/ Policies, Procedures and Standard Operating
Guidelines Manual
Storm Matrix / Page 1of 3
Document ID: SOG #614
Issue No: 1
Reviewed: 07/30/2013
Approved by: District Chief
Board of Fire

1. Purpose and Scope

1.1 The Mantua Township Storm Matrix is so that the department can efficiently and effectively answer all incidents in the Twp. of Mantua emergent or non during a natural event.

2. Communications

2.1 All communications with the County of Gloucester will be performed by the
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located at the Union Ave Fire House

2.1.1 The EOC will manage and control all radio communications with the responding units and Gloucester County Communications

2.1.2 The EOC will assign riding assignments for all apparatus that will be utilized for response

2.1.3 The EOC will record all information on ICS (Incident Command System) forms for further processing

2.1.4 The EOC will contact GloucesterCountyCommunicationsCenterand advise them that The Mantua Twp Storm Matrix is in effect. At this time all Gloucester County Communications will contact the EOC via land line to dispatch the incidents. Any priority calls will be dispatched over Gloucester County F-1

2.1.5 The operational center will designate them self on radio:

a) 2200

b) MantuaTownship Command

c) Or anything else that is suitable for the Incident

2.1.6 The EOC will monitor Gloucester County F-1 and any other channel that the department is assigned too. The Mantua Township EOC Dispatcher will communicate with units on the street Via Mantua Twp Channel 45.

2.1.7 If at any time Channel 45 is inoperable, the Mantua Township Emergency Operation Center has the discretion on how the center will communicate with the responding Units, and a briefing will held.

2.1.8 If a unit comes across an emergency incident and can not communicate with the EOC, they are to switch over to the designated GloucesterCounty channel to transmit the emergency.

3. Activating A Storm Matrix

3.1. The Mantua Township Storm Matrix will be placed into service when a weather event is predicted to cause impact to the Township of Mantua. The Matrix can only be placed in service by the following Individuals:

A) District Chief or his Designee

B) FM-22 or his Designee

3.2. Steps in Activating the Matrix:

3.2.1 At the time of activation a Gloucester County RSAN will be placed out to notify the department.

  • If the line officers have enough warning of a storm that is going tohit the area, A District meeting will be held to go over the

departments Pre-Action Plan.

3.2.2 All Members will report to their respective station and check in for riding


  • The commander of the EOC will determine if the Assignment will be operated out of one Fire house. The designated fire house for operation will be at Union Ave.

3.2.3 All responses to the station will be terminated. Any member wishing to respond during a Storm Matrix operation will report to the station andre- mainin station for calls.

3.3Early stages of the Matrix:

3.3.1All equipment will be fueled and all saws pumps and any other equipment will be checked. Truck check forms will be submitted to the Emergency Operations Center for documentation

3.3.2Any special preparations that may be storm specific will be performed by all

staff members after they receive ridding assignments.

4. During the Storm

4.1 The Emergency Operations center will have designated Operational periods along with riding assignments for response

4.2Units Roles and Responsibilities:

4.2.1Rescue Company 22-18 will be staffed with a minimum of three SCBA

firefighters and the unit is available for incidentals but will remain staffed for priorities assignments.

4.2.2All command vehicles and utilities will be utilized for the bulk of the assignments. They will radio into the command center and notify if they

will be needing any additional resources at their location.

4.2.3After a unit makes it to an incident they will radio back to the EOC with the information. After they have mitigated the problem they will make
themselves available with the EOC and return back to the firehouse for additional assignments

4.2.4If at any point an unit comes across an incident they will report it to the EOC, which will contact Gloucester County Communications and have a card started.

5. Post Incident

5.1After the incident each unit leader will make sure the truck is restored back to

working order. Any broken equipment will be fixed and reported to the EOC so that it can be documented

5.2All equipment will be re-fueled and placed back into service

5.3The EOC will prepare all ICS forms and run sheets for all operational periods

5.4Once the Storm Matix is completed the EOC Commander will contact Gloucester County Communications and terminate Command.

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