. Location, Venue and Date 3

3. Regional Challenge Naming 4

4. Regional Challenge Safety 5

5. Regional Challenge Insurance 5

6. Specific Elements of the Regional Challenge Programme 6

7. Regional Challenge Programme 6

8. Technical Aspects of the Regional Challenge 7

9. Tools and Equipment 7

10. The Rules 8

11. Assessing and Scoring 8

12. Other Functions 9

13. Administration 10

14. Photography and Video Recording 11

15. Financial Management 11

16. Website 11

Appendix 1 - Extrication Challenge Requirements 12

Appendix 2 - Trauma Challenge Requirements 18

Appendix 3 – Pre-Scenario Safety Check List 19

Appendix 4 – Extrication Challenge Lead Assessor Role 20

Appendix 5 – Authorisation to Compete 23

Appendix 6 – Challenge Welcome Letter/Invitation 27

Appendix 7 - Trophies Required for Regional Challenges 29

Appendix 8 - Example of Extrication Challenge Timetable 30

Appendix 9 – Example of Trauma Challenge Timetable 31

Appendix 10 - Tool and Equipment Requirements 32

Appendix 11 – UKRO Regional Challenge Total Scoresheet 34

1.  Introduction

The United Kingdom Rescue Organisation (UKRO) Regional Challenge Guidance Document provides a guide to United Kingdom (UK) Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) wishing to host a Regional Extrication and/or Trauma Challenge.

The objective of the UKRO Regional Challenge is to create an environment in which representatives from FRS in the UK can come together at a local level to learn, exchange ideas and experience realistic Scenarios.

Contained within the Guidance Document are clear details of those functions that are expected of the Host Organisation/FRS, those that UKRO will be responsible for, and those that are to be determined on a Challenge-by-Challenge basis.

Despite the comprehensive nature of this Guidance Document, the Host (as termed below) must co-ordinate their preparations with the UKRO Regional Challenge Lead Assessor(s). A Lead Assessor will be allocated by UKRO, for each Rescue Discipline, to ensure that all requirements and appropriate arrangements for the Regional Challenge have been accommodated.

Throughout this Guidance Document the term ’Host’ refers to the Organisation/FRS that will host the Regional Challenge.

Where in this Guidance Document there is a requirement to do something (by the use of the word ‘must’) the Host is obliged to be compliant in accordance with the details contained within this Guidance Document.

UKRO acknowledges and agrees that where there is discretion for the Host to do something (by the use of the word ‘may’ or ‘should’) the Host may do that thing if it so chooses but with due regard to the relevant provisions contained within this Guidance Document. Hosting a UKRO Regional Challenge is a complex, time consuming, yet rewarding exercise, which requires considerable planning. UKRO recommends that the Host forms a Regional Challenge Planning Committee/Team which should meet regularly in the lead-up to the Regional Challenge. The allocated UKRO Regional Challenge Lead Assessor(s) will be contactable by e-mail and telephone to offer guidance.

2.  Location, Venue and Date

The location of the Regional Challenge must be at a venue that has adequate space to accommodate the logistical nature of the event, key considerations include:

·  Road Access,

·  Number of participating Teams (Extrication and Trauma),

·  Number of Extrication Pits required,

·  Number of Debriefing Rooms required (including Trauma),

·  Trauma area (if applicable),

·  Toilet and Welfare facilities,

·  Catering facilities,

·  Assessor secure area,

·  Team Holding Area (Extrication and Trauma),

·  Equipment preparation area,

·  Public Access (if applicable),

·  Parking for Teams and Assessors,

·  Safe access and egress for appliance movements to the Extrication Pits,

·  Storage area for scrap vehicles,

·  Safe access and egress for scrap vehicle movements,

·  Accommodation, food and refreshments for UKRO Assessors, and

·  Accommodation for Teams.

The above list is by no means exhaustive.

The Host will suggest Regional Challenge dates to the UKRO and the UKRO will confirm if those dates are suitable. The Host should consider that it is usual for the Regional Challenge season to operate from March-July (due to daylight hours and weather conditions), prior to the National Challenge.

Potential Regional Challenge dates and related enquires must be made in the first instance to the UKRO Assessor Coordinator, Anne Woolnough. The Host must also stipulate at this time the number of Extrication and Trauma Teams anticipated, dependent on the size of the Challenge, for the appropriate number of UKRO Assessors to be identified. The UKRO Assessor Coordinator can be contacted using the following email address: .

