City Council Regular Meeting

Monday, June 11, 2012 7:00 P.M.

Wanamingo City Council Chambers – 401 Main Street

Wanamingo, MN

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Berg.

PRESENT: Council: Ron Berg, Ryan Holmes, Larry VanDeWalker, Dan Benson & Jennifer Berquam

City Deputy Clerk: Jean Rugg

ABSENT: Michael Boulton

ALSO PRESENT: Steve Haggstrom, Monty Schaefer, Alicia Hunt-Welch – Zumbrota News Record, Terry Campbell – Wanamingo Messenger, Terri Washburn – Kenyon Leader, David & Ruthie Sjoblom, Rex Welch, Kurt & Dan Carlstrom.

ADOPT AGENDA: VanDeWalker motioned to adopt the agenda with the addition of Gambling License Application for Gobblers Chapter through Resolution 12-030, seconded by Holmes. Passed 5-0-0.

CONSENT AGENDA: Berquam motioned, seconded by Benson to consent. Passed 5-0-0.


A)  Steve Haggstrom & Monty Schaefer reported on:

  1. Pool painted
  2. Repaired several items at pool – signs, pump motor, etc.
  3. Street Sweeping completed twice
  4. Cut and Cleaned up two downed trees at the park
  5. Sewer Jetting completed on west side and to school on east side
  6. Filled pot holes in streets
  7. Sprayed weeds around the community
  8. Installed speed bumps/signs on 2nd Ave
  9. Worked on wiring in the community room
  10. Met with Tom from Xcel regarding light at the pedestrian bridge on walking trail. Tree may need to be taken down by electric line
  11. Treatment plant electricity was shut down and repaired – generator worked.
  12. Had to manually start the blowers again. Pricing will be obtained on automatic starter for blowers.

B)  Presenters for Skateboard Park were not present – Memo from Administrator Boulton was gone over

C)  Kurt Carlstrom - presentation on The National Wild Turkey Federation, a non-profit organization. The Zumbro Valley Gobblers is a chapter of the NWTF. Kurt presented an application to the City for acknowledgment for a raffle fundraiser to be held on September 22, 2012 at Riverside Park in Wanamingo.

  1. RESOLUTION 12-030 = Authorizing a Temporary Gambling Permit for the Zumbro Valley Gobblers chapter of the NWTF: Berquam moved and Holmes seconded. Passed 5-0-0.



12-025 = Adopting 2012 3rd quarter Maintenance Work Plan: Benson moved to approve, Seconded by Berquam. Passed 5-0-0

12-026 = Approving a Service and Rental Agreement with Neopost for the City of Wanamingo’s postage Meter: VanDeWalker moved to approve, Seconded by Berquam. Passed 5-0-0

12-027 = Allowing City Storm Water Retention Pond to be used for Canoe Races: Benson moved to approve, Seconded by VanDeWalker. Passed 5-0-0

12-028 = Approving the replacement of the light/light pole for Pedestrian Walking Bridge: Benson moved to approve, Seconded by Holmes. Passed 5-0-0

12-029 = Approving the appointment change in Official Newspaper to the Kenyon Leader: Benson moved and Berquam Seconded. Discussion regarding the fairness to businesses changing in mid-year. Consensus was that this should wait until council does the budget for the next year and let the papers bid on costs, and any change be done at end of calendar year. Failed. 0-3-2


Chicken Ordinance Request was scheduled but no memo was received City Attorney.

*Next City Council meeting on 7/9/2012.

Adjourn: At 7:25 PM a motion to adjourn the meeting made by Benson and seconded by Holmes. Passed 5-0-0.

Signed: Attest:


Ron Berg, Mayor Michael Boulton, City Administrator