Tips for a Successful Recording

Avoid speaking directly into the microphone

Speaking directly into a microphone can create pops and breathing noise that are distracting and can impact the listener’s ability to understand your words. To avoid this keep the microphone just below the level of your mouth. This will allow you to speak over the mic rather than directly into it.

Properly position the headset and cable

Before beginning to record adjust the headset so that it is comfortable and has the mic in the proper position. Arrange the cable so you can avoid bumping or dragging it during the recording. While recording, avoid touching the headset, mic or cable as this may create noise on the recording.

Find a quiet environment to do your recording

The microphone on the headset is omnidirectional. This means that it will pick up sound from any direction. Therefore, find as quiet a place as possible to make your recording. Also, shuffling papers, tapping a pen, shifting in your chair or other such activities will create noise that the microphone will pick up and include in your recording. While it is not possible to avoid all extraneous noise, attempting to minimize what you can will result in a better recording.

Set the correct record level

It is important that the recording input level be set correctly. If the level is too low, it will be hard to hear and raising the level after it is recorded can introduce noise. If the recording level is set too high, the audio will be distorted and difficult to understand. Set a level in Audacity that is about 2/3 the way between 0 and the maximum.

Do a test recording

It is good practice to do a test recording to ensure that everything is functioning correctly. Record yourself speaking for about 30 seconds. Make sure you use the same voice level and delivery as you would normally use. Playback the recording and listen to make sure the audio is good.