XYZ Cancer Program Community Assessment

(Standard 3.1: Patient Navigation)

  1. Identification of community
(or population) /
  • Breast cancer patients within institution’s the primary and secondary service areas

  1. Description of the community: characteristics associated with challenges +/or barriers to care
  • 2nd highest volume of cancer cases for the institution
  • Primary and secondary service area include large proportion of women who have >1 of the following variables
Racial or ethnic minority
  • 40% African American
  • 18% Hispanic
  • 5% Asian
  • 18-24 years old7%
  • 25-34 years old8%
  • 35-44 years old20%
  • 45-54 years old16%
  • 55-64 years old32%
  • 65-74 years old15%
  • 75 years or older13%
Un or under insured
  • 48% under insured (includes Medicaid population)
  • 19% uninsured
  • 28% unemployment
  • 9% social security disability
  • 7% workmen’s compensation
English is not primary language
  • 4%
Percent of population at poverty or near poverty level: 27%
(2012 US general population value in comparison 19.7%)
Risk factors associated with chronic disease and/or poor health outcomes: tobacco use (28%), obesity (34%), difficulty with physical activity (18.2%), history of hypertension (27%), diabetes (14%) asthma (14%), regular alcohol use (56%)
  • All percentages above exceed national averages

  1. Identified gaps in service, barriers, challenges or disparities
  • Transportation
  • Financial issues: Ability to pay for insurance co-pays for physician visits and medications, cost of medications, lack of benefits
  • Competing priorities: child care, elder care, job responsibilities,
  • Difficulty scheduling doctor’s appointments or coordinating multiple appointments
  • Adherence to treatment regimens
  • Frequent missed appointments
  • Lack of knowledge regarding preventive care practices (ie: screenings)
  • Lack of single point of contact for medical care information
  • Access to computer or internet
  • Smoking cessation

  1. Community needs to address gaps in service, barriers, challenges or disparities
  • Assistance with access and applications for local, state +/or federal sponsored support for health care, insurance, utilities, food stamps, shelter, transportation, child care, vocational training and other social support services
  • Financial counseling and applications for patient assistance programs
  • Access to free or low cost breast cancer education and screening programs
  • Assistance with health care follow up for abnormal breast exam and/or screening mammogram: coordinated appointment scheduling for diagnostic and staging evaluation, treatment, follow up care
  • Education regarding health practices and care associated with breast cancer diagnosis
  • Assistance with adherence to cancer treatment and follow up care

  1. Community assessment methods, sources of information
  • Cancer registry
  • Focus groups with
Representative breast cancer patients who had finished treatment within the previous year
Volunteer community representatives
Personnel from offices of breast surgery, medical oncology, radiation therapy and mammography
Infusion room nurses
  • Literature references:
Hokayem, C. and Heggeness, M. (2014). Living in near poverty in the United States: 1966-2012. Current population reports. The US Census Bureau. Retrieved 5/28/14 from
Nguyen, T and Kagawa-Singer, M (2008). OvercomingBarriers toCancer CareThrough HealthNavigationPrograms. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 24, (4), 270-278.
Paskett, E, Harrop, J P, and Wells, K J (2011). Patient Navigation: An Update on the Stateof the Science. Ca Cancer J Clin, ;61(4), 237–249.
Philadelphia Department of Public Health (2010). Chronic Diseases by Planning District (2010). Retrieved 3/2/13 from
Philadelphia Department of Public Health (2010). Health Center Service Area Report (2009). Retrieved 3/2/13 from
Pleis JR, Lucas JW, Ward BW (2009). Summary health statistics for U.S. adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2008. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 10(242). Retrieved 5/28/14 from
Description of Navigation Process
  1. Personnel
  • Qualifications
  • Staffing
  • Oversight
  • Registered Nurse, experience with breast health care + navigation
  • 1 FTE
  • Reports to Cancer Program Administrator

  1. Point of entry or identification of patients
  • Mammography technician to notify navigator of all abnormal findings
  • MD referral
  • Self referral-website based

  1. Services to be provided and length of service (ie: throughout cancer continuum; until initiation of first course of treatment; until treatment completion; etc.)
  • Nursing assessment of physical, psychosocial and educational needs; distress screening
  • Education concerning breast cancer diagnostic evaluation and treatment as well as reconstructive surgery options
  • Introduction of potential for clinical trial participation
  • Facilitated appointment scheduling for diagnostic evaluation, treatment planning and initiation of treatment
  • Referrals as needed: social work, psychology, support group, financial counseling, nutrition, palliative care, home care, physical/occupational lymphedema therapy; referrals to community support programs through ACS and PA breast cancer coalition, Wellness community; prosthetics and wigs
  • Assistance with access to smoking cessation programs as needed
  • Interpreter services as needed

  1. Materials to be provided to patients, caregivers
  • Assist pts with establishing access and using institution patient portal
  • Patient packet that includes printed materials for education, community resources, provider contact information

  1. Methods of documentation and communication with health care team
  • Documentation in medical record (EMR): assessment findings; identification of patient needs; interventions including referrals; for communication with other health care providers; outcomes of navigation services
  • Communication with patients: in person and options for phone or email as per patient preferences
Phone communication logs and email copies to be scanned into EMR
  • Participate in multidisciplinary breast cancer conference (breast tumor board)
  • Participate in Cancer Committee and Breast Program Leadership Committee
  • Communicate with clinical research nurse regarding potential candidates for clinical trial participation

  1. Information collection and tracking methods
  • Excel-based spread sheet

  1. Navigation evaluation: Outcome metrics
(May be site specific) /
  • Pt demographics
  • Number of referrals to navigator and referral sources
  • Outmigration including location and time point in continuum of care
  • Time from referral to initial patient contact with navigator
  • Time from abnormal finding to initial patient contact with navigator
  • Time from abnormal finding to 1st surgical appointment
  • Time from abnormal mammogram to biopsy
  • Time from biopsy to surgical intervention
  • Types of diagnostic procedures in addition to mammogram
  • Histology, stage, molecular biomarkers, location of disease
  • Documentation of patient being advised regarding type of surgical intervention
  • Surgical intervention and outcomes
  • Documentation of patient being advised regarding SLN vs axillary dissection if appropriate
  • Documentation of patient being advised to obtain medical and/or radiation oncology consultation if appropriate
  • Referrals to plastic surgery; patient decision regarding reconstruction
  • Medical oncology treatment (if warranted)
  • Radiation oncology treatment (if warranted)
  • Clinical trial participation
  • Patient satisfaction scores
  • Types of referrals for support services and outcomes

  1. Metric reporting
  • Cancer Program Administrator
  • Cancer Committee
  • Breast Program Leadership Committee

Year 2 and 3 Evaluation of Navigation Process and Community Assessment

(Must be documented in the Cancer Committee minutes at least once per year)

1.Are there any changes in the identified population?

  • Data to support or describe the changes (if any)

2.Have there been any changes in the previously identified gaps in service, barriers, challenges or factors contributing to disparities?

  • Describe changes and identify source of information

3.Have there been changes in the previously identified needs?

  • Describe changes and identify source of information

4.Will any of the above changes necessitate amendment of the navigation process and if so describe

5.Will the evaluation process/outcome metrics require alterations; if so describe.

6.What modifications or quality improvements should be made to the navigation process?


5/28/14 cs