There are a number of key facilities required to conduct a Regional Challenge. It is the Host’s responsibility to identify costs, negotiate where necessary and arrange for the facilities to be available for an appropriate period. The Host must provide the following facilities:

·  Appendix 1 – Extrication Challenge requirements.

·  Appendix 2 – Trauma Challenge requirements.

3.  Regional Challenge Naming

The official name of the Challenge will be:

United Kingdom Rescue Organisation (UKRO) “Insert Region Name” “Insert Extrication or Trauma where only one Rescue Discipline is being planned” Challenge [Year]. This will help with promotion and marketing for the Host Organisation/FRS.

The Regional Challenge must only be referred to, by the Host, by this name.

The UKRO logo may be used on materials, advertising and trophies produced for the Regional Challenge. The areas that should be given consideration regarding the prominence of the logo should include the size, colour and location of the UKRO logo when compared to other organisations including the Host. The UKRO logo will be provided, upon request from the Host, along with the Branding Guidelines.

4.  Regional Challenge Safety

The safe conduct of the Regional Challenge is paramount. Although the Regional Challenge can be considered a training activity, it should be remembered that many of the participants will be outside their normal jurisdiction and environments. The Host must ensure safe systems of work and adherence to local safety regulations. The Host must appoint a Safety Officer (SO) for the duration of the Regional Challenge. The Host must ensure that there are suitable and sufficient risk assessments for all areas of the Regional Challenge including, where appropriate, the Closing Ceremony as well as the Regional Challenge events. The Host must also ensure that all risk assessments are agreed and signed off by the relevant representative bodies.

The Host should also consider the availability of a ‘live’ trauma bag and defibrillator for the duration of the event. A clearly defined process must also be incorporated in the risk assessments, regarding the procedure for making a call to the emergency services, should the need arise. For example, the Hosts may raise the alarm by using their mobile phone.

Risk assessments must be made available, upon request, to the allocated UKRO Regional Challenge Lead Assessor(s). The Host should liaise closely with the UKRO Regional Challenge Lead Assessor(s) when producing a suitable Health and Safety portfolio for the Regional Challenge. The UKRO Regional Challenge Lead Assessor(s) will then coordinate with the Safety Officer prior to the event starting to ensure appropriate measures are put in place.

The Hosts must ensure that all relevant groups and individuals receive appropriate safety briefs.

For the duration of an Extrication Challenge, the allocated UKRO Regional Challenge Lead Assessor(s) will be responsible for ensuring that a Pre-Scenario Safety Check List is completed, prior to the commencement of any participating Extrication Team activity.

As an example of the content of the Pre-Scenario Safety Check List requirements, i.e. all fluids and sharps dealt with and made safe – this includes all glass fragments are to be brushed away from where the Interior Assessor is to be positioned, as far as is reasonably practicable; where the position of given casualty vehicle makes this difficult, spare car mats or similar should be utilised underneath the Interior Assessor to cover any glass remaining.

Appendix 3 – UKRO Pre-Scenario Safety Check List.

Appendix 4 – UKRO Extrication Challenge Lead Assessor Role.

5.  Regional Challenge Insurance

The Host must ensure their existing public liability insurance covers the Regional Challenge, particularly if the Regional Challenge is held away from Host premises, and for the duration of the Regional Challenge. The Host must also ensure that if the Regional Challenge is held on third party premises, that the third party has public liability insurance in place. The Host must ensure that all volunteers working at the Regional Challenge are provided with suitable and sufficient insurance.

The majority of UKRO personnel working at the Regional Challenge will be covered through their own Organisations/FRSs insurance; however there are a number of volunteers who include some of the Medical Assessors, Interior Assessors and Casualties who are not covered and will have to come under the scope of the insurance arranged by the Host.

Rescue Teams participating in the Regional Challenge must also complete and return to the Host, an Authorisation to Compete document. Such a document must be made available by the Host and sent out to the participating Rescue Teams/FRS as part of a Challenge Welcome Letter/Invitation.

Appendix 5 – Authorisation to Compete.

