CurRiculum vitae

Personal data

Name: Dr. Albrecht Götz

Address (Home): 20 King’s Heights, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa

Address (Work): 18 Somerset Street, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa

Phone: +27-46-622 9899 (w), +27-83-395-7972 (m)


web page:

Place, date of birth: Erlangen (Germany), 28/08/1972

Nationality: German

Permanent Residency: South Africa

Identity number: 720828 6489 18 4

Passport number: CG 6270 YT1

Licences / Certificates

Drivers licence: Code BE (motor car), C1 16 tons (truck), A1 125cc (bike)

ROV license: Remotely Operated Vehicle pilot/technician grade II [31h]

Skippers certificate: Category C (9 meters power vessel; 15nm; surf launch; diving operations) [473h]

Diving permits: Class IV Scientific Diver [77h], PADI Dive Master

Sailing certificate Level I (small vessel)

Radio certificate: VHF/SSB

Emergency care: Level III, Level I

TOEFL (1999): 283/300 points

GRE (1999): PhD candidates in life sciences scoring lower: verbal ability 59%, quantitative ability 83%, analytical ability 88%

education / Qualification

2006: Philosophy Doctorate (PhD), Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

Subjects: marine protected areas, biodiversity conservation, fisheries management

Thesis: Assessment of the effect of Goukamma Marine Protected Area on community structure and fishery dynamics

No marks given

1998: University degree (final examination), Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany

Subjects: zoology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology

Aggregate mark: 1.2 (excellent – seldom achieved)

Thesis: Field research on reproduction, growth and age of Anableps microlepis in Trinidad

1994: University degree (intermediate examination), Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany

Subjects: botany, zoology, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry

Aggregate mark: 1.5 (excellent – seldom achieved)

1991: Grammar school degree, Ohm-Gymnasium, Erlangen, Germany

Aggregate mark: 1.7 (very good - given less frequently than the american “B” grade)

Work experience

2010- : South African Environmental Observation Network, South Africa. Long-term monitoring of coastal marine resources and biodiversity in South Africa. Student supervision project design and coordination, data processing and research output. Permanent Position as Researcher.

2009-2010: South African Environmental Observation Network, South Africa. Long-term monitoring of coastal marine resources and biodiversity in South Africa. Student supervision project design and coordination, data processing and research output. Contract Position as Contract Researcher.

2008-2010: World Wide Fund for Nature, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Table Mountain National Park Observer Monitoring Programme. Contract Position as Project Leader.

2007-2009: South African Environmental Observation Network, South Africa. Long-term monitoring in marine protected areas in South Africa. Student supervision project design and coordination, data processing and research output. Postdoctoral Contract Position.

2007: Coastal and Environmental Services, Grahamstown, South Africa. EIA for RO desalination plant, La Repose Development, Alexandria. Contract Position as Project Executant Biological Component.

2007: Enviro Fish Africa, Grahamstown, South Africa. Management plan for the Gamtoos Estuary. Contract Position as GIS Specialist.

2006: Enviro Fish Africa, Grahamstown, South Africa. Greater Addo Elephant National Park MPA management plan. Contract Position as Project Leader.

2006: South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, South Africa. Long-term variability of protected inshore linefish populations in the Tsitsikamma National Park Marine Protected Area. Postdoctoral Research Contract.

2004: Primal-Films, Johannesburg, South Africa. Camera assistance in underwater and surface filming of the documentary “White Gold”, natural history of squid (Loligo vulgaris) along the South Coast of South Africa for the “arte” Television Channel.

2003: South African Climate Change and Squid Program. Underwater sampling of squid (Loligo vulgaris) and eggs at spawning aggregations along the Eastern Cape coast, South Africa, for genetic examinations.

2003: Enviro Fish Africa, Cape Town, South Africa. Development of a protocol for transformation of the South African pelagic fishery from Total Allowable Catch (TAC) to Total Allowable Effort (TAE) controlled.

2002: South African Climate Change and Squid Program. Deployment of the Deep Blue Camera System for remote real-time monitoring and service of oceanographic buoys along the Eastern Cape coast, South Africa.

