A Project for the 11th Grade - 4 Points
Final Project for the NBA course
Instructor: Elana Spector-Cohen
23 June 2005
Galit Locker
Gail Moscovich
Can you describe the class and the reasons for selection of this particular class?
The class is a weak 3-4 point heterogeneous group. There are many students with learning disabilities who receive extra time on tests, ignore spelling mistakes, and 7 who use a Walkman. The rest of the class is average in the 3-4 point range.
I chose this class for the assignment because we already completed the project in class.
The project is an umbrella task from the textbook TARGETS (ECB). Unit Two is called "It's a Mystery". The work in the unit introduces mysteries of different themes to the students. New vocabulary is given to help with the reading. Scanning is reviewed, as well as the passive. Work is given to strengthen writing opinions. Two examples of magazine articles are supplied in the unit. I used these articles to demonstrate how to summarize articles. Lastly, the unit deals with note taking. Note taking was reinforced in the project in the summary section and in the group brainstorming section.
I felt that the process the students went through was well done because they could understand what was being asked of them. The stages were designed to allow each student to do his/her task according to their own intelligences. Each student could choose the mystery they felt that they could do their best with. Some students chose a site because their parents had been there or their grandparents were born there. Many had heard of the places before and wanted to learn more about them. The requirements of each stage were fair because I know they received equal opportunity to learn the skills being assessed. The skills were learned in our classroom prior to starting the project. Many skills were reinforced (and, yes, relearned) as the work progressed which was a good indication that authentic English was being used.
Our class project was done individually, not in groups. When they were tested for the project in the Oral Bagrut, many told me they asked for help from their parents. I noticed that the students with the reading problems were the ones who asked for help. The skills they needed help with were reading and comprehension (translation). Once the students had a good understanding of their articles, the writing stages were not difficult. They worked in class on the first drafts with little help from me. At this stage, there was a lot of sharing going on in the classroom. They would ask each other how they should write sentences. This was a point for me to step in and help, also.
Mysteries of the World
Template for Designing Project Work
Stage one: Identifying targeted benchmarks and/orGoals, and criteria for assessment
Targeted Benchmarks and/or Goals / Criteria for Assessment
Pupils converse and negotiate their opinions/make decisions/integrate personal ideas with historical and literary themes / Group work, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias
Present information supported by visual aids / Pictures of mysteries, maps of sites
Pupils integrate information from different sources for a specific purpose / Take notes, make outline
Summarize articles
Pupils write an informative and interesting article / Write first draft of magazine article
Pupils present a written presentation based on the integration of the various sources chosen / Final project containing all steps
Pupils present an oral presentation based on the integration of the various sources chosen / 3-4 minute oral presentation using multimedia/posters
Stage two: Describing the project work assignment
Description of the Project Work Assignment
In groups choose a mystery. Locate information (research), divide work. Summarize the articles. Write the first draft. Write the final draft and combine all steps for presentation. Oral presentation.
Stage three: Choosing tools for assessment
Type of Assessment / Who Assesses
Checklist YES / Self YES
Assessment List / Peer (group members) YES
Rubric YES / Teacher YES
Stage four: Mapping out prerequisite skills and
Targeted Benchmark and/or Goal / Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge
Making decisions
Research information
Integrate information
Pupils write
Pupils speak
Present written and oral work / EFL skills
Research skills
Social skills
Organizational skills
Presentation skills
Computer / Internet skills
Project About Mysteries of the World 11th grade
Project Stage / Product of the Activity / Domain / Benchmark
Stage 1 – Research / · Reading about various mysteries
· Discussing mysteries / Appreciation of Literature Culture, and Language
Social Interaction / Pupils integrate their personal ideas with historical and literary themes
Pupils converse and negotiate their opinions in order to reach a consensus with the others in the topic
Stage 2 – Choosing a
Mystery / · Choosing a mystery for the article
· Listing at least two sources
· downloading the sources and printing them out / Access to Information / Pupils understand the main idea and significant details of texts
Students use a range of sources including articles, stories, search engines and encyclopedias
Stage 3 – Summarizing the Articles / · Summarizing material about the topic
· Write out important questions about the mystery chosen
· Provide answers/explanations to the questions / Access to Information / Pupils integrate information from different sources for a specific purpose
Stage 4– Writing the Magazine Article / · Writing a catchy heading
· summarizing material about this topic / Presentation / Pupils write an informative and interesting article
Stage 5 - Presenting Your Work / · a written portfolio
· an oral presentation
· (may include ppt, video clip) / Presentation / Pupils present a written and oral presentation based on the integration of the various sources chosen
· Pupils will work in small groups (2-3 students).
· The project will take place over a period of 6 weeks, during which we will work on the project twice a week in class.
· The group will elect a group leader who will be responsible for keeping a working file with all the rough drafts, printouts of articles, working schedule, diskette etc.
· Pupils will be free to use the computer room and/or library during the lessons allotted for the project.
· There will be a mandatory opening and closing session for each lesson in class. Don't forget to fill in your progress report at the end
of each lesson.
· The students will have two weeks to complete each stage of the project and an additional week to prepare for the oral presentation.
· The students should meet with the teacher and discuss the progress of the project continuously.
11th Grade 4 points
TASK: Write a magazine article about a mystery or a mysterious place.
Stage One: Research
1. Go to
2. Click on: "Mystic Places"
"Strange Artifacts"
"Science Mysteries"
*You can try one of these sites for additional information. click on "images"
3. Search through these links to find a mystery that interests you.
4. The subject you choose will have links to other sources about
your subject.