6.  Specific Elements of the Regional Challenge Programme

Team Briefing – This may be conducted on the day, prior to the start of the Regional Challenge. At the briefings, teams are introduced to the key players, their roles and how their functional area will operate. It also presents an opportunity for the Host to identify any rules that have been introduced to increase the complexity of the Regional Challenge, or increase safety. The Team Briefing is also the ideal opportunity for the Host to advise on the arrangements for refreshments, lunch and the location of toilet/welfare facilities, etc. The teams will also have the opportunity to ask questions on any element of the Regional Challenge that they may need to seek clarification on. A weather brief must also be delivered by the Host during the Team Briefing in the event of adverse weather conditions.

The Team Briefing is also an ideal opportunity for the Host to issue each competing Rescue Team with a Regional Challenge Welcome Pack. Such a pack could contain a map of the site, refreshment/lunch vouchers, timetable of the Regional Challenge, ‘Running-Order’ and ‘Run-Off’ Times, contact details, individual passes, etc.

Appendix 6 – Challenge Welcome Letter/Invitation.

Closing Ceremony - The style of the Closing Ceremony is a decision for the Host. Typically this is conducted as a short awards ceremony, at the end of the Regional Challenge, with a representative of the Host FRS Senior Management Team available to present the trophies relevant to each Rescue Discipline.

The Host must provide suitable and sufficient trophies for the identified Rescue Team and individual elements of the Regional Challenge. It will be the responsibility of the Host to source and fund all trophies. All trophies must include reference to the official UKRO Regional Challenge Name; in addition the Host may also wish to include the event logo, year of the Regional Challenge and specific references to the Host.

Appendix 7 – Regional Challenge Trophy Requirements.

7.  Regional Challenge Programme

The number of Rescue Teams that register will shape the Regional Challenge Programme. It is strongly advised that a Regional Challenge should not consist of any more than seven (7) Extrication Teams per Pit and no more than fourteen (14) Extrication Teams in total (Two (2) Pits) and ten (10) Trauma Teams; thus safeguarding the welfare of UKRO Assessors, Regional Challenge staff, volunteers and competitors alike. The Regional Challenge is generally timetabled over one day. The Host will develop the final Regional Challenge Timetable in line with UKRO protocols and must seek guidance and approval from the identified UKRO Regional Challenge Lead Assessor(s), at least one (1) week prior to the Regional Challenge. It is important to ensure that no aspect of the Regional Challenge impinges on, or has an adverse impact on, any other aspect.

Appendix 8 – Example of Extrication Challenge Timetable.

Appendix 9 – Example of Trauma Challenge Timetable.

8.  Technical Aspects of the Regional Challenge


The UKRO will arrange the training, selection and provision of all Rescue Discipline Assessors.

Pit Preparation:

The Host must arrange for a trained Pit Crew, responsible for equipment make-up, Scenario construction and clean up, Rescue Team isolation, Rescue Team Kit familiarisation (to take place during isolation) and Regional Challenge coordination. The Pit Crew must be suitably qualified to handle, operate, dismantle, etc. the equipment utilised during a given Regional Challenge and must be provided with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to undertake the tasks.

Equipment Maintenance:

The Host must ensure arrangements are in place for all repairs, maintenance and should the need arise, replacement of equipment during the Regional Challenge.


Live Casualties/Interior Assessors will be used in both the Extrication and Trauma Rescue Disciplines throughout the Regional Challenge. UKRO must source all Interior Assessors and ensure they have adequate training, along with full and adequate PPE. The provision of Live Casualties for the Trauma Rescue Discipline will be agreed between the Host and the Trauma Rescue Discipline Lead Assessor, on a Challenge-by-Challenge basis. The Host must ensure that all casualties have suitable and sufficient insurance, as previously mentioned in Section 5 (Regional Challenge Insurance).


When calculating the number of vehicles required, the Host should calculate this based on the number of Scenarios to be completed across the Regional Challenge, with the addition of a number of ‘Prop’ vehicles. The Host should take into account a small percentage of spare vehicles to replace the ones that may not be suitable on the day. The UKRO Regional Challenge Lead Assessor(s), utilising the UKRO National Scenario Database, will advise the Host on this matter as the number and type of vehicles required will be determined by the Scenarios selected for the Regional Challenge. Sourced vehicles should be as complete as possible with all glass intact, wheels, engines, seats and steering wheel in place. All vehicles must be depolluted and had the batteries removed. The Host Pit Crew is responsible for all vehicle preparation prior and during the Regional Challenge.