2002: Enviro Fish Africa, Cape Town, South Africa. Fieldwork for EIA of the Cougha Harbour construction on the soft substrata ecosystem in Algoa Bay, South Africa.

2002: Enviro Fish Africa, Cape Town, South Africa. Research proposal for baseline assessments and monitoring programs of oceanography, inter-tidal and sub-tidal biodiversity in the Greater Addo Elephant Park Marine Protected Area.

2000: National Information Services Corporation, Grahamstown, South Africa. Indexing of information on fish, fisheries and aquatic resources for bibliographic databases.

1998: R&Sea Divers Den, Crown Point, Tobago, West Indies. Supervision of recreational dive charters as PADI Divemaster.

1998: Geological Engineering Services, Erlangen, Germany. Soil core sampling for production of GIS-based, geological terrain maps.

1994: Institute for Botany and Pharmaceutical Biology, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany. Research assistant in measurements of chlorophyll concentration in cell plasma.

Research Projects

National Marine Protected Area Baseline and Inventory Survey

Position: Project Leader

Duration: 2010-ongoing

Duties: Project design, fieldwork, data capture and analysis

Supporters: Department of Environmental Affaires, Department of Aquaculture Forestry and Fisheries, South African Environmental Observation Network

South African BioDiscovery/Diversity Programme Node

Position: Collaborator

Duration: 2010-ongoing

Duties: Project design, fieldwork, data capture and analysis

Supporters: Department of Environmental Affaires, South African Environmental Observation Network

iSimangaliso Wetland Park Artificial Reef Monitoring Programme

Position: Collaborator

Duration: 2009-ongoing

Duties: Project design, fieldwork, data capture and analysis

Supporters: iSimangaliso Wetland Park; South African Environmental Observation Network

Table Mountain National Park Long-Term Ecological Research Programme

Position: Project Leader

Duration: 2008-2010

Duties: Project design, fieldwork, data capture and analysis

Supporters: World Wide Fund; South African National Parks; South African Environmental Observation Network; Marine and Coastal Management

Agulhas Bank Linefish and Invertebrate Distribution Survey

Position: Collaborator

Duration: 2008-ongoing

Duties: Fieldwork and data capture

Supporters: Marine and Coastal Management; South African Environmental Observation Network

Tsitsikamma National Park Long-Term Ecological Research Programme

Position: Project Leader

Duration: 2006-ongoing

Duties: Project design, fieldwork, data capture and analysis

Supporters: South African National Parks; South African Environmental Observation Network

Tsitsikamma National Park Inshore Monitoring Programme

Position: Collaborator

Duration: 1995-2008

Duties: Project design, data capture and analysis

Supporters: World Bank; South African National Parks; South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity; Rhodes University

Addo Elephant National Park Inshore Monitoring Programme

Position: Collaborator

Duration: 2006-ongoing

Duties: Project design, data capture and analysis

Supporters: World Bank; South African National Parks; South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity; Rhodes University

Reef Atlas Invertebrate Biodiversity Monitoring Project

Position: Collaborator

Duration: 2008-2010

Duties: Logistical support and data contribution

Supporters: South African National Parks; South African Environmental Observation Network; Rhodes University

Greater Addo National Park Marine Protected Area Management Plan

Position: Collaborator

Duration: 2006-2009

Duties: Project design and fieldwork

Supporters: South African National Parks; Enviro Fish Africa; World Bank; World Wide Fund; South African Environmental Observation Network

Monitoring of oceanographic condition and plankton distribution in Algoa Bay

Position: Collaborator

Duration: 2007-ongoing

Duties: Logistical support and fieldwork

Supporters: South African Environmental Observation Network; Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Assessment of the effectiveness of Goukamma Marine Protected Area

Position: Project Leader

Duration: 2000-2005

Duties: Project design, fieldwork, data capture and analysis

Supporters: Rhodes University; National Research Foundation

Movement behaviour of temperate reef fish in South Africa

Position: Collaborator

Duration: 2000-2005

Duties: Logistical support and fieldwork

Supporters: Rhodes University; National Research Foundation

Biology of the four-eyed fish on Trinidad, West Indies

Position: Project Leader

Duration: 1997

Duties: Project design, fieldwork, data capture and analysis

Supporters: University of Düsseldorf; University of West Indies

Research Cruises

2010: RV Ellen Khuzwayo - Marine and Coastal Management, South Africa. Demersal shark long-line survey, Robben Island, South Africa. Duties: Biological sampling.

Sea days: 2

2010: RV Ellen Khuzwayo - Marine and Coastal Management, South Africa. Linefish and invertebrate surveys on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. Duties: Survey design, data handling, execution of ROV, diving surveys and biological sampling.

Sea days: 12

2009: RV Ellen Khuzwayo - Marine and Coastal Management, South Africa. Linefish and invertebrate surveys on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. Duties: Survey design, data handling, execution of diving surveys and biological sampling.

Sea days: 16

2008: RV Ellen Khuzwayo - Marine and Coastal Management, South Africa. Linefish and invertebrate surveys on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. Duties: Survey design, data handling, execution of diving surveys and biological sampling.

Sea days: 14

2002: FS Mkuze - Rhodes University, South Africa. Telemetry experiments and sonar tracking of roman (Chrysoblephus laticeps) at Goukamma, South Africa. Duties: Chief scientist, supervision and execution of experiments.

Sea days: 7

Peer Reviewed Publications

JAMES, N.C., A. GÖTZ, P.D. COWLEY and W.M. POTTS (submitted) Temporal variability of a temperate fish assemblage in Africa’s oldest marine protected area. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.

GÖTZ, A., S.E. KERWATH, C.G. ATTWOOD and W.H.H. SAUER (submitted) A simple method to determine the stock status of resident reef fishes; based on differential fishing effort across a marine reserve boundary. Afr. J. Mar. Sci.

BENNETT, R.H., A. GÖTZ, W.H.H. SAUER, P.D. COWLEY and R.M. PALMER (2009) Optimisation of underwater visual census and controlled angling methods for monitoring subtidal temperate reef fish communities. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 31(3): 277-287.

GÖTZ, A., S.E. KERWATH, C.G. ATTWOOD and W.H.H. SAUER (2009) A change of the seaward boundary of Goukamma Marine Protected Area could increase conservation and fishery benefits. S. Afr. J. Sci. 105: 330-331.

GÖTZ, A., S.E. KERWATH, C.G. ATTWOOD and W.H.H. SAUER (2009) Effects of fishing on a temperate reef community in South Africa 2: benthic invertebrates and algae. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 31(2): 253-262.

GÖTZ, A., S.E. KERWATH, C.G. ATTWOOD and W.H.H. SAUER (2009) Effects of fishing on a temperate reef community in South Africa 1: ichthyofauna. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 31(2): 241-251.

KERWATH, S.E., A. GÖTZ, C.G. ATTWOOD, P.D. COWLEY and W.H.H. SAUER (2008) The effect of marine protected areas on an exploited population of sex-changing temperate reef fish: an individual-based model. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 30(2): 337-350.

GÖTZ, A., P.D. COWLEY and H. WINKER (2008) Selected fishery and population parameters of eight important shore-angling species in the Tsitsikamma National Park no-take marine reserve. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 30(3): 519-532.

GÖTZ, A., S.E. KERWATH, C.G. ATTWOOD and W.H.H. SAUER (2008) Effects of fishing on population structure and life history of roman Chrysoblephus laticeps (SPARIDAE). Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 362: 245-259.

KERWATH, S.E., A. GÖTZ, C.G. ATTWOOD, W.H.H. SAUER and C.G. WILKE (2007) Area utilisation and activity patterns of Roman Chrysoblephus laticeps (Sparidae) in a small marine protected area. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 29(2): 259-270.

GÖTZ, A., S.E. KERWATH, C.G. ATTWOOD and W.H.H. SAUER (2007) Comparison of the effects of different linefishing methods on catch composition and capture mortality of South African temperate reef fish. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 29(2): 177-185.

KERWATH, S.E., A. GÖTZ, C. G. ATTWOOD, P.D. COWLEY and W. H. H. SAUER (2007) Movement pattern and home range of Roman, Chrysoblephus laticeps. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 29(1): 93-103.

KERWATH, S.E., A. GÖTZ, C. WILKE, C. G. ATTWOOD and W. H. H. SAUER (2006) A comparative evaluation of three methods used to tag South African linefish. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 28(3/4): 637-643.

KERWATH, S.E., A. GÖTZ, P.D. COWLEY, W.H.H. SAUER and C.G. ATTWOOD (2005) A telemetry experiment on spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii in an African estuary. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 27(2): 389-394.

KERWATH, S.E., A. GÖTZ and H. GREVEN (2001) Feeding habits of Anableps microlepis (Anablepidae, Cyprinodontiformes) from two ecologically different habitats in Trinidad, West Indies. Verh. Ges. Ichthyol. 2: 119-129.

Book Chapters

GÖTZ, A. (2007) Local environmental issues: Linefisheries in crisis. In Life Sciences Textbook & Workbook Grade 12 FET. Grogan, J. and R. Suter (Eds.). Sanlamhof, Allcopy Publishers.

GREVEN, H., A. GÖTZ and S.E. KERWATH (2001) Zur Nahrungsaufnahme von Vieraugenfischen, Gattung Anableps. In Verhalten der Aquarienfische. Riehl, R. and H. Greven (Eds.). Bornheim; Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag.

Technical reports

KERWATH, S.E. and A. GÖTZ (2002) Transformation of the South African pelagic fishery from Total Allowable Catch (TAC) to Total Allowable Effort (TAE) controlled. Prepared for Enviro Fish Africa, Cape Town, South Africa.

GÖTZ, A. and S.E. KERWATH (2002) Baseline assessments and monitoring programs of oceanography, inter-tidal and sub-tidal biodiversity in the Greater Addo Elephant National Park Marine Protected Area. Prepared for Enviro Fish Africa, Cape Town, South Africa.

Popular Articles

GÖTZ, A., KERWATH, S. and T. SAMAAI (2010) First deployment of the National Research Foundations’ Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).

GÖTZ, A., BAILEY, S. and D. KING (2010) Artificial reef monitoring in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park. Web based newsletter article.


SAMAAI, T., KERWATH, S., GÖTZ, A., WILKE, C. and C. Da SILVA (2009) A treasure chest of wonders: life on the Agulhas reefs.


GÖTZ, A. and A. BERNARD (2009) Call for citizen scientists to help monitor SA marine resources. Web based newsletter article.


BERNARD, A. and A. GÖTZ (2008) Changing times. Web based newsletter article. (

GÖTZ, A. (2008) Exploring the last frontiers: Reef pinnacles on the Agulhas Bank. Web based newsletter article.


GÖTZ, A. (2007) Monitoring programs of the Elwandle Node of SAEON. Web based newsletter article.


KERWATH, S.E., GÖTZ, A. and H. GREVEN (2001) Notes on actual and potential habitats of Anableps microlepis in Trinidad, West Indies. Z. Fishk.


BERNARD, A., A. GÖTZ and S. D’AGATA (2010). Development of monitoring techniques and protocols for warm-temperate subtidal reef ecosystems. 2nd SAEON Summit 2010, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa, 5th – 6th October 2010.

CHALMERS, R., GÖTZ, A. and W.H.H. SAUER. Coastal bays, MPAs and fisheries – trying to balance conservation and socioeconomic objectives through multi-use zoning and management. Presented at the 6th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, St Denis, La Réunion, 24th – 29th August 2009.

KERWATH, S.E., A. GÖTZ, C.G. ATTWOOD and W.H.H. SAUER. Conservation and fishery benefits of a small Marine Protected Area in South Africa: a synopsis of 7 years of research. Presented at the 6th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, St Denis, La Réunion, 24th – 29th August 2009.