5. Discuss the mysteries in your group. Express your reaction and opinion on the mysteries.
6. Fill in the Brainstorming Page with your group.
Stage Two: Choose a mystery, and your sources.
1. Before you start working, open a new document in word and save it on your diskette under the name of the project and your name/s. [e.g. Mysteries of the World Dani, Michal, Eran]
2. Type: The mystery we chose is ______.
3. Type: The sources we will use (at least two) are:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
5. Hand in a printed copy of the name of your chosen mystery and include your
Stage Three: Summarize your articles.
1. Use at least two sources to find information and take notes.
2. Carefully read the articles you chose and summarize them.
3. Write the important questions about the mystery and any answers or explanations that you found. You may add your own explanation of the mystery.
4. Hand in a written draft of your summary.
Stage Four: Writing
1. Rewrite your summaries into an article, making all the necessary corrections.
2. Give your article a headline that attracts the readers' attention.
3. Write an introduction and a conclusion.
4. Hand in the first draft of your magazine article.
Stage Five: Written Presentation
The project must include the following when handed in:
1. all work must be in a plastic file
2. title page - title of project
students' names
teacher's name
3. table of contents
4. brainstorming page
5. introduction
6. final copy of your magazine article
7. conclusion
8. bibliography
9. copy of the original articles that you downloaded
10. first draft of your magazine article and draft of summary
11. the Reflection page
12. the checklist / rubric page
Stage Six: Oral Presentation
1. Decide on the type of oral presentation you want to use.
2. Divide the work between the group members.
3. Divide the speaking parts between the group members.
4. The presentation should be between 3 to 4 minutes.
5. Write up your script, hand it in to be checked.
6. Practice your presentation in your group.
7. Present your oral presentation.
Stage One
Chart of groups.
Please indicate your: spokesperson
responsibility of each group member
Group One / Group TwoGroup Three / Group Four
Group Five / Group Six
Date: ______
Group Members: ______
Name of MysterySource
(Internet site, name of article)
(reactions, opinions, ideas etc.)
Progress Report
Group: / Date:Spokesperson:
STAGE _____ / Problems
STAGE _____ / Problems
STAGE _____ / Problems
STAGE _____ / Problems
Did you enjoy working in your group? Why? ______
Would you rather work alone? ______
Did saving all the steps you wrote help you to organize your work?
Was the internet a good source of information for you?
What was your favorite part of this assignment?
If you did this project again, what would you do differently?
What is the most important thing you learned from this project?
11th Grade 4 points
1. We chose a mystery.2. We wrote down our sources.
3. We downloaded our sources to a diskette.
4. We printed out our sources.
5. We summarized our articles.
6. We wrote down the questions.
7. We listed our answers and/or
explanations for the mystery.
8. We wrote an attractive headline
9. We handed in a first draft
10. We handed in a final draft
11. We double checked presentation
requirements. (see Stage 5)
11th Grade 4 points
Evaluation Rubric for the Written Presentation 80%
Objectives / Low Performance / At or Below Average / At or Above Average / Exemplary Performance / EarnedPoints
1)+2) Research and Choose a topic:
Search for information, Identify a mystery and find two sources connected to the mystery. / 0-4 points
Doesn't have a mystery. Didn't find any sources. / 5-9 points
Has mystery. No sources downloaded or printed out. Didn't fill in the brainstorming page. / 10-14 points
Identified mystery clearly. Has only one source. Fills in the brainstorming page. / 15-20 points
Identified mystery clearly. Has all sources downloaded and printed out.. Fills in the brainstorming page. /
3) Summarizing the articles. / 0-4 points
No summary. Question/s aren't about the mystery. / 5-9 points
Summary doesn't explain the mystery. Only one question and answer. / 10-14 points
Summary good but not in depth. Questions need to be more specific. Answers/explanations don't give enough information. / 15-20 points
Summarized the articles in depth. Listed important questions about mystery. Added answers/explanations about the questions. /
4) Writing: The magazine article. / 0-4 points
No headline. Article poorly written. Mistakes interfere with understanding of text. No questions. / 5-9 points
Headline isn't connected to mystery. Article difficult to understand, many spelling and grammar mistakes. One question and the answers aren't informative. / 10-14 points
Headline adequate. Article well written but not edited properly. Questions don't lead reader to think about mystery. / 15-20 points
Interesting headline. Article well written with few spelling and grammar mistakes. Questions and answers are included in body of article.
There is a clear introduction and a conclusion.
Reader learns from subject. /
Presentation: Handing in the entire work. / 0-4 points
Did not pay attention to requirements. / 5-9 points
Only half of the requirements satisfied. / 10-14 points
Most of the requirements satisfied. / 15-20 points
All requirements satisfied. /
Stage Six
Oral Presentations Student Evaluation Page
Presentations = 20%
Fluency / Accuracy / Aids / TotalName of presenter / Very
(5-7) / Generally
(2-4) / Hesitant
(0-1) / No/very
few errors
(5-7) / Few
(2-4) / Many
(0-1) / (0-6)
Name of student assessor ______
Name: ______
Stage Six
Oral Presentation Evaluation Form = 20%
Criteria / Amateur0-1 pt / Acceptable
1 pt / Admirable
2 pt / Exceptional
3 pt
Coherence and organization
Speaking skills
Audience response
0 - .5 pt / 1 pt / 1 – 1.5 pt / 2 pt
Length of presentation
Teacher's comments: ______