Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
University of Rome TOR VERGATA
(Yellow sections are to by filled by the Internships Office)
(Red sections are to be filled in by the Host Organization)
The present agreement governs relations between:
-The ------Course in------– Department of ------of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. with its registered office in 1, Via Columbia, 00133 Rome, fiscal code Nr. 80213750583, represented by the Director, Prof. ------born in ------on ------for his office and for the effects of the present agreement , authorized by the University Senate and by the Board of Administration during the following sessions: 13.12.2016 e 20.12.2016
- the …………………….(Host Organization), fiscal code No.………………………, VAT No. ………………….., with its registered office in……………., Street…………., represented by …………………………………………….., born in ……………………..on…………………., for his office and for the effects of the present contract domiciliated on the company address.
ART. 1
The purpose of this agreement is in accordance with Article 18 of the law Nr. 196 dated 24th June 1997, “Norme in materia di promozione dell’occupazione” (defined as “Pacchetto Treu” - employment promotion rules) and in accordance with the Ministerial Decrete Nr. 142, dated 25.03.98, issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and by the Minister of Education and the Minister of University and Scientific Research, to improve training and orientation initiatives for students attending the------Course in------– Department of ------of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
The subject matter of the internship programmes agreed upon by the University and the Host Organization is the acquisition of a direct knowledge of the working world through which the trainee will complete his/her academic career and be facilitated in the choice of his/her working career.
ART. 2
The trainee shall be helped during the period of internship at the host Organization by a Company Supervisor.
The trainee shall be assisted also by a University tutor, previously nominated.
The Host Organization shall support the internship experience by informing the student about the technologies, the organization, the production processes and the different work phases in the company.
The Host Organization shall also issue on request a statement of skills or competences acquired by the trainee.
ART. 3
The internship period cannot be considered as an employment contract. The Host Organization is not obliged to employ the trainee when the internship is over. Even though the trainee is not obliged to respect the other employees’ working hours during the internship, he/she must follow the company supervisor’s instructions and the internal standards, rules and regulations, especially those regarding holidays, hygiene and safety.
The trainee must maintain secrecy on confidential information about products, processes and on any other information regarding the organization that he/she may come in touch with during the internship period.
ART. 4
Tasks and duties that the trainee has performed during the period of internship may be recognized in ECTS credits certified by the University and can be part of the trainee’s curriculum vitae et studiorum. (------Course in------– Department of ------of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”..).
ART. 5
The University will provide for the INAIL insurance coverage for the trainee during the time of the internship defined as “gestione per conto”. In case of any injuries occurred to the trainee, he/she agrees to immediately inform the Host Organization and to forward all the necessary certificates. The trainee must forward also to the University the above mentioned certificates. The trainee shall also be ensured by the University insurance for civil responsability, by insurance companies operating in this sector.
ART. 6
The Organization agrees to formalize the internship relation with the trainee through an agreement containing the modalities of the internship period (place, period, purpose, content and names of supervisors) and the ensurance coverage as defined in the previous article of this agreement.
ART. 7
This agreement has a validity for two years starting from the day on which it was signed. To extend the agreement the Organization must send a written request to the …………………………………. – Department of Humanistic studies of University of Rome “Tor Vergata” before the agreement expires.
ART. 8
The present agreement will be registered and stamped if used in accordance with Articles 5, 6, 39 and 40 of the Presidential Decree Nr. 131 dated 26.04.1986 and Articles 2 and 32 of the Presidential Decree Nr. 642/72.
The relative costs will be paid by the demanding part.
Read, approved and signed.
The Director of the ------Course in------– Department of ------of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
(Prof. …………………………….)
THE ………………………………..(Host Organization)
The Legal Representative
Ufficio Tirocini Didattici - Via Columbia, 1-00133 Roma , Ed. A P 5b Tel 06 72595239 FAX. 39 06 72595248 